Kant: Renaissance Science and the Scientific Revolution
Renaissance and Revolution (XV – XVII Century)
The Renaissance period is a bridge between the Middle Ages. The year 1453, when Constantinople fell, is considered the beginning, and 1600, the year of Giordano Bruno’s death, the end. Key features:
Change in Society: From Feudalism to Absolutism
The feudal system fell into crisis, with the nobility losing power. Kings administered through civil servants, centralizing power in the hands of the monarch, a system called absolutist monarchy. Absolutist monarchies
Read MoreNetwork Configuration: Cancun, Huatulco, Acapulco, Los Cabos
Network Configuration: Cancun, Huatulco, Acapulco, and Los Cabos
Cancun Router Configuration
CancunR0>enable R0#configure terminal R0(config)#hostname Cancun Cancun(config)#enable secret nat Cancun(config)#line vty 0 4 Cancun(config-line)#password nat Cancun(config)#login Cancun(config)#exit Cancun(config)#line console 0 Cancun(config-line)#password toledo Cancun(config-line)#login Cancun(config-line)#exit Cancun(config)#banner motd "Natalia Guzman Toledo" Cancun(config)#interface se0/0/0 Cancun(Read More
Romantic & Reneixença Poetry: Key Authors & Themes
Romantic Lyric Poetry: An Overview
Romantic lyric poetry stands out as being suitable for the expression of feelings. In Germany, Goethe was a prominent author. In England, Byron, author of The Corsair, is a prototypical romantic hero.
Two Kinds of Poetry
- Lyric Poetry: Focuses on the expression of feelings. The style is often rhetorical and bombastic. The metric is innovative, employing polymetry. Main themes include feelings, the ideal woman, the broken heart, and the landscape reflecting the poet’
Kant and the Enlightenment: Reason, Freedom, and Morality
Kant’s thinking evolved during the eighteenth century, a period known as the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment had its origins in England and spread throughout Europe, influencing movements like the French Revolution. It is considered to have begun with the English Revolution of 1688 and ended with the early stages of the French Revolution of 1789. This century was marked by a strong belief in the illuminating power of reason.
Enlightenment reason was secular, independent, and critical. The highest
Read MorePrimo de Rivera’s Dictatorship: Origins, Policies, and Fall
The Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera
The Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera lasted for seven years and consisted of two distinct forms of government: the Military Directory (1923-1925) and the Civil Directorate (1925-1930).
The Military Directory (1923-1925)
The Military Directory was presented as an interim regime aimed at resolving pending issues. It focused on institutionalizing the regime and addressing economic and social concerns. The coup was justified by claiming that the constitutional system
Read MoreEssential Office Vocabulary: Actions, Directions, and More
Essential Office Vocabulary
- Assistant – Assistente
- Be in charge of – Estar a cargo de
- Describe – Describir
- Develop – Desarrollar
- Sell – Vender
- Explain how to use – Explicar como utilizar
- Hire – Alquiler
Around the Office
- Car park – Parking
- Cafeteria – Cafeteria
- Lobby – Vestíbulo
- Conference room – Sala de conferencia
- Ground floor – Planta subterránea
- Kitchen – Cocina
- Maintenance – Mantenimiento
- Reception – Recepción
- Stockroom / Warehouse – Almacén
- Toilet – Lavabo
- Top floor – Planta alta
Giving Directions
- At
Vernacular Architecture and Housing Evolution
Vernacular Architecture and Cultural Significance
Domesticity: It implies permanence and control of the environment. Different uses of the plants are considered, where the envelope is a significant element.
- Marmato: The stone is worked to create rooms, taking advantage of the rock mass to mitigate solar radiation.
- Waitabu (Fiji): There is no differentiation through walls. Instead, rugs of different colors create distinct moods. The dwelling provides symbolic conditions, with the entrance facing the
Athletics Terminology: A Comprehensive Glossary
Athletics Terminology
Discus throw: Tir disc
Shot put: Tir pilota dura
Javelin: Jabalina
Hammer throw: Tir pilota dura mitjançant un cable
Triple jump: Salt triple
Long jump: Salt de longitud
High jump: Salt d’alçada
Pole vault: Salt amb perxa
Sprint running: Sortida d’esprint
Hurdling: Salt de tanques
Middle distance running: Cursa de mitja distància
Long distance running: Cursa de llarga distància
Hurdles: Valla
Discus: Disc
Steeplechase: Cursa de tanques
Marathon: Marató
Tartan Track: Synthetic material
Read MoreColonialism and Postcolonialism: A Historical Analysis
From ‘Commonwealth’ to ‘Postcolonial’
In the latter part of the twentieth century, there was a shift from the study of ‘Commonwealth literature’ to ‘postcolonialism’.
Colonialism and Decolonization
Colonialism was first and foremost a lucrative commercial operation, bringing wealth and riches to Western nations through economic profit and reward. Hence, colonialism and capitalism share a mutually supportive relationship.
‘Colonialism’ is sometimes used interchangeably with ‘imperialism’, but in truth,
Read MoreUnderstanding Genetics: DNA, Genes, and Engineering
Stem Cells
Stem cells retain the ability to renew themselves through self-division. They can differentiate into a range of specialized pluripotent cells, retaining the ability to change into other cells.
Inherited vs. Acquired Characteristics
Inherited variations are received from genes from your parents. Acquired variations are not present at birth; you learn or acquire them throughout your life.
DNA Structure
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is hereditary material that carries and passes on genetic information.
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