Spain’s Transition to Democracy: From Dictatorship to Constitution

1. Early Transition

1.1 Stationary, Reformers, and Ruptures

The Spanish political scene faced a choice: continue Franco’s regime, reform institutions towards democracy, or break with the dictatorship and build a democratic system. Juan Carlos de Borbón was declared King. The Carlos Arias Navarro government initially aimed to continue Franco’s policies, proposing restrictive laws on assembly and association that didn’t recognize political parties.

The opposition formed a common agenda, uniting anti-

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Branches of Science: Formal, Empirical, and Their Methods

1. Classification of Science

The sciences are divided into two groups:

  • Formal Sciences: These do not refer to facts or experience. This group includes only two sciences: mathematics and logic. For example, the statement x + y = 25 is a mathematical statement that does not give us any information about reality. Its truth depends on deduction, not on correspondence with experience. Variables like x and y are placeholders, not representations of real-world objects. The method used is the deductive method.
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Ancient Greek Philosophies and Their Evolution

Sophist Intellectual Movement

The intellectual movement known as the Enlightenment emerged in Athens, Greece, in the 5th century BC. Sophists (sophistes), mostly foreigners (metics), were skilled speakers and masters of eristic. They educated many politicians and members of the Athenian nobility in exchange for fees. They did not form a formal school but shared a sharp critique of traditional institutions and advocated for Panhellenism, the unity of all Greeks under a common language. They held a

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Venezuela’s Commitment to Peace: National and International Framework

Family Summary “is not abstract”

Peace in Venezuela and the World


The peace and tranquility in the internal affairs of states. Ideal state to live in peace and harmony, fostering understanding, solidarity, and respect among the peoples of the world. A state is at peace when not at war with other peoples.

Venezuela and Peace

Scope International:

Venezuela must cooperate with the fraternal countries of the continent and the international community, based on mutual respect for sovereignty, self-determination

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Understanding the Tertiary Sector: Services, Trade, Tourism, and Transportation

Tertiary Sector Activities

The tertiary sector encompasses activities providing services to society, including transportation, communications, commerce, tourism, health, and education.

Types of Services and Major Subsectors


  • Private Market Services: Provided by private companies aiming for economic profit.
  • Non-Market Public Services: Provided by the state or government, funded by taxes.


  • Services to Business: Banking, insurance, legal, management.
  • Distribution Services: Transport, communications,
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Rise of Industrial Nations: Britain, Belgium, France, and the US

1. Britain’s Industrial Primacy

Britain was the first industrial nation, leading global production by the end of the Napoleonic Wars. It dominated world trade for most of the 19th century, driven by technological advancements like railways and the steam engine. Foreign demand stimulated the economy, particularly shipbuilding, transitioning from sail to steam and wood to iron, then steel. Britain’s dependence on both exports and imports made it susceptible to other nations’ trade policies. Despite

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Matter, Atoms, Molecules, Ions, Substances, Mixtures, and Energy


Matter is anything that occupies space, has mass, and is subject to measurable changes over time and interactions with measuring devices. In physics and philosophy, matter constitutes objective material reality, perceivable identically by different subjects. It includes all objects visible or detectable by physical means.

The term also refers to the subject of literary, scientific, or political works. This leads to the “matter-form” opposition, where the same content or subject can be treated

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Spain’s Second Republic and Civil War: Reforms, Conflicts, and Aftermath

The Second Republic (1931-1936)

Reformist Government (1931-1933)

The establishment of a democratic system followed the Republican victory in large cities. However, monarchists gained widespread support in rural areas, leading to unrest and attacks on religious institutions. This period saw significant reforms:

  • Catalan Autonomy: A Statute of Autonomy was approved in 1932, granting self-governance to Catalonia under the leadership of Francesc Macià and Lluís Companys.
  • Military Reform: The army was downsized,
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Muscle Energy, First Aid, and Injury Prevention Essentials

1. Define the Energy Contribution of the Body

The movement of the human body starts with muscle contraction, a process that requires energy. Therefore, our body needs different forms of energy supply. To provide energy, our bodies need nutrients: carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.

2. What are the Necessary Nutrients to Obtain Muscle Energy?

  • Sugars or carbohydrates are converted into glucose. If not used immediately, this glucose is stored in the liver as liver glycogen, in the muscle as muscle glycogen,
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Murcia’s Patriotic Schools: Evolution of Primary Education (1784-1860)

1.2. Patriotic School of Letters and Your First Teaching Plan

Since its inception, Murcia’s Economic Society had made great efforts to improve primary education, annually spending large amounts on awards to stimulate teachers and students.

In October 1784, a particular board was formed by members of the society to consider an appropriate teaching plan. They deemed it most urgent to establish a new plan specifying what should be taught in schools and how to implement it. Thus arose the “Plan for Teaching

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