Organizational Power Dynamics: Tactics and Collaboration

Political Activity in Organizations

Political Activity: When uncertainty is high and disagreement arises, three domains of political activity in most organizations are structural change, management succession, and resource allocation.

Tactics for Increasing the Power Base

(Allocation of power is not random)

  1. Enter areas of high uncertainty (If you can identify and remove them, your power base increases).
  2. Create dependencies (When the organization depends on a department for information, materials, knowledge,
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Spain’s First Republic and the Revolutionary Six-Year Period: 1868-1874

Spain’s First Republic: 1873-1874

The First Spanish Republic lasted only 11 months, amid great political instability. It was proclaimed on February 11, 1873, by a large majority of votes. However, much of the House was monarchical, and the Republican vote was a strategy to gain time and organize the return of the Bourbons to the Spanish throne. At the same time, it demonstrated its international isolation.

Republicans were divided into Federalists and Unionists. Nevertheless, the Republic was received

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Understanding Reality and Knowledge: A Philosophical Inquiry

Theoretical and Practical Reason

  • What is the reason?
  • For the ancient Greek philosophers, theoretical reason is the ability to think.
  • The purpose of theoretical reason is to understand the reality around us, to which we belong, and to understand our situation in it.
  • For this, it calls for a specifically human ability, which we use to create concepts and develop our capacity for abstraction: intelligence.

This is summarized in the Greek word for excellence, THE LOGOS

Practical Ability

  • It is the ability to
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Types of Employment Contracts: Understanding Your Options

Indefinite Term Contracts

An indefinite term contract, also known as a permanent contract, is one that does not have a specified end date.

Regular Permanent Contracts

Regular permanent contracts establish full-time employment and do not require special characteristics for the people who are hired, nor do they provide special benefits to the companies that perform them.

Contracts for the Promotion of Permanent Employment

These contracts aim to promote stable or permanent employment for certain groups

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Spain Under Primo de Rivera: A Detailed Analysis

Primo de Rivera’s Dictatorship in Spain (1923-1930)

1. Causes of the Coup

The coup led by General Miguel Primo de Rivera was justified on the grounds that the constitutional system was blocked and discredited, and there was a grave danger of social revolution. In his inaugural manifesto, he announced his willingness to rid the country of warlords and stamp out political banditry and social indiscipline. Primo de Rivera’s decision was influenced by the courts to avoid accountability for the Annual

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Language Interdependence and Pedagogy in Immersion Education

Language Interdependence in Bilingual Education

The interdependence principle applies to languages that have little in common (e.g., Japanese/English) as well as to languages that have common roots. For example, Cummins et al. (1984) found support for moderate cross-lingual relationships (between L1 and English) in studies involving Japanese and Vietnamese students. However, as pointed out by Genesee (1987), cross-lingual relationships are stronger for similar languages compared to dissimilar languages.

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Cognitive Impairment: Dementia, Mental Illness & Aging



To establish if the deficit/disorder of the person resulted from a pathological deterioration (temporary or permanent), normal aging, or procedure, or if there is an associated disorder. It is necessary to take into account the mental and emotional state.

Cognitive Features in Older Adults

They have perceptual limitations, gradual memory loss, and difficulty recalling recent events. They conserve memory of the past.

Cognitive Features in Persons with Mental Disabilities


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Understanding Taxes, Rates, and Special Contributions in Spain

**Concept of Tribute**

Tribute is the obligation to pay a sum of money to the government to sustain public expenditure. Clause 21 of the General Tax Law (LGT) states that “taxes are the revenues which consist of cash benefits required by the Government as a consequence of making the assumption that the law made it duty-bound to contribute.”


  • a) Monetary obligation: It is to give an amount of money.
  • b) Obligation required by a public entity.
  • c) Legal obligation: It has to be made by
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Diabetes Management: Clinical Assessment and Treatment

Diabetes History Taking

Type and Duration of Diabetes

Current Hypoglycemia

Polyuria, polydipsia, nocturia, weight loss, blurred vision, recurrent cutaneous sepsis, urinary tract infections, balanitis, pruritus vulvae


Home blood glucose monitoring, HbA1C, clinic visits advice


DKA, HHS, Hypoglycemia

Current Treatment


Duration, type of insulin, storage, who administers, where administered, what’s used to administer, dosage, skin problems related to injection sites.

Oral Hypoglycemic

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Key Political Statements and Constitutions in Mexican History

The Constitution of Apatzingán (1814)

The Constitution of Apatzingán was based on the same principles as the Cadiz Constitution but was somewhat modified. Unlike the Spanish Constitution, the Apatzingán Constitution foresaw the establishment of a republican system of government. It not only defended the principle of popular sovereignty but also the right of the people to change their government at will.

The Ayutla Plan (1854)

The Ayutla Plan was a political statement proclaimed by Florencio Villarreal,

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