Foundation and Retaining Wall Construction Processes
Sequence of Processes for Constructing Foundations and Retaining Walls
The foundations of a building are the parts that are in contact with the soil, which transmit the loads. The strength of a building depends upon its foundations, as they fulfill the conditions necessary for the proper transmission of loads to the ground on which they settle.
Seating Area
Terra is called total or differential, according to whether the entire land settles or only one or more points of it.
Classification of Land
- Rocks:
Research Methods: Questions, Frameworks, and Designs
1. What is the Relationship Between Research Questions and Theoretical Frameworks?
The relationship is that the approach to the problem must utilize a theoretical framework to answer the question posed. Without a theoretical framework, it would be almost impossible to solve the problem, since the question has its reason for being within a theoretical framework.
It is important to note that a theoretical framework must be directly related to the research problem.
2. Four Functions of a Theoretical Framework
- Broadens
Business Objectives and Stakeholder Roles in a Company
Setting SMART Business Objectives
Objectives should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Specific.
Understanding Corporate Aims
Corporate aims are very long-term goals, the core of business activity is expressed here. Benefits include:
- Serving as a starting point for the entire set of objectives
- Developing a sense of purpose and direction
- Allowing an assessment to be made
Mission Statements
A mission statement is an attempt to condense the central purpose of a business’s existence
Read MoreNon-Renewable vs Renewable Energy: Impacts and Sources
Non-Renewable Resources: Advantages and Disadvantages
The energy from renewable sources is relatively inexpensive and easy to obtain. However, fossil fuel reserves are limited. Coal and oil are highly polluting fuels that contribute to acid rain and the greenhouse effect. Nuclear fission reactors produce long-lasting radioactive waste that requires secure storage.
Acid Rain
Sulfur oxides react with water vapor in the upper atmosphere, producing sulfuric acid, while nitrogen oxides produce nitric acid.
Read MoreKoalas, Soccer Camp, and Trump Ocean Club News
What are Koalas?
A koala is a species of diprotodont marsupial of the family Phascolarctidae, endemic to Australia.
Where do Koalas Live?
Koalas live in Australia.
What do Koalas Eat?
Koalas eat eucalyptus leaves.
Physical Characteristics of Koalas
Koalas have a robust body without a tail, a big head, round and hairy ears, and a large spoon-shaped nose.
News Summary
Stormy Seas At Trump Ocean Club
On July 6, 2011, during a heavy thunderstorm, Donald Trump inaugurated the Trump Ocean Club in Panama,
Colonialism and Postcolonialism: Impact and Analysis
Defining Colonialism and Its Historical Approach
Colonialism is defined as “control by one power over a dependent area or people.” It occurs when one nation subjugates another, conquering its population and exploiting it, often while forcing its own language and cultural values upon its people. On a simple level, through anthropological study, it may seek to build a better understanding of colonial life based on the assumption that the colonial rulers are unreliable narrators from the point of
Read MoreQuit, Pause, Start, Enable, Default: English Definitions
(quit, quitted pt, pp)
to quit doing sth (esp US) dejar de hacer algo
to quit work (during job) suspender el trabajo, dejar de trabajar,(at end of day) salir del trabajo
quit stalling! (esp US)
* ¡déjate de evasivas!
quit fooling! ¡déjate de tonterías!
[+place] abandonar, salir de
[+premises] desocupar, (Comput)
[+application] abandonar
to quit one’s job dejar el trabajo, renunciar a su puesto
Franco’s Regime: Social Support and Societal Changes in Spain
Social Support of Franco’s Regime
Franco’s government had many followers in all social groups, including the working class. Most of the Spanish population identified with the Franco regime or passively accepted it. The support of the regime was extensive and heterogeneous. Some of the factors that explain this huge social support for the dictator, which allowed him to stay in power for 40 years, were:
- The vivid memory of the disasters of the Civil War
- Resignation and fear
- Suppression effectiveness
- Influence
Dionysian vs. Apollonian: Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Life
The Dionysian Principle
The Dionysian is a metaphor that Nietzsche uses to describe a way to conceive of life without reducing it to concepts and definitions. He contrasts the Dionysian to the Apollonian. Nietzsche draws this metaphor from ancient Greek civilization, specifically the theatrical spectacle that was staged in Athens known as Attic tragedy. In tragedy, Nietzsche noticed a constant opposition between two tendencies:
- The Apollonian: Represented by the hieratic nature of the sculptures that
Regional Farming in Spain: An Overview
Oceanic Agricultural Landscape
Agriculture: Concentrated in valley bottoms, specializing in gardening for human consumption (potatoes, vegetables) and forage crops for livestock.
Livestock Farming: More significant due to abundant mountain grazing areas. Specializes in extensive beef cattle, with increasing importance of native breeds. Coastal and urban areas feature intensive mixed cattle farming. Both feedlot and dairy products are surplus in the European Union, leading to production quotas.