Social Media: Benefits, Drawbacks, and Responsible Usage

The Impact of Social Media on Our Lives

In today’s world, a vast majority of people use social media. Each year, more than 100,000,000 new users register on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, Reddit, and Twitter. One of the main reasons for this impact is the ease of internet access via computers, phones, or tablets. Many young people are spending more time online, with both positive and negative consequences. So, is social media bad for us?

The Positive Aspects of Social Media


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Advertising & IMC, Business Economics Exam Insights

Advertising & IMC Exam Insights

Q.1 (A) True or False:

  1. False – Salesmanship is personal communication, not mass communication.
  2. False – Regional channels primarily target regional audiences, not national ones.
  3. True – Accreditation is crucial for advertising agencies.
  4. True – Commission is a traditional agency compensation method.
  5. False – Advertising is not a production cost; it is a marketing expense.
  6. True – Self-regulation ensures ethical advertising practices.

Q.1 (B) Match the Columns:

  1. Publicity
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Scientific and Philosophical Knowledge Methods

Methods of Scientific and Philosophical Knowledge

Methods of Scientific Knowledge

Method of Formal Sciences: Formal sciences are not concerned with facts of experience, but with the form of demonstrative reasoning. The two most common methods in science are:

  • Induction: An argument that leads to a general conclusion.
  • Deduction: A reasoning process that allows us to derive a particular understanding from a general statement.

The ideal formal methodology of science is to construct an axiomatic system. For

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English Grammar and Vocabulary: Present Perfect, Future Tense, and More

Present Perfect

FOR: Used with periods of time (for five minutes, for three years).

SINCE: Used with specific moments in the past (since last week, since Monday).

Present Perfect with JUST

JUST: Used to talk about something that just happened.

I HAVE JUST + Past Participle


  • Homelessness, homeless
  • Hunger
  • Natural Disasters
  • Pollution
  • Poverty
  • Disease, Sickness
  • War

Charity Activities

  • Bake cakes and sell them
  • Do a sponsored run (participate in charity races)
  • Organize a party / disco (hosting a party / dance)
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Computer Science Essentials: Redundancy, Ethics, and More

Redundancy in Data

  • Temporal Redundancy: Redundancy between frames, abrupt transition between frames.
  • Spatial Redundancy: Redundancy within a frame.

Fetch-Execute Cycle

  1. The address in the program counter is transferred to the MAR.
  2. During the next clock cycle, two things happen simultaneously:
    1. Load the instruction at the address of MAR into the MDR.
    2. The address stored in the PC is incremented.
  3. The instruction stored in the MDR is transferred to the CIR.

Sampling Process

  1. The amplitude of the sound wave is determined
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Gulliver’s Travels: Satire, Society, and Swift

In Gulliver’s Travels, humanity is attacked, or criticized, from at least three different angles, and the implied character of Gulliver himself necessarily changes somewhat in the process. In Part IV, he conceives a horror of the human race which is not apparent, or only intermittently apparent, in the earlier books, and changes into a sort of unreligious anchorite whose one desire is to live in some desolate spot where he can devote himself to meditating on the goodness of the Houyhnhnms. However,

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Irnerius: Founder of Medieval Roman Law

Write your text here! Irnerius (c. 1050 – after 1125), sometimes referred to as lucerna juris (“lantern of the law”), was an Italian jurist and founder of the School of Glossators and thus of the tradition of Medieval Roman Law.

Decretals with Glossa ordinaria. He taught the newly recovered Roman law code of Justinian I, the Corpus Juris Civilis, among the liberal arts at the University of Bologna, his native city. The recovery and revival of Roman law, taught first at Bologna in the 1070s, was

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Hemp, Opium, and Heroin: A Historical Overview of Psychoactive Substances

Hemp, Opium, and Heroin: A Historical Overview

In Spain, hemp appears around 1150 when Muslims established the first spinning mills and retting facilities, using hemp fiber as raw material, near the town of Xativa. In Christopher Columbus’s boats, tons of hemp were carried in ropes, nets, sails, and other naval equipment. Charles V mandated the use of hemp in the construction of his navy, sourcing it from Tarragona, Lerida, and Balaguer, known for its resistance to saltwater. The importance of cannabis

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Understanding Economic Stages, Activities, and Factors

Economic Stages

  • Hunting and Fishing: Humans are limited to taking what nature directly provides.
  • Farming: Humans cease being nomadic and become sedentary.
  • Agriculture: The working environment is the earth.
  • Agriculture with Industry: Agriculture evolves with the introduction of industrial practices.
  • Industry and Contemporary Economy: Modern economic systems dominated by industry.

Economic Activity

Economic activity is the set of actions undertaken to satisfy human needs with appropriate external material

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Bourgeois Revolutions and Nationalism in 19th-Century Europe

Bourgeois Revolutions

The Restoration and the Revolution of 1830

The Congress of Vienna restored the borders prior to the French Revolution, swept away the monarchy and the French army, and created the Holy Alliance. However, the message of the French Revolution had spread among the European bourgeoisie, who saw liberalism as the best defense of their political ideology and interests.

In France, revolutions removed the power of absolute monarchs.

The French gentry ended Bourbon absolutism and implemented

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