Understanding Being, Reality, Death, and the Absolute
Being and Becoming
Being and becoming: In a broader sense, not only are material beings judged to have existence, and the observable realities of science, but also intimately subjective realities (feelings, God). Heraclitus of Ephesus believed that the secret of reality lies in eternal becoming. Others believe that true reality is immutable.
Reality and Appearance
Reality and appearance: Reality is the set of all beings and objects that have existence in themselves, regardless of a subject that perceives
Read MoreGeneration of ’27: Authors, Characteristics, and Stages
Generation of ’27
Under this name are grouped a set of escritores (writers) who joined the Spanish literary tradition (songbooks and poets of the Golden Age), leading new trends coming from Europe and adapted to Spain.
The reference date of this generation was 1927 when the Ateneo de Sevilla commemorated the three-hundredth anniversary of the death of Góngora. On this occasion, they met for the first time, and this meeting had a double meaning: they were modeled on the Baroque poet and made a manifesto
Read MoreBritish Industrial Revolution: Origins and Impact
From Proto-Industry to Modern Industry
The Industrial Revolution, a pivotal transition from an agrarian to an industrial society, involved a significant transformation of the manufacturing sector, shifting from craft workshops to factories. England pioneered this change.
It was a gradual process that unfolded differently across regions and time periods.
Proto-industrialization was a possible phase in the development of modern industrial economies, preceding and creating conditions for fully industrial
Read MoreFrench Revolution: Causes, Process, and Napoleon
The French Revolution
On the one hand, there were bad harvests, which caused price hikes and popular discontent. On the other hand, the bourgeoisie was unhappy with their political marginalization, because only the privileged could hold positions of power and enjoy social recognition.
Meaning of the Revolution:
It was the first bourgeois revolution, with a liberal character. It established a new agricultural structure and provided an ideological reference point for all of Europe.
Read MoreMedieval and Pre-Renaissance Literature in Spain
Medieval Literature (11th-14th Centuries)
Poetry was popular, encompassing both anonymous, collective, and traditional forms (undergoing a process of reworking) and more cultured forms (with known individual authors and written texts).
Traditional Folk Lyric
This includes:
- Jarchas (in Mozarabic)
- Cantigas de amigo (Galician-Portuguese)
- Villancicos (Castilian)
Their themes were primarily love, dawn songs (meetings of lovers), *May* songs (celebrating spring), sailing songs, and work or travel songs (often
Read MoreEmployment Contracts: Key Aspects and Regulations
Key Aspects of Employment Contracts
V1 An employment contract is a verbal or written agreement where a person (the employee) voluntarily provides their services to another person (the employer), under their direction, in exchange for remuneration.
V2 One of the causes of emancipation, according to the Civil Code, is marriage.
F3 If there is no collective agreement for a trial period, you cannot set a trial period in the contract.
F4 All workers will have a break of 15 minutes for every 6 hours of work,
Read MoreOccupational Hazards Protection and Prevention
Article 14. The Right to Protection Against Occupational Hazards
Workers are entitled to effective protection in safety and health at work. The law requires employers to protect workers against occupational hazards. This duty of protection also extends to public authorities in respect of their personnel. The rights to information, consultation and participation, training in prevention, stoppage in case of imminent and serious risk, and monitoring of their health status, as provided in this Act, are
Read MoreOcean Heat Flux, Productivity, and Carbon Cycling Dynamics
Ocean Heat Flux and its Components
Heat flux (W/m2) is composed of short-wave radiation, long-wave radiation, sensible heat flux, and latent heat flux.
- Short-wave radiation is the dominant source of heat flux, strongest in the summer, and a function of cloud cover.
- Latent heat flux is the largest sink for surface water, proportional to the rate of evaporation, and strongest in the winter.
- Net heat flux increases with latitude and changes with seasons.
- h=q(w)/a, q=ρcpt
Salinity seasonality reflects the
Read MoreNetworking Essentials: Protocols, Addressing, and Cabling
Networking Essentials
Datagram Structure
Datagram structure: version, header length, server type, total length, identification flags, fragmentation offset, lifespan, protocol, header checksum, IP address (source and destination), and data.
OSI Layer 6: Presentation Layer
The presentation layer is responsible for data display so the receiver can understand it. It receives information from the application layer, performs its functions, and prepares data for the session layer.
ICANN ensures that internet
Read MoreFASID Matrix: Imperfections and Dissolution in Islamic Law
FASID Matrix: Imperfect Marriages
The matrix in FASID (Aunq x ntrlza ppio) is considered imperfect or FASID if it is not healthy. This loses its effect due to any circumstances outside the business background. JCO or its scope constitutes the essentiality, and in such a case, the fundamental consequence is that it can be dissolved by demand in court.
A matrix is defined as FASID if it concurs with any circumstances. For example:
- Irregularities in the dowry.
- If the matrix is held during a period of pilgrimage