Fascism and Nazism: Origins, Characteristics, and Expansion

Italian Fascism

The causes of the rise of fascism.

Italy entered the First World War without parliamentary consent. At the end of it, the large external debt triggered rising inflation, and the demobilization of the army increased unemployment.

The traditional political parties had to cope with this delicate situation, and much of the population began to support extremist parties: the Communist Party and the Fasci Italiani di Combattimento, led by Benito Mussolini.

Characteristics of Fascism

It has six

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Social Media, Youth Development, Parental Responsibility, Student Jobs, and Tourism Impact

Students and Teachers as Friends on Social Media

Nowadays, the question of whether students and teachers should be friends on social media is a complex one.


  • Monitored use of social media by teachers can provide a safe online environment.
  • Some students are shy to ask questions in front of the class and may feel more comfortable online.
  • Students may be more likely to trust and report abuse or violence to a teacher they are connected with online.


  • Blurred lines between authority and friendship.
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Relational Database Concepts and SQL Queries

Relational Algebra

Selection (σ): Horizontal tuples

Projection (π): Vertical tuples

Union Compatible: Same number of attributes, same domain, only unique tuples returned

  • Union (∪): “or”, all
  • Intersection (∩): “and”, similar
  • Difference (-): “not”

Inner Joins

  • Equijoin: Attribute used to join is repeated
  • Natural Join: Gets rid of repeated attribute. Tuples without a matching attribute or null value are eliminated from the join result

Outer Joins

  • Left Outer Join (LOJ): Keeps every tuple in the first or left
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Absolute Monarchy in Europe: 15th to 18th Century

Absolutism was a political system that prevailed in Europe, originating in the France of Louis XIV. It was established virtually throughout the continent in the 17th and 18th centuries, constituting the so-called “Old Regime.”

Absolutism asserted that all power should be concentrated in the hands of the king, who held it fully and absolutely. It was believed that the king received power directly from God, so no one could oppose his will (the Theory of Divine Right of Kings).

There were strong advocates

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Plato’s Allegory of the Cave: Understanding Reality and Knowledge

The Core of Platonism

The myth of the cave is a core element of Platonism. It is presented at the beginning of Book VII of the Republic. Plato describes the plight of prisoners bound by their feet, hands, and necks, locked in a cave and forced to constantly look at a wall. On this wall, they only see occasional projected shadows of people passing by, illuminated by a small fire and screened as if by puppeteers. The prisoners, confined within the cave, end up with an incorrect view of reality, confusing

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English Vocabulary and Grammar Exercises: Enhance Your Skills


ACT 1:

1. Legitimate
2. Gullible
3. Disguised
4. Disguised
5. Hazardous
6. End up
7. Common sense
8. Deal with
9. Hazardous
10. Struggle

ACT 2: Complete the text with the words below:

1. Illegal
2. Legal
3. Fearless
4. Willing
5. Disguise
6. Edge
7. Unlikely
8. Hazardous
9. Spot
10. Reeks

Act 3:

1. Bring up
2. Stay on
3. Turn into
4. Put off
5. Give up
6. Turn up

4. Complete the sentences with the words below and a suitable prefix:

  1. Illogical: It would be illogical to climb this volcano, as there is a risk that it may
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World War II: Origins, Axis Formation, and Path to Conflict

Origins and Causes of the War

Two decisive factors contributed to the origins of World War II: the expansionism of fascist dictatorships and the economic crises of the 1930s.

Early Nazi Initiatives

Nazi Germany withdrew from the League of Nations. Hitler violated the restrictions imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles. The German dictator planned to dominate all of Europe, creating a large National Socialist racial state (Great Reich). In 1935, Hitler annexed the Saar after a plebiscite favored

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Spanish Film Industry: Structure, Regulations, and Support

Spanish Film Industry Structure

The Institute’s dependent organs include:

  • Protection Fund Film
  • Cinema Museum
  • The Commission of Motion Picture Score
  • The Film Business Registers
  • Research Center and Film Experience
  • Commission Room X
  • The Higher Council of Cinematography
  • The Committee to Aid Production
  • The Committee of aid distribution

The Director General, situated in front of the ICAA, provides the impetus to the Institute’s activities, including staff recruitment and the granting and distribution of aid. Autonomous

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Key Accounting Principles and Financial Statement Analysis

★ The Public Reform…furnish to clients. (True)
★ Balance sheet…always changing. (False)
★ Some companies prefer…the prepayment. (True)
★ The single-step…continuing operations. (True)
★ Revenues and expenses…operating activity. (True)
★ One meaning…future earnings. (True)
★ When interest…rate of interest. (False)
★ If you put $200 // 8% per year // two years later // earn interest of $32. (False)
★ Other things being…ordinary annuity. (True)
★ Sellers should…is cancelled.

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Evaluating Secondary Data Sources for Social Analysis

Criteria for Assessing Secondary Data Sources

Evaluating Secondary Statistics for Analysis

The ideal secondary source is accessible, reports data on the same social phenomenon and population being analyzed, and the data falls within the intended time interval. It also meets appropriate methodological conditions. These are difficult circumstances to fulfill in an investigation.

Source Availability

One key criterion is the source’s public or private function. Public data sources are more accessible and

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