Semantics and Pragmatics: Presupposition, Entailment, Implicature

Implied Meanings: Presupposition and Entailment

Semantics vs. Pragmatics


  • Study of words and their meaning in a language.
  • Focuses on meaning.
  • Language internal.
  • Studies what expressions mean.
  • Studies what is said.


  • Study of words and their meaning in a language in context.
  • Focuses on use.
  • Language external.
  • Studies what speakers mean.
  • Studies what is implied.

Presuppositions and Entailment

A presupposition is information assumed to be true by the speaker of an utterance prior to its production.

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Sustainable Biofuel Production: Types, Processes, and Benefits

Composition of Biomass: Biomass that is rich in carbohydrates is suitable for the generation of biofuels. Biomass is present in the form of starch, which is composed of glucose. The non-grain portion of biomass contains biomass in the form of lignin or cellulose. These lignocellulosics are not as readily accessible as starch. Hemicellulose is a polymer containing primarily 5-carbon sugars. Glucose and mannose molecules are dispersed throughout within the structure. Lignin helps bind the cellulose/

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Meiosis: Cellular Processes and Life Cycles

Cellular Process

Overview of meiosis

Overview of meiosis. The interphase is duplicated genetic material, and the phenomenon of recombination (represented by red and blue chromosomes). In meiosis I, the homologous chromosomes are divided into two daughter cells. In meiosis II, as in mitosis, each chromatid migrates to one pole. The result is four haploid daughter cells (n).

The preparatory steps that lead to meiosis are identical in pattern and name to the interphase of the mitotic cell cycle. The interphase is divided

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Nazi Dictatorship, Cold War, and Old Regime: A Historical Analysis

The Nazi Dictatorship

Hitler used rhetoric, promising to work for everyone, reduce industrial profits, and improve wages. He accused Jews, communists, and democrats of being responsible for the crisis in Germany. Nazi militias violently opposed the republic and staged various insurrectionary attempts, clashing with communist organizations and their members. In the 1932 elections, the Nazi party won 13 million votes, and in 1933, Hindenburg appointed Hitler chancellor. Shortly after, the Nazis orchestrated

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Democritus and Socrates: Atomism and Intellectualism

Democritus: The Atomist Theory

For Democritus, reality is composed of two fundamental elements: atoms, which are homogeneous and indivisible, and the void, which is the space in which atoms move. The void allows for the plurality of different particles. Democritus posited that atoms are distinguished by their shape, size, order, and position.

Atoms can assemble due to their shape, but they never merge. Bodies are formed by the temporary union of atoms, which separate and later rejoin with others.

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ReactJS Popup: Modals, Tooltips, and Menus

Concepts in Focus

1. Third-Party Package: reactjs-popup

NPM contains reactjs-popup, a third-party package to display popups in your application.

It provides a React component that helps you create simple and complex Modals, Tooltips, and Menus for your application.

Installation Command:

npm install reactjs-popup

1.1 Advantages

  • ReactJS provides Modal, Tooltip, and Menu components.
  • Provides support for controlled Modals & Tooltips.
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Spanish Tax System: Contributions, Taxes, and Fees

General Tax Act 58/2003 (LGT)

CC. art. 2 LGT. It is a source of Public Revenue (PR) that consists in economic payments required by Public Administration (PA) when a set of conditions of fact are met for which an act of parliament establishes the obligation (OB) to contribute, whose primary aim is to obtain the resources needed to finance public expenditure. Features:

  • CC assesses the economic capacity. The principle (PP) of economic capacity is the true principle of justice in the scope of financial
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Caravaggio’s Madonnas: Realism and Controversy

Caravaggio’s Madonnas: A Study in Realism

His arms to Heaven, the celestial vault, take us out of the composition. It is a burial of resurrection, not death. The colors and light, ever present. The face of the Virgin is the face of an elderly, mature woman, not the typical Virgin image of the idealized Renaissance. One might ask, “The Virgin?”.

The hands that hold hearts: no difference in skin color (we can make a comparison, though distant, with Michelangelo’s *Pietà*). The arm of Christ, falling,

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Bermuda Triangle: Unraveling the Mystery

Good [morning/afternoon], everyone. Today, I invite you to embark on a journey into one of the most captivating mysteries that has fascinated both scientists and the general public for decades-the Bermuda Triangle. Often called the “Devil’s Triangle,” this vast stretch of ocean has been the site of numerous unexplained disappearances and curious phenomena, capturing our imaginations and fueling countless theories. But what really happens in this mysterious region? Why does it continue to intrigue

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Revolution in Energy, Transport, and Industry

New Energy Sources

Two new energy sources managed to dethrone coal, oil, and electricity use. Electricity changed the location of businesses and their internal organization, which entailed both the declining price of energy, leading to increased productivity, and numerous applications: communications, lighting, transportation, and leisure. Oil was used for illumination, but progress in its distillation made it possible to extend its use.

New Means of Transport

The new energy revolution fueled new transport,

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