Cell Division: Mitosis and Meiosis Explained


Mitosis, throughout the division of the cell, is characterized by the presence of two fundamental components. Normally, mitotic figures are the chromatic axis and the achromatic axis. The primary chromosome consists of the nucleolus, which can be included as part of the mitotic apparatus. The secondary cycle consists of centrioles, asters, and the spindle.

In-Depth Look


Prophase accounts for approximately 40% of the total time of mitosis. It involves both the first series of morphological

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Hard Drives, RAID, File Systems, and Optical Media

HDD vs. SSD: Key Differences

A traditional hard disk drive (HDD) is composed of individual disks, or platters, with read/write heads on actuator arms controlled by a servo motor, all contained in a sealed case that prevents contamination by outside air. SSDs use memory chips to store data instead of all those pesky metal spinning parts used in platter-based hard drives. They were originally developed to transition vacuum tube-based technologies to semiconductor technologies. However, they are more

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Economic Activity: Sectors, Agents, and Impact

What is Economic Activity?

People have many needs: food, clothing, housing, medical care, etc. We call economic activity any process by which we obtain the products and services that meet those needs. Economic activities cover three stages: the production of what we need, distribution, and consumption.

The needs and desires of people are infinite, but the means we employ to meet them (raw materials, labor, money, etc.) are limited. So we have to choose what goods and services are produced, in what

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Spain in Crisis: 1898 and its Aftermath

The Crisis of 1898: Causes and Consequences

The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries coincided with the regency of Maria Cristina, and during this time, Spain felt the effects of a triple crisis: social, economic, and political.

Economic Crisis

The economic crisis was caused by the inability of governments to undertake a reform of the trading system that would avoid the crisis of subsistence and supplies, which was exacerbated with the arrival of Caribbean refugees. This crisis manifested

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Comprehensive Medical History and Clinical Research Insights

General Information / Demographics

Name, age, date of birth (DOB), gender/sex, marital status, religion, address, occupation, language, birthplace, schooling, blood type, race, contact information, emergency contact.

Chief Complaint

History of the chief complaint (when did it start/onset), location, evolution of symptoms, radiation, association, type of pain, intensity, medication, exacerbation (activities), if it’s the first time.

Family History / Family Diseases

Relevant medical information of first-

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Portuguese Literature: Late 20th and Early 21st Century

The arrival of democracy in Portugal produced significant legislative and economic changes in Portuguese society, bringing about social change. These democratic advances enabled a clear cultural promotion. Two decisive factors in the emergence of new storytellers during the 1980s were the creation of business-minded publishers and the emergence of literary prizes for narrative. This led to a new and heterogeneous group of narrators, which literary critics called the “Promotion of Narrative Prizes”

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Second Language Acquisition in Children: Key Factors

**Language Development in Children**

Immediately after birth, children distinguish their language from others. Babies need to learn to communicate in their social context: they start to learn languages they hear in interactions with other humans. They unlearn in order to learn the language they need.

  • Underextension is when a child learns a word for something, without extending it to other things in the same category.
  • Overextension is when a child would learn that the family pet is a dog, but mistakenly
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German Political Parties and Lobbyists: Funding and Influence

A Hallmark of the German Party System: The Grand Coalition

A hallmark of the German party system is the idea of a grand coalition (Große Koalition) between the two main political forces, born in 1966 following a crisis to prevent ungovernability. The ideologization of parties (parties *atrapatodo*) allowed a rapprochement between the major powers. Despite this, a grand coalition is a palpable sign of crisis in party democracy and a mockery of parliamentary democracy, since it prevents the change

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Thermo Fisher Scientific: Sustainability and Quality Management

Thermo Fisher Scientific is a company focused on developing biotechnology products and commercializing laboratory equipment. Headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts, USA, their website is http://corporate.thermofisher.com/en/home.html. They have 65,000 employees in over 50 countries and continue to expand. Their significant presence in Carlsbad, CA, makes them a potential employer, and this is an opportunity to learn about their operations management, business sustainability approach, and quality

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Russian Revolution: From Tsarist Rule to the Rise of Stalin

The First Republican Government

A Western-style regime of “full amnesty” was established, promising political and social freedoms. However, the ongoing war significantly impacted the political landscape. Constituent Assembly elections were called. The months following the dislocation were marked by elections, with participation in the war being the main focus. Liberals faced pressure from France and Britain. All except the Liberals left, and Kerensky’s prestige and authority were weakened. The Soviets

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