Research Methods in Psychology: Key Concepts

Correlation vs. Causation in Research

Karpinski found, in a correlation study, that students who used Facebook had lower GPAs than those who didn’t (3.0 to 3.5 vs. 3.5 to 4.0) and spent less time studying (1-5 hours vs. 11-15 hours). However, correlation doesn’t equal causation. People who prefer more leisure time are more likely to be drawn to distractions like Facebook. Alternatively, students who use Facebook might also spend more time on other non-studying activities, such as sports or music.

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Stephen Dedalus: Character Development & Symbolism

Stephen Dedalus: A Character Study

Stephen Dedalus is the protagonist of James Joyce’s *A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man*. The novel chronicles his evolution from childhood to adulthood, showcasing his intellectual and spiritual development.

Childhood and Conflicting Influences

From his childhood, Stephen experiences internal conflict. His parents present him with contradictory values. His mother instills in him the principles of duty, guilt, responsibility, and shame. Conversely, his father

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English Exercises: Grammar, Vocabulary, and Reading

Grammar Worksheet

Complete the Second Sentence:

  1. I had never been to…
  2. She had met him the day before / hadn’t seen him there.
  3. Those two photos were…
  4. He was busy then / could meet her the following day.
  5. They didn’t have enough money to buy…

Complete the Sentences:

  1. suggested
  2. explained
  3. added
  4. replied
  5. pointed out

Rewrite the Second Sentence:

  1. …that I wanted to buy a large poster.
  2. …that she was related to the Royal Family.
  3. The editor said that they had worked with that…
  4. …that we couldn’t…
  5. …that she wasn’
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Operating Systems: Essential Concepts and Evolution

Operating Systems

An operating system (OS) is a program, or set of computer programs, designed to allow effective management of a computer’s resources. It manages the hardware of the machine from the most basic levels, allowing user interaction.

Basic Functions

An OS enables and simplifies the management of a PC. It plays a number of essential basic functions, each performed by an internal component:

  • Provides comfort in using resources efficiently.
  • Manages equipment for running services, the user interface,
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Bill of Exchange: Characteristics and Requirements

CHAPTER XX – Bill of Exchange


Notion and general characteristics.

A bill of exchange can be defined as a negotiable instrument that incorporates an unconditional order, given by the issuer to another person, to pay a certain sum to another party. It is regulated by Law 19/1985 of July 16, concerning exchange and checks.

There are three subjects:

  • The drawer, who issues the document giving the payment order, ensuring compliance.
  • The drawee: the person to whom the payment order is directed. They
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Airport Cities, Space Tourism, Zoos, Laughter, and More

Airport Cities

Airport Cities: 1) Travel for business; increase; immediately; show; away from. 2) (1) 3) A. Are being built to house the increasing number of workers. B) To work in offices near airports. C) Wine-tasting is offered. D) Will each have an airport city. 4) Forward; where; able; some; many/a lot of; of; tired. 5) Ordinary airports are mainly places where people catch planes. “Aerotropolis” are more like small cities, with high-tech offices, entertainment centers, sports facilities,

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Catalan Literature: From Table Manners to Realism

Table Manners

Table manners, also known as “costumbrismo”, originated from periodical press publications. This style often includes a gender facet, recreated as part of a collective identity, influencing literary life. Notable figures like Robert are mentioned, employing a nostalgic approach with a critical intent. These practices are central to costumbrismo, contrasting with the depiction of the countryside. Custom paintings in the last decades of the 19th century were eventually accepted by the

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Expository Texts: Characteristics and Structure

Exposure is a type of speech by which an issuer seeks to explain a topic clearly and orderly, for example, a history book.

Pragmatic Aspects

The communicative function predominates, specifically the referential function, as the important thing is the issue. Objectivity is the most important characteristic. The intention of the sender is didactic, therefore, it must be clear and precise, using ideas and referencing reliable information sources.

Depending on the type of receiver, two types of texts are

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Sociological Interpretation of Statements: Micro & Macro Levels

Socio-Hermeneutic Analysis and Sociological Interpretation of Statements

Theoretical and Methodological Basis

  • General theory of information systems
  • Linguistic theory and comparative logic
  • Theories of individual and social action

Analysis Units, Codes, and Context

Informal UsageStructural UsageSocio-Hermeneutic Usage
Words, signs, content units, etc.Codes, rules of composition, etc.Use of speech, intentions, motivations, etc.
Omit the subject of the enunciationSubject without history (synchronic analysis)
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Plate Tectonics: Convergence, Subduction, and Lithospheric Dynamics

Convergence: Ocean Between Two Plates

When oceanic lithosphere cools and thickens as it moves from a ridge, it eventually breaks and subducts. Characteristics of subduction zones:

  • Great bow
  • Intense magmatism resulting in volcanic islands
  • Tectonic erosion
  • Merging of oceanic crust into the sublithospheric mantle
  • Low pressure from the overriding plate on the subducting plate, leading to:
    • Easy subduction of sediments
    • Formation of a deep ocean trench

Convergence: Oceanic and Continental Lithosphere


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