Loanwords in the Spanish Language: A Linguistic History

Loanwords in the Spanish Language

The Latin base of Spanish has incorporated loanwords from various sources throughout history. Some were integrated into Latin and underwent the same transformations as other Latin words, making them difficult to distinguish. These are primarily pre-Roman and Germanic terms. Others were added to the nascent Castilian, such as Arabic words. Finally, some are of more or less recent incorporation.

Pre-Roman Words

Before the Roman period (218-29 and 19 BC), many languages

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Functions of Language: Referential, Emotive, Conative & More

Functions of Language: Referential

The referential function, or representative function, is the core function of communication. It primarily aims to convey information about objects or events, reflecting reality. For example: “The sky is cloudy,” or “Today is Tuesday.”

Expressive or Emotive Function

The expressive, or emotive function, focuses on the sender of the message. It reveals their emotions, moods, and subjective attitude towards the information being conveyed. For example: “Hopefully, you’

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Spanish Literature in the 18th and 19th Centuries


His comedies adhere to the rules of “good taste” and the three unities (time, place, and action). Classical and Renaissance playwrights established that a play had to be developed in one place, over one day, and with a single action. His works maintain a moral and educational background. Moratín’s comedies are well-constructed and masterfully resolved. They are also characterized by their style and the psychological care given to some characters. Moratín “performs a continuous one of his

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Raw Materials and the Secondary Sector: Energy and Industry

Raw Materials and the Secondary Sector

The secondary sector encompasses activities necessary for transforming raw materials into consumer products. The primary activity of this sector is industry, but it also includes energy production and construction.

Raw Materials for Industry

Raw materials are essential for industry and are of various types:

  • Animal
  • Vegetable
  • Mineral:
    • Metallic minerals (e.g., bauxite, iron, lead)
    • Non-metallic minerals (e.g., sulfur, salt)
    • Clay
    • Mineral carbon energy sources (e.g., oil,
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Monera, Algae, Fungi, Plants, and Animals: Key Traits


Monera are bacteria. They have naked DNA, no defined nucleus or cell organelles, and a complex cell wall. They occupy all kinds of habitats.

Morphology of Bacteria:

  • Cocci: These bacteria have a spherical morphology. They may appear singly or grouped in pairs, or in the form of linear or branched chains.
  • Bacilli: These bacteria have an elongated morphology. They can appear isolated or in associated chains.
  • Curved Bacteria: These bacteria are curved and can be of three types:
    • Vibrios: if they have
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Valence of Metals and Nonmetals: A Detailed List

Valence of Metals and Nonmetals


Valencia +1Valencia +2Valencia +3Valencia +2, +3Valencia +2, +4Valencia +2, +3, +6
Lithium (Li)Beryllium (Be)Aluminum (Al)Iron (Fe)Tin (Sn)Chromium (Cr)
Sodium (Na)Magnesium (Mg)Gallium (Ga)Cobalt (Co)Lead (Pb)
Potassium (K)Calcium (Ca)Indium (In)Nickel (Ni)Platinum (Pt)Valencia +2, +3, +4, +6, +7
Rubidium (Rb)Strontium (Sr)Thallium (Tl)Palladium (Pd)Manganese (Mn)
Caesium (Cs)Barium (Ba)Scandium (Sc)Valencia +1, +3
Francium (Fr)Radium (Ra)Yttrium (Y)Gold (Au)Valencia
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Key Meteorological and Geographical Terms Defined

Key Meteorological and Geographical Terms

Weather and Climate

Weather: The daily manifestation of the state of the atmosphere, which humans perceive. It’s the atmospheric state we experience daily, and it differs from one day to another. Meteorology is the science that studies the weather.

Climate: The permanent atmosphere of a territory, represented by average values of weather elements, calculated with datasets of at least thirty years.

Anticyclone: A zone where atmospheric pressure is high, higher

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Spain’s Development vs. Korea, China: Finance & Industry

Spain (Developing Country Until 1982) and the Basque Country

Unlike Korea, other countries such as Spain, Brazil, and Turkey, were not as successful in implementing their developmental states. According to Evans (1995), this could be due to the lack of a competent bureaucracy and embedded autonomy, as already explained.

  • Spain was an autarchy, an isolated country, during the most challenging period of the dictatorship, from 1941 to 1959.
  • The Spanish government created many public enterprises under the
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Essential Vocabulary for Environmental Awareness

Key Environmental Terms and Definitions

Activist: A person who takes action to make political change.

Become extinct: To no longer exist (plants and animals).

Biodegradable: Able to break down naturally.

Carbon dioxide levels: The amount of carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere.

Carbon footprint: The amount of carbon dioxide produced by a person or company’s activity.

Climate change: Changes in the planet’s weather, particularly causing it to get warmer.

Congested roads: Roads which are blocked with

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Understanding Biological Evolution and Speciation

Evolution: Key Concepts and Mechanisms

Evolution is defined as a change in a population over time, resulting in new organisms or extinction.

Homologous structures are similar structures in two organisms that indicate a common ancestor.

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck’s Hypothesis

  • Organisms strive to improve themselves.
  • Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics: He believed that traits acquired during an organism’s lifetime could be passed on to its offspring. For example, he thought children of blacksmiths naturally
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