Spanish Post-War Literature: Novel, Poetry, Theater
Cela: *The Family of Pascual Duarte* and Social Trends
The Family of Pascual Duarte inaugurated a trend of social novels. The Hive, in 1951, introduces new plot elements (sequence) and sometimes even inaugurated objectivism. The omniscient narrator gives his opinion and utilizes a collective character to reflect life in post-war Madrid. The novel articulates itself in sequences, contrasting the lives of its characters, and has an open ending. The style mixes tones, counteracting irony with lyrical
Read MoreEnglish Irregular Verbs: A Quick Reference
Common Irregular Verbs in English
Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Translation (Spanish) Be Was/Were Been Ser o Estar Become Became Become Llegar a Ser Begin Began Begun Comenzar Break Broke Broken Romper Bring Brought Brought Traer Build Built Built Construir Burn Burned/Burnt Burned/Burnt Quemar Buy Bought Bought Comprar Catch Caught Caught Atrapar Choose Chose Chosen Escoger Come Came Come Venir Cost Cost Cost Costar Cut Cut Cut Cortar Do Did Done Hacer Draw Drew Drawn Dibujar Dream Dreamed/ Read MoreRationality Lecture: Understanding Truth and Reality
The Rationality Lecture: Truth and Reality
3.1 Knowledge: Epistemology
Epistemology (from the Greek episteme, meaning “true or safe knowledge”) is the branch of philosophy that studies knowledge. It addresses questions such as:
- What is knowledge?
- What methods provide knowledge?
- What is the origin of knowledge?
- What are the limits of knowledge?
3.1.1 Epistemology as the Center of Philosophical Reflection
Epistemological problems are genuinely philosophical (as has been stated since the modern era). This
Read MoreContractual Defects: Incapacity, Mistakes, and Unfairness
Contractual Defects
Incapacity to Contract
Capacity is the legal power to give consent. Capacity depends on the ability to understand the consequences of a contract.
Six groups of persons with limited capacity:
- Minors
- Mentally Disabled
- Intoxicated Persons
- Corporations
- Associations
- Indigenous Persons and Public Authorities
The law states that everyone under the age of majority lacks capacity. A contract with a minor is voidable; the minor is entitled to avoid their legal obligations and may be relieved
Read MoreImage Processing Functions and Formulas
Image Processing Functions
Morphological Operations
Opening and Closing:
function [openedImage, closedImage] = opening_closing(image, se)
openedImage = imopen(image, se);
closedImage = imclose(image, se);
Erosion and Dilation:
function [erodedImage, dilatedImage] = erosion_dilation(image, se)
erodedImage = imerode(image, se);
dilatedImage = imdilate(image, se);
Color Space Conversions
function [HSI] = rgb_2_hsi(RGB)
R = double(RGB(:,:,1)) / 255;
G = double(RGB(
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Metaphysics: Definition, Concepts, and Principles
Metaphysics: Definition and Basic Concepts
Metaphysics is the study of being, that is, what all entities have in common. It examines the broadest aspects of being, including first principles and first causes.
As in many other fields, we owe the clear and concise definition of metaphysics to Aristotle (who called it “first philosophy”). Metaphysics is the science that studies entities as such and the determinations that belong to them.
The Different Meanings of Being: The Categories
The categories are
Read MoreThe Internal Environment and Circulatory System
The Internal Environment and the Circulatory System
The internal environment is the fluid surrounding the cells of an organism. Cells extract nutrients and oxygen, and necessary substances are discharged as waste and carbon dioxide. It is made up of:
- Interstitial plasma: A liquid between the cells that functions in nutrition and defense. It originates from blood that has been filtered through the thin walls of blood capillaries.
- Blood and lymph: Lymph is a liquid formed from interstitial plasma that
Economic Security: Threats, Crises, and Global Impact
The Role of Economic Crises in International Security
Some traditional security analysts argue that economic security is not directly relevant to the core international security problems of war and organized violence. However, many traditional security issues can be linked to economic factors, such as the role of economic investment and technology in fueling political rivalry, often manifesting as an arms race.
The relationship between weak states and interstate war, particularly in less developed
Read MoreDescartes’ Methodical Doubt and the Existence of God
Descartes’ Method of Doubt and Knowledge
1. Knowledge: For Descartes, knowledge consists of discarding doubt through clear and distinct intuition of a proposition or opinion. Evidence relates only to reason; that is, the immediate understanding that a proposition is true. Because the senses can deceive us, we cannot rely on them. Knowledge is reached through deduction from these clear and distinct propositions, following the rules of the method step by step. The method guarantees the certainty of
Read MoreUnderstanding the Big Five Personality Traits
Personality encompasses traits, characteristics, or preferences that predispose us to think, feel, and behave in a certain way. The Big Five personality traits model offers several benefits:
- Increased self-awareness.
- Development of a common language to understand and predict self and others’ behavior.
- Insight into an individual’s fit for a job, task, or organization. Fit predicts performance, motivation, satisfaction, retention, and going the extra mile.
1. Neuroticism
Neuroticism measures the propensity
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