Understanding Perspectivism: Ortega y Gasset’s Philosophy

The text discusses the inflexible or dogmatic Objectivist philosophy, which posits that truth is singular and universal, applying equally to every individual, culture, and era. The author highlights this with the quote: “… So each system intended to hold for all times and for all men. Exempt from the critical dimension, historical or perspectivistica …” He argues that Objectivism should be articulated within a critical perspective. The concept of pure reason is replaced by vital reason, emphasizing

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English Phrases and Vocabulary: Improve Your Fluency

English Phrases and Vocabulary

Keep track of: To continue to be informed or know about someone or something.

Instigate: To provoke.
Cheery: In good spirits.
A hollow attempt: An unsuccessful try.
Merely: Simply, only.
Assess: To evaluate.
Workforce: The people available for work in a particular area, firm, or industry.
Put sth on hold: To postpone sth.
Be entitled to: To have the right to.
Fall back on sth: Do sth else after things have failed.
Corporation: A business that is owned by many investors.
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HTML Param Tag: Definition and Usage

HTML <param> Tag: Defining Parameters for Objects

The <param> tag defines parameters for an <object> element. It allows you to pass information to the object, such as settings or initial values.

Key Attribute: name

The name attribute specifies the name of the parameter. In the example below, the parameter name is “property”.


<div> <param name="property" value="objA"></div>

Usage Notes:

  • The <param> tag must be placed inside an <object> element.
  • The
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Reading and Listening Comprehension Exercises


Serie 1 A: Teen Spirit: The Secret Life of Britain’s Teenage Boys

1 B 5 D

2 D 6 D

3 D 7 C

4 B 8 C

LIS: “Butter, Bread and Green Cheese…”

1 b 5 b

2 d 6 b

3 c 7 d

4 c 8 b

Serie 4 A: Members of Parliament Vote Against Tobacco

1 A 5 A

2 C 6 A

3 A 7 B

4 A 8 A

LIS: Vasa – The Most Expensive and Highly Decorated Warship

1 C 5 B

2 D 6 A

3 D 7 B

4 B 8 C

Serie 2 A: Degrowth: When Less Is More

1 C 5 D

2 D 6 C

3 B 7 D

4 A 8 A

LIS: A Journalist in the Slaughterhouse

1 D 5 C

2 B 6 C

3 A 7 B

4 B 8 A


Serie 2 A: Toxic Friends

1 C 5

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Project Production: Tools for Identification and Design

Instruments for Project Production

A high degree of systematization in project production with the EML involves two generic types of controls: internal controls directing how work is organized to achieve objectives, and external notices to applicants and participants regarding this work and its results.

This is achieved through the creation of standardized written procedures that explain how the project will develop.

The EML uses two types of instruments: production instruments used in the creation

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Understanding Deviance, Social Control, and Stratification

Deviance and Social Control

Deviance: Any behavior or physical appearance that departs from the norms of a group and generates a negative reaction.

Social Control: Methods used to teach compliance and conformity.

Conformity: Behaviors and appearances that follow and maintain the norms of the group.

Violation of Norms

We have been socialized to accept norms. Norms provide order and stability, including folkways and mores.

Functionalist Perspective on Deviance

Deviance is part of every society. Every society

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Understanding Moral Conscience, Freedom, and Responsibility

Moral Conscience

Moral conscience is the application of reason to assess, discern, and freely respond to values. It is the aspect of a person that recognizes and embraces values guided by reason and moral sensitivity. The result is expressed in moral judgments or ethical assessments. A duty-based approach defines freedom as the connection between a person’s goals and the means to achieve them, which we call responsibility.

The development of moral conscience is related to cognitive, affective, and

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Antonio Machado’s Solitudes and Bécquer’s Legends

Solitudes, Galleries and Other Poems (1903-1907)

Solitudes, Galleries and Other Poems is the first book of poems by Antonio Machado. Although it is sometimes associated with modernist aesthetics, *Solitudes* is a book “inside”, stripped of superfluous ornamentation and away from the sound, exoticism, and other procedures of the school of Rubén Darío.

Machado’s Poetic Focus

The temporal focus of Machado’s poetry appears fully developed in this book. We see it in poems like “The Embers of a Golden

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Psychology Concepts: Social, Cognitive, and Clinical

Social Psychology Concepts

Thin Slicing – Rapid processing of social cues.

Personal Attributions – Internal attributions; refer to things within people.

Situational Attributions – External attributions; refer to the situation.

Fundamental Attribution Error – The tendency for people to base explanations of behavior on personal characteristics.

Actor-Observer Discrepancy – People’s tendency to focus on situation when interpreting their own negative behaviors and to focus on dispositions when interpreting

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Chemistry Concepts Explained: Reactions, Polymers, and More

Rosenmund Reaction

In the presence of BaSO4, an aldehyde is obtained upon reduction of an acid chloride. This reaction is called the Rosenmund reaction. The product is an aldehyde, and the reagent is Pd/BaSO4.

Polypeptide Bond Formation

A peptide bond is formed from amino acids between one -COOH group and another -NH2 group by the removal of one molecule of water.

Increasing Order of Electron Affinity for Halogens

I2 < Br2 < F2 < Cl2

Usefulness of DNA Fingerprinting

Individual organisms are identified

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