The Significance of Play in Primary Education
Play is a natural phenomenon for most children, through which they can add complexity and imagination, whilst moving through the natural stages of development, both physically and mentally. However, it is still controversial in educational literature as to whether or not children learn when they play; a debate whose outcome will ultimately and irrevocably affect education in the primary setting and how it is managed, which is why it is important to carefully consider this question.
Play is difficult
Read MoreKant’s Transcendental Dialectic: Reason and Ideas
The Transcendental Dialectic
To discuss the transcendental dialectic, we must first consider the use of reason. Reason has two primary purposes:
- A theoretical use, which is the scientific application, used to understand things as they are. It organizes experience at two levels: a sensible level and a level of understanding.
- A practical use, which is the moral application. It guides us toward our goals, teaching us how to use our freedom to decide, not as things are, but as they should be.
Ideas of Reason
Read MoreMastering Relative Clauses and Reported Speech
Defining Relative Clauses
Defining Relative Clauses
The teacher is the person who decides the final mark (defining)
Non-Defining Relative Clauses
The teacher, who gave me a zero in the exam, is always grumpy.
Formal Structures
The preposition goes before the relative pronoun.
Ex: This is the school in which I study.
Ex: The teacher to whom I talked yesterday is the best ever.
Informal Structures
The preposition goes after the relative pronoun (normally at the end) + (the relative pronoun can be omitted).
Read MoreUnderstanding Socialization, Emotions, and Psychoanalysis
Socialization is the process by which individuals belonging to a society or culture learn and internalize a code of norms, values, and ways of perceiving reality. This equips them with the skills needed to function successfully in social interaction with other individuals within that society. As noted by Berger and Luckmann (1968:164 ff): “The individual is not born a member of society,” but “is induced to participate” in society through the internalization of its standards.
Read MoreMonopolistic Competition: Key Characteristics
Features of Monopolistic Competition
1. Large Number of Sellers
There are a large number of firms selling closely related but not homogeneous products. Each firm acts independently and has a limited share of the market. Therefore, an individual firm has limited control over the market price. A large number of firms leads to competition in the market.
2. Product Differentiation
Each firm can exercise some degree of monopoly (despite a large number of sellers) through product differentiation. Product
Read MoreBoost Web App Speed: Client & Server Performance Tips
Web Application Performance
Performance Issues
- Client-side
- Server-side
Client-Side Performance
- Minimize HTTP Requests
- Fewer requests per page rendering mean faster time.
- Combine files such as scripts, images, etc.
- CSS Sprites, Image maps, etc. for images.
- Combine multiple JS files, manually or using a tool like YUI compressor.
- Remove duplicate scripts.
- Reduce Content Size
- Reduce transfer time.
- Remove unnecessary tags.
- Compress files (Browser supported: Gzip).
- Minification of Javascript and CSS:
- YUI Compressor,
Effective Sampling Techniques and Validity in Research
Sampling Techniques and Validity in Research
Defining the Population of Interest
A population is the group of people that you want to make assumptions about. For example, if you want to know how much stress college students experience during finals, your population is college students.
Determining the Sampling Frame
A sampling frame is the group of people from which you will draw your sample. For example, your sampling frame might be every student at the university where you work.
Selecting a Sampling
Read MoreBig Bang Theory, Galaxies, and Earth’s Habitability
Evidence for the Big Bang Theory
Evidence confirming the Big Bang theory:
The Big Bang theory is supported by several key pieces of evidence:
- The universal expansion itself.
- The atomic composition of the Universe, which is consistent with this theory.
- The cosmic microwave background radiation. This is a relic radiation detected in all directions, representing the “glow” or “switch on” of the initial explosion. It appears as microwave radiation today due to the expansion of the Universe.
- The light from
Human Genetics: Traits, Alterations, and Analysis
THERE ARE FEW DESCENDANTS BY COUPLE: The laws of probability are more useful and effective when the population is large. The generation time is long: it takes a long time since an individual is born until they have descendants. You can not plan crosses: For ethical reasons, genetic experiments cannot be performed on humans. Cariogram: The karyotype of chromosome pairs ordered homólogos.El X chromosome carries genes for important biological characteristics, is present in women and in men. In women
Read MoreUnderstanding Random Variables, Distributions, and Statistics
Random Variables and Distributions
Random variable: A variable that contains the outcomes of a chance experience.
Discrete distribution: Many possible outcomes, but they are countable. It’s usually about counting the number of variables.
Mean or expected value: Repeating the experiment enough times so that the average approaches a long-run average.
Continuous distribution: These are for random variables that can take any number of infinite values and possibilities. It is usually measured variables (
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