Bronx Masquerade: Student Stories & Poems

Bronx Masquerade: A Story of Self-Discovery Through Poetry

Bronx Masquerade, by author Nikki Grimes, tells the story of a group of high school students in an English class.

Their teacher, Mr. Ward, is teaching them about the Harlem Renaissance. To put what they are studying into practice, he assigns them an essay. One student, Wesley Boone, known as the “bad boy,” asks if, instead of writing an essay, he can write a poem. When he completes his poem, Mr. Ward asks him to read it aloud to the class.

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Ancient Inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula

Where Can We Find the Oldest Human Remains in Europe?

One of the most important archaeological sites in the world is in Burgos, in a place called Atapuerca. In Atapuerca, they have found what are probably the oldest hominid remains in Europe. The oldest remains are of a hominid known as Homo Antecessor.

What Two Different Types of Hominids Last Populated the Peninsula?

Later, the Peninsula was populated by two different types of hominids: Homo Neanderthal, around 200,000 years ago, and finally, Homo

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Climate Change Denial: A Critical Response

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to an article in Saturday’s edition of your newspaper. I strongly disagree with the headline stating that the strange weather we are experiencing is not caused by human activity.

First, it is obvious that we live in a universe in constant change and movement, and that throughout the history and prehistory of our planet, there have been changes. We do not know exactly at what point we should expect a dramatic change, or if the change is so gradual that it would

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Understanding Price Formation: Supply and Demand Dynamics

Training Price

Price is the amount of money you must pay to purchase a particular good. In market economies, prices are formed through the interaction of supply and demand, assuming perfect competition. The requirements for perfect competition are:

  • A large number of buyers and sellers (no monopoly).
  • No single buyer or seller can influence prices independently.
  • Buyers and sellers do not act in coalitions to impose prices.
  • No price fixing by authorities.
  • Full information about traded goods is available.
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Tax Exemptions and Calculation of Rates in Spain

3) Exemption

Law 51/2002 introduced a very broad exemption. It exempts all individuals who carry out an economic activity. Resident companies whose turnover is less than one million euros are also exempt from the IAE (Impuesto sobre Actividades Económicas).

Turnover, in essence, refers to sales activity. There are also exemptions for starting the activity: the first two years for all activities. Along with this, there is a 50% bonus for the five years following the first two years; this is mandatory

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Forecasting Methods and Techniques for Businesses


Forecasting is predicting or estimating future events.

Forecasts are made on many different variables. Operations and supply chain managers need forecasts to plan output levels, purchases of services and materials, workforce and output schedules, inventories, and long-term capacities.

Demand Patterns

The repeated observations of demand for a service or product in their order of occurrence form a pattern called a time series.

There are five basic patterns of most demand time series:

  • Horizontal
  • Trend
  • Seasonal
  • Cyclical
  • Random


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Pre-Socratic Philosophers: Origins of Philosophy

The Origins of Philosophy in Ancient Greece

Philosophy emerged in the 6th century BC in the Greek colony of Miletus, Asia Minor. Miletus was a thriving commercial port, a crossroads for people from various cultures. Several factors contributed to the rise of philosophy in Greece:

  • Political Freedom: The Greek city-state (polis) fostered an environment of free thought and debate among its citizens (excluding slaves).
  • Philosophical Leisure: The saying “primum vivere, deinde philosophare” (first live,
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UK Government: Cabinet and Parliament

The Legislative Power of the Houses

The legislative power of the Lords is almost equivalent to that of the Commons, and laws must be approved by both Houses. However, the House of Lords has been excluded from all competition in projects of a financial nature. Nevertheless, it has an important work of revision and amendment on laws. As there are no time limits for discussion, they are usually of great interest, and as its members are non-elected, they are in a position to introduce some kind of legislation

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Literary Genres: Epic, Lyric, Dramatic, Didactic

Literary Genres

Lyric Genre

The lyric genre is characterized by a subjective attitude where the author expresses personal sentiments. It can be represented in verse or prose.

Lyric Subgenres

  • Letrilla: Burlesque, loving, or religious content, often in the form of a carol.
  • Ode: Expresses emotion through the contemplation of something.
  • Hymn: A poetic composition directed to something, celebrating its virtues.
  • Satire: A brief composition that censors individual or collective vices.
  • Eclogue: A pastoral character
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Spanish Restoration and the Reign of Alfonso XII

The Spanish Restoration (1874-1902)

In 1874, during Serrano’s Unitary Republic, Martínez Campos led a pronouncement in Sagunto, proclaiming Alfonso XII King of Spain.

Cánovas del Castillo had been planning to proclaim Alfonso XII of Bourbon as king and restore the Bourbon monarchy. He carefully prepared for the prince’s return and drafted the Sandhurst Manifesto, which the prince signed. However, Martínez Campos acted prematurely, and against Cánovas’s wishes, the Bourbon monarchy was restored

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