Oral Health and Nutrition: Senior Care Tips

Oral Health Care

Risk of alteration of the oral mucosa refers to situations where a person suffers an injury to the lips or soft tissues of the oral cavity. Only use this term when the alteration is caused by a pathological process or medical treatment, as it then requires a collaborative approach.

Factors Related to the Elderly

  • Lack of knowledge regarding oral hygiene and denture care.
  • Difficulties or lack of skills to perform oral hygiene.
  • Underestimation of the importance of maintaining proper oral and denture care.
  • Manifestations of bad taste in the mouth; decrease or absence of the sense of taste; oral discomfort; difficulty eating, swallowing, or talking; pallor of oral mucosa or gums; bad breath; dry mouth; coated tongue.

Outcome Criteria

Recover the integrity of the oral mucosa. The person or family will:

  • Identify the importance of oral hygiene.
  • Understand the appropriate care to restore mucosal integrity.
  • Perform appropriate care.

Nursing Interventions

  • Explain and teach proper brushing of teeth and the need to do so after each meal. If possible, also explain the use of dental floss.
  • Recommend avoiding mouthwashes with high alcohol or acid content.
  • Recommend the use of small, soft-bristled toothbrushes.
  • Explain appropriate patient care, especially for denture wearers.
  • Lubricate lips with lanolin, gelatin, Vaseline, or lip balm.

Advised to seek specialist professional help when:

  • There is injury, easy bleeding, or ulcers of the oral mucosa.
  • It is suspected that dentures do not fit correctly.
  • There are disorders of the teeth or gums.
  • A dental mechanic is needed.

Nutrition Care

Risk of impaired nutrition by default refers to a situation where the amount of nutrients a person consumes is insufficient to meet their energy needs, causing a loss of body weight below what is suitable for their age, sex, and individual needs. Only use this term when the alteration is not due to a pathological process or medical treatment, and oral feeding is feasible in quantity and quality.

Factors Related to the Elderly

Trouble ingesting nutrients due to biological factors (difficulty cooking or shopping, chewing, etc.) or psychological factors (loneliness, diminished will to live, etc.).

Outcome Criteria

The person will recover and/or maintain their ideal weight. The person will:

  • Explain the qualities of energy and nutrition in basic food groups.
  • Demonstrate skills in handling, preserving, and cooking food.
  • Justify the need to maintain their ideal weight.
  • Have an adequate intake for their activity level.

Nursing Interventions

  • Identify the causal factors.
  • Incorporate dietary supplements rich in calories and/or proteins.
  • Recommend inexpensive foods with high nutritional value if there are economic problems.
  • Recommend frequent, small meals.
  • Adapt the consistency of food to the person’s needs.
  • Pay attention to the environment and presentation of dishes.
  • Favor grilled, baked, roasted, and boiled foods, and moderate fried foods.
  • Vary the presentation of fruits and dairy products.
  • Introduce legumes.
  • Encourage company during meals.
  • Plan the diet with the patient and family, respecting the patient’s preferences.
  • Maintain adequate physical activity.
  • Assess whether any medication interferes with feeding.
  • Reinforce positive changes.

If there are social problems, contact a social worker (collaborative problem).