Castilian Language: History and Dialects

The Castilian Language

Castilian is a Romance language derived from Vulgar Latin, enriched by other languages and dialects. It originated in the north of the Iberian Peninsula. When Castile was established as an independent kingdom, the language quickly spread to other areas, influencing neighboring linguistic regions. With the Reconquista, it spread throughout the rest of the peninsula. We have no evidence of the first written Romance language until the 11th century. It was with Alfonso X that Castilian

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Jacobean and Caroline Drama: Middleton and Ford

Jacobean Drama: Plays of Thomas Middleton

Dramatic Considerations

  • The sense of defeat: A marked characteristic of the Jacobeans, reflecting a pessimistic view of life.
  • Apprehensions and disillusionment: Pervasive in political and social life.
  • Impending fate: A constant presence in the plays.
  • Preoccupation with death: A contrast to the Elizabethan love of life.
  • Spiritual uncertainty: A key element in understanding Jacobean drama.

Thomas Middleton

Biographical Profile

  • Active playwright for over 20 years (1602-
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Jorge Manrique and La Celestina: Spanish Literature

Jorge Manrique: Life and Work

Jorge Manrique was born in Paredes de Nava, Palencia (1440), the son of the Lord of those lands and military leader Don Rodrigo, defender of the rights to the throne of Isabella the Catholic, compared to La Beltraneja. Upon Don Rodrigo’s death, Jorge Manrique, his son, wrote wonderful funeral verses that immortalized them both. The poet died in a military action defending Queen Isabella in 1479.

He wrote about 50 poems inspired by the courtly fashion of the time. He

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Key Features of Islamic Architecture

Key Characteristics of Islamic Architecture

Islamic art is a syncretic art without sacred images, which places great importance on the Arabic language. It is aimed at stylization and dominated by an aesthetic of the perishable and mutable. Other general features of Islamic art include the importance it attaches to decor, the anonymity of the artists, and the homogeneity of artistic expression throughout all territories of the empire. The fundamental building, of great originality and religious significance,

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Spanish Literature: Novecentismo to the Generation of ’27

Novecentismo and Avant-Garde

Two significant literary movements emerged as reactions against Modernist art and literature.

Novecentismo (1910s)

Novecentismo characterized a group of Spanish intellectuals and writers emerging around 1910. They prioritized pure art forms and aesthetic enjoyment. Key aspects include:

  • Essay: The most cultivated genre. José Ortega y Gasset is a prominent figure, known for his clear style and focus on the “dehumanization of art.”
  • Novel: Moved away from sentimentality and
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Company Financing: Sources and Types

Sources of financing for a company can be classified into three categories:

  1. Repayment Period:
    • Short-term (1-2 years or less)
    • Long-term
  2. Source of Funds:
    • Internal (generated within the company)
    • External (e.g., social capital, loans)
  3. Ownership:
    • Own (belonging to the owners)
    • Others (borrowed or otherwise not belonging to owners)

Own Resources

Own resources are the most stable because they do not have to be returned. However, they are the most risky because, if the company goes bankrupt, partners only receive a

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Cell Division, Nucleic Acids, and Gene Expression



  • Prophase: Chromatin fibers thicken and shorten to form chromosomes. The nucleolus and nuclear membrane disappear, allowing chromosomes to move freely in the cytoplasm. Mitotic spindles (protein fibers) appear at the cell poles.
  • Metaphase: Chromosomes connect to mitotic spindles through centromeres along the cell equator and align, forming the equatorial plate, where sister chromatids are pulled to opposite poles.
  • Anaphase: Mitotic spindles break at the equatorial plate and contract,
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Radioactive Decay: Alpha, Beta, Electron Capture

Alpha Decay

Radioactive nuclides with a very large atomic number (> 82) often decay with the emission of an alpha particle. By increasing the number of protons, Coulomb repulsion forces exceed the nuclear forces. Thus, the unstable nucleus emits a particle composed of two protons and two neutrons. The atomic number (Z = number of protons) decreases by two, and the mass number decreases by four. Q is the energy released in the process, the decay energy. Q is equivalent to the difference in mass

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Memorable Travel Experiences and Future Plans

Past Vacations: London

I had never traveled abroad, but this year, my mom gave me a trip for my birthday; we went to London for six days! I had always loved London. I had seen a lot of photos and videos of it, but I never imagined I would travel there! We had never flown before, so when we were on the plane, we were so scared! Finally, after two hours of flying, we arrived in London. Everything there was different: quiet, green, peaceful, and fun! The people who live in London are generous and quite

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Doña María: A Deep Dive into a Complex Character

Doña María: A Complex Character

Doña María is a character of high drama, tracing the complex nature and the various aspects it presents. At first, she may fool the viewer by awakening pity, because she appears as a mother concerned about the upkeep of her home and her three daughters. Then, she reveals the full force of her dictatorship, her tyrannical rule, the despotic authority that she wields over her daughters. Finally, we see that her essential feature is an atrocious selfishness that leads

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