Supply and Demand: Impact on Market Equilibrium

Factors Shifting the Demand Curve

Shifts in the Demand Curve: When a determinant of demand, other than price, changes, the demand curve shifts. For example, imagine a scientific study reveals that eating ice cream leads to better health and longer life. How would this impact the ice cream market? This new information would change consumer tastes, thus increasing the demand for ice cream.

In conclusion: Any change that increases the quantity demanded at a given price shifts the demand curve to the

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Popular Poetry, Traditional Songs, and Adjectives

Popular and Traditional Poetry

In every culture, there are songs and poems that quickly spread. These poems and songs that people know, sing, and recite constitute popular poetry. Some works of popular poetry carry over time and are passed down from generation to generation through the centuries, so that eventually, no one remembers who the author was or when he composed it.

Characteristics of Traditional Poems

  • Oral Tradition: It is transmitted mainly orally, frequently through singing and music.
  • Musicality:
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Understanding Macroeconomics: Key Concepts & Policies

Interest Rates

When companies or individuals request a loan, it’s returned with an additional percentage of the original amount. This percentage is called interest, representing the cost of financing. Interest rates are set freely in the market. A high interest rate typically leads to a decrease in investment, as companies will be less inclined to borrow, and fewer loans and projects will be undertaken.

Income Distribution

Income distribution is not perfectly equal; not everyone receives the same wages

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Matthew Arnold: Criticism’s Role in Creativity

The Function of Criticism at the Present Time

Many objections have been made to a proposition that I ventured to put forth in some remarks on translating Homer: a proposition about criticism and its importance at the present day. More than one rejoinder declared that the importance I assigned to criticism was excessive, and asserted the inherent superiority of the creative effort of the human spirit over its critical effort.

The critical power is of lower rank than the creative. True; but in assenting

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William of Ockham: Faith, Reason, and Secular Spirit

William of Ockham: Faith and Reason

Despite all the efforts of Thomas Aquinas to reconcile faith and reason, it soon became apparent that the matter was not easily resolved. It was increasingly difficult to reconcile them. William of Ockham’s work effectively certified the end of the debate. In the history of philosophy, there are times when we find that certain problems are unsolvable, and people lose interest in them. This is what happened with the problem of the relationship between faith and

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Language as a Tool for Self-Expression


This is a humanistic text that speculates, with an abundance of abstract nouns, on a matter related to the human spirit: language and communication (the need to speak well). Given the features mentioned below, we can classify this as an essay. The text concludes with an expository-argumentative structure. The author provides a personal and original view (subjectivity) on the importance of language, using not only a formal register (in the service of clarity and precision) but also a

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Spain Under Alfonso XII: Politics and Reform

Alfonso XII’s Reign: Cánovas System and the 1876 Constitution

The reign of Alfonso XII marked the beginning of the Cánovas system of government, based on what Cánovas termed the “internal constitution” of Spain. This concept encompassed core ideals such as homeland defense, hereditary monarchy, individual freedom, and private property. Cánovas also established a two-party political system inspired by the English model, featuring only the *Conservatives* and the *Liberals*.

In the first parliamentary

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Understanding Aging: Health in the Elderly

Understanding the Aging Process

The aging process, even in healthy elderly individuals, involves functional and morphological alterations. These changes exist on a spectrum between normal and pathological, with an unstable balance of work and functional adaptation to their real capabilities (Pietro de Nicola).

Characteristics of the Elderly

The elderly present with the following:

  • Some diseases are specific to their age.
  • Diseases that typically occur at an earlier age manifest differently, with a higher
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Motor and Intellectual Disabilities: Types and School Intervention

1. Introduction: Basic Concepts

  • Deficiency/Deficit: Loss or abnormality of a structure or function (psychological, physiological, or anatomical).

Biological field; assessed by physicians.

  • Disability: Restriction or absence of the ability to carry out activities expected in human beings. Psychological field; assessed by psychologists.
  • Handicap: Disadvantageous situation for a person, due to a deficit or disability, that restricts the performance of an expected role.

Social field; assessed by social workers.

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Fray Luis de León and Lope de Vega: Renaissance to National Theater

Fray Luis de León

The poems of Fray Luis de León are heirs to the Renaissance in both form and content.

In form, he used Italianate verse stanzas, above all, the lira and hendecasyllabic and heptasyllabic verses. The content includes classic topics (locus amoenus, Golden Mean) combined with religious themes.

Fray Luis, in both prose and verse, was extremely careful with language and style. He eschewed bombast and excess, and imbued his words with naturalness, simplicity, and harmony, to say “what

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