Theatrical and Literary Genres: An Analysis
Theatrical Genres
Theatrical genre: Writings are intended to be performed, not read. They often lack direct dialogue and can be written in prose. Key elements include:
- Stage directions indicating character movements and feelings.
- Excerpts to convey characters’ thoughts, aiding reader comprehension.
Major Theatrical Subgenres
- Tragedy: Characters of high social class struggle against fate. Written in verse, often featuring mythological heroes.
- Comedy: Depicts everyday life with comic situations and happy
Spanish Literature: Generation of ’98 and Pre-1936 Narrative
Spanish Literature: The Generation of ’98 and Pre-1936 Narrative
Valle-Inclán and the Generation of ’98
Encompassing Valle-Inclán within the Generation of ’98 should be done with caution. While there are features that link him to other writers of the group, many aspects set him apart. These include his tendency towards aestheticism, his conception of the purity of art, his reactionary political views, his initial idealized vision of the rural universe, and his second stage, exemplified by the trilogy
Read MoreOrgan Donation, Transplants, and Stem Cell Therapies
Who Can Be a Donor?
A donor is typically a person in a state of brain death, where brain function has ceased, but the heartbeat is artificially maintained to keep organs viable for transplantation. In some cases, a living person can be a donor, particularly for tissues or renewable organs.
Spanish Legislation Regarding Organ Donation:
- Establishment of brain death by medical professionals.
- Respect for the deceased’s wishes regarding organ donation.
- Diagnosis of death must be made by physicians.
- Donation
Essential Business Phrasal Verbs
Branch out
Meaning: Expand or extend one’s interests
Example: I’m leaving the company to branch out on my own.
Break into
Meaning: Enter (with effort or force)
Example: It’s always been his ambition to break into broadcasting.
Carry on
Meaning: Continue
Example: He moved to New York to carry on his work.
Close down
Meaning: Stop operating
Example: The firm has decided to close down its Chicago branch.
Look forward to
Meaning: Feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen
Example: We look
Romanticism: Social History, John V. Gonzalez & Jorge Isaacs
Romanticism & Social History
Key Characteristics:
- Subjectivity: The author tells the story from their personal perspective.
- Historical Interpretation: History is interpreted through the author’s feelings.
- Literary Devices: Use of metaphors, imagery, and lyrical resources (poems, rhymes, poetry).
- Landscape as Setting: The landscape serves as a backdrop, not the main focus.
- Pompous Narrative: The story is often told in a grand, elevated style.
Biography of John V. Gonzalez
Born in Caracas, 1811. Studied
Read MoreReproductive Biology: Mutations, Gametes, and Fertilization
Reproductive Biology: Key Concepts
Mutation: An alteration in the genetic information (genotype) of a living being, causing a change in its pattern. This change occurs suddenly and spontaneously and can be inherited by offspring.
Ovules: These are the female sex cells, large, spherical, and motionless. From puberty, an egg matures in one of the ovaries every 28 days and travels through a fallopian tube.
Sperm: The male sexual reproductive cell or gamete, responsible for fertilizing the egg and providing
Read MoreSociology, CSR, and Management Theories
Sociology and Society
Sociology is the study of human social relationships and groups. It describes the laws that govern social phenomena. A society is a set of individuals who share the same culture, customs, and rules of legal organization.
Internal: employees, managers, owners, workers.
External: suppliers, communities, government (tax), competitors, shareholders, customers.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
CSR involves integrating social, economic, and environmental factors into
Read MoreCold War Era: Economic Systems & Global Impact (1945-1989)
The Cold War Era: 1945-1989
The US-Led Western Political Economy
After World War II, the USA and its allies established a new international system to ensure security and economic growth for the Western capitalist alliance.
- Monetary and Financial System: A dollar-gold standard was established, and the IMF and the World Bank were created. The USA also implemented the Marshall Plan for Europe.
- Increasing Trade Liberalization: The GATT was created, which, despite initial limitations, served as a framework
Romanticism in Spanish Literature: Espronceda, Rosalia, and Becquer
Romanticism in Spanish Literature
Romanticism had its origins in Germany in the “Sturm und Drang” movement and was introduced into Spain by José Cadalso with his work *Noches lúgubres* (*Mournful Nights*). This writer championed imagination, emotions, and lofty rhetoric in literary creation. Romanticism is a vital attitude that seeks freedom, but perceives that reality continually puts limits on one’s desires. It stems from a vital pessimism (tedium vitae): they feel stranded.
Romantic Poetry
Read MoreProduction, Costs, and Returns: Key Economic Concepts
Key Economic Concepts
Target Company: Beneficio. Maximizing benefits and minimizing costs can be expressed as absolute magnitudes, indicating economic costs and benefits in simple monetary units. Relative magnitudes are indicated in percentage terms, often more effective for comparing costs with other quantities, such as price.
The price of inputs or factors of production necessary to obtain average production outputs or physical units.
The benefit an employer gets from the production and