Marital Status, Legal Unions, and Rights in the Republic

Marital Status and Legal Unions

Defining Marriage

In our country, marriage qualifies as a legal act. It implies voluntary action by both parties aimed at producing certain legal effects. Registering before the law is the union of two people (heterosexual or homosexual) who maintain an emotional and sexual bond to form a family and seek economic stability.

Dissolving a Marriage

A marriage can be dissolved through divorce. This can be decided by mutual agreement of the parties or by the decision of a

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Key Economic and Political Terms of the Early 20th Century

Key Economic Terms

  • Inflation: A general rise in prices due to an increase in the amount of money in circulation and uncontrolled emissions, often seen in warring countries. This leads to the depreciation of money.
  • Gold Standard: An international monetary system in force until the 1930s. It provided that the currencies of all countries belonging to this system were exchangeable for a set amount of gold.
  • Recession: A period of economic decline in a country, during which the value of money decreases.
  • Fordism:
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Climate Factors and Weather Patterns in Spain

Factors Influencing Climate

a) The Tilt of Earth’s Axis

The tilt of Earth’s axis gives rise to different climatic zones:

  • Torrid: Between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.
  • Temperate: Between the tropics and the polar circles.
  • Frigid: Between the polar circles and the poles.

b) Air Circulation

  • Warm air ascends into the upper layers of the atmosphere.
  • Origin of low pressure or squalls.
  • Cools and descends to the surface.
  • Origin of high pressure or anticyclone (stable, dry, and sunny weather).
  • Surface
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British Industrial Revolution: Rise and Decline in the 19th Century

The British Primacy in the Industrial Revolution

Early Dominance and Global Impact

Britain was the first industrial country in the world, generating a quarter of the world’s production. With its global primacy, it also became the first industrial nation. In the 19th century, it maintained its industrial and commercial prowess. However, after 1870, it lost its primacy to other nations. The United States exceeded its total production, and Germany did the same in the first decade of the 20th century.

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Plato’s Ethics, Virtue, and Political Philosophy

Ethics and Virtue Theory

Plato believed that the first and foremost need of philosophy is to help men become good and virtuous. This can only occur within the body politic, in the polis. He continually criticizes the Sophists for relativizing moral values and turning them into mere conventions, leaving the individual without a fixed and secure guide for action, at the mercy of immediate impulses. To be masters of our own lives and conduct, we need to act on the essence of virtue. Virtue is the capability

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Latin Lyric Poetry: Catullus, Horace, and Martial

Latin Lyric Poetry

The name lyric derives from the Greek word lyros, which was a stringed musical instrument that accompanied the poets. This genre groups all poetic compositions that express emotions and feelings. In fact, the genre came under melodies and dances. As it was getting rid of them, it became more complex and intense. Thus, the musical vacuum is compensated by perfection in the use of words. Still, it can be seen in the names of the poetic compositions reminiscent of music: ballad, from

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Spain’s Second Republic: A Time of Change and Division

The Second Spanish Republic (1931-1936)

In 1931, the Second Republic was proclaimed, putting an end to the monarchy of Alfonso XIII. The arrival of the Republic was an attempt to modernize Spain and to establish, for the first time, a truly democratic system.

Reformist Biennium (1931-1933)

The triumph of the left allowed the formation of a coalition government led by the Republican Socialist Manuel AzaƱa. This government undertook a broad program of progressive reforms:

  1. Political Reform: The 1931 Constitution
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Spain’s Industrial and Tourism Sectors: Key Insights

Dynamic Industrial Sectors

a) The automobile sector has undergone a transformation, since it was oversized and technologically outdated.

b) The chemical sector is one of the foundations of Spanish industry.

  • The petrochemical or chemical base is organized in large complexes, usually integrated with refinery activity.
  • The chemical structure transformation in small businesses located in the Basque Country, coastal Catalonia, and Madrid.

c) The food industry. Its objectives are to increase sales in the market

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Static and Dynamic Code Analysis: Comprehensive Techniques

Static Analysis

Static Analysis is the analysis of computer software that is performed without actually executing programs. It is used for software fault detection, code-style recommendation, and metrics to determine the complexity of software.


  • Covers all the code.
  • Does not depend on the compiler.
  • Can find errors years after deployment.
  • Can identify problems with copy-paste of code.


The analysis can be performed at different levels:

  • Functions.
  • Files.
  • Project level.

Each company should decide

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Decree Law in Spain: Understanding its Use and Limits

Decree Law (Article 86 of the Spanish Constitution)

A decree law is a legal rule with the force of law that the Government dictates in cases of extraordinary and urgent necessity. Both elements must be present, which are referred to by legal doctrine as the “enabling event.”

The Constitutional Court refrains from establishing when there is “extraordinary necessity,” and this function is left to Parliament. However, the Court does determine if the subject matter should be regulated urgently, and if

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