Understanding Social Identity and Stratification

The Social Dimension

Personal identity allows us to recognize ourselves as individuals, while social identity allows us to share certain values with other persons. The protagonist of social identity are the characteristics we ascribe to groups. Several characteristics define a group:

  • Interaction: Mutual members have regular relations within their internal structure.
  • Awareness: Awareness of the group leads them to differentiate themselves from others.
  • Shared Goals and Values: Existence of goals, values,
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Volleyball Rules and Regulations

Playing Area

Playing Court Dimensions: The playing court is a rectangle measuring 18 x 9 meters, surrounded by a free zone which is a minimum of 3 meters wide on all sides.

Free Playing Space: The space above the playing area, free from any obstructions, must measure a minimum of 7 meters in height from the playing surface.

Lines on the Court

  • Boundary Lines: Two side lines and two end lines mark the playing court. Both side lines and end lines are drawn inside the dimensions of the playing court.
  • Center
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Engine Cooling Systems: Components and Functions

Cooling Water

Cooling water: For a few holes made in the engine block around the cylinder, the cylinder head to the explosion chamber, and the exhaust valves, a current of water [is used]. Water is responsible for absorbing heat. This is called a water chamber or water jacket. The water enters the engine through the bottom of the cylinder block and out the highest, in order to avoid the formation of pockets of steam.

Forced Circulation

Forced circulation: The circulation of fluid to transfer heat from

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Business Entities and Corporate Strategy


According to the Spanish Royal Academy, a company is an organization composed of labor and capital as factors of production. It is dedicated to industrial, commercial, or the provision of services, generally for commercial gain and with accountability in various aspects:

  • Economic/Financial: Creating wealth to give back to the factors of production.
  • Commercial/Legal: Consisting of an estate assigned to a commercial order for profit, creating contractual relationships with internal and external
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Aristotle’s Philosophy: Society, Ethics, and Soul

Aristotle’s Social and Political Philosophy

Be social: Human beings tend to live in an organized society. Only animals and gods can live in isolation. Man is a social and political animal; he lives in the polis. That impulse leads him to join with others to form a family. The union of several families forms a village or town, and a meeting of several villages or towns forms the city-state. The human social needs to meet their needs and to perform its functions: the state. That state is a community

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Understanding Legal Norms: Validity and Structure

Standard Criteria for Legal Validity

For a legal norm to be valid, it must meet the following criteria:

  • Competent Authority: The norm must be produced by an authority with the legal power to do so. Invalidity can arise from a “formal defect,” where the issuer lacks the necessary authority.
  • Appropriate Procedures: The norm must be created following established procedures. This can also lead to invalidity due to:
    • Formal procedural defects (disregarding formal requirements).
    • Defects in the content itself
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Project Management: Key Concepts and Techniques

Project management is the process of applying knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements.

Key Elements of a Project:

  • People — The most important element of a successful project.
  • Product — The software to be built.
  • Process — The set of framework activities and software engineering tasks to get the job done.
  • Project — All work required to make the product a reality.

Key Roles in Project Management:

  • Senior Managers: Define the business issues that often
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Spain’s Turbulent 19th Century: From Civil War to Republic

Isabella II’s Reign and the Rise of Liberalism

Isabel’s mother, Maria Christina, served as regent and sought the support of the Liberals to secure her daughter’s throne. This alliance ignited a civil war (1833-1840) between the absolutist Carlists and the liberal Isabellines. The Carlists, representing the agrarian nobility, clergy, and peasantry of northeastern Spain, defended the Old Regime. The Isabellines, comprised of the bourgeoisie, peasantry, and urban classes of the center and south of the

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Marketing, Advertising, and Product Photography Essentials

Gestalt Theory

Gestalt theory explains how humans react to different visual stimuli. Key principles include:

  • Similarity
  • Proximity
  • Symmetry
  • Closure
  • Figure-Ground

Marketing Fundamentals

Marketing is a communication field focused on presenting the value of a product or service to customers, with the goal of selling that product or service.


Advertising is a form of marketing communication used to persuade an audience to take or continue a specific action. An advertisement is a specific advertising

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Microorganisms: Pharmaceutical and Immunological Uses

Microorganisms in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Microorganisms play a crucial role in the pharmaceutical industry. Antibiotics, for instance, are antimicrobial chemical compounds synthesized by fungi and bacteria.

Fleming’s accidental discovery of penicillin, by contaminating a Petri dish, highlighted this. He noted that the fungus secreted a substance that destroyed bacterial colonies. Penicillin is particularly effective against Gram-positive bacteria. Later, streptomycin was discovered, proving effective

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