Crusades, Romanesque Art, and the Black Death: Key Facts

The Crusades

1. What were the Crusades?

  • They were expeditions formed by Christian kings, knights, and vassals.
  • They set off into the Eastern Mediterranean to reconquer the Holy Land, which was under Muslim control.

Romanesque Art

2. What was Romanesque art?

It was a new artistic style that spread throughout Europe in the 11th and 12th centuries.

Characteristics of Romanesque Art

3. Explain the characteristics of Romanesque art (6)

  • It is the first fully European style.
  • It was inspired by the art of Ancient
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Freedom, Morality, and Ethics: Exploring the Foundations of Human Action

Freedom: A Requirement of Morality

The Meaning of Freedom

Freedom is a necessary requirement for moral action. Without freedom, there can be no morality or responsibility. To say that we are moral implies that we are free. However, defining freedom is complex.

Types of Freedom

Physical or External Freedom

This refers to the absence of physical impediments. It is never absolute but always subject to some degree of limitation.

Moral or Internal Freedom

This is the ability to choose one thing when another

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Vergara Convention: Ending the First Carlist War

Vergara Convention

The Vergara Convention was an agreement between Espartero and Maroto, recognizing the jobs, degrees, and awards of the Army General Maroto. Those who signed were released to serve the Constitution of 1837, the throne of Elizabeth II, and the regency of her mother, or retire to their homes with weapons.

Key Figures

  • Baldomero Espartero: (1793-1879), Spanish soldier and politician, ruler of the kingdom (1840-1843) and president of government (1837, 1840-1841, 1854-1856), central figure
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Social Structures: From Tribal Societies to Nascent States

In these societies, a tribal chief is responsible for collecting and storing food and goods to meet the population’s needs during shortages. This allows the chief and their subordinates to live according to their rank. Hierarchy can also include a war chief, leading military campaigns and incorporating conquered villages into the tax system. Specialized social groups may emerge, including military, religious, administrative, and craft-based groups.

Emergence of Nascent States

The conditions that facilitated

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Literary Worlds, Sequences, and Textual Forms

Literary Worlds

  • Realistic: A world represented as close as possible to historical truth, considering events and effects, a time character.
  • Legendary: Realities rooted in oral tradition where villages are completely fictitious or based on historical facts.
  • Fantastic: Accounts where events occur in reality, but then supernatural events destabilize the normal order, breaking natural laws.
  • Wonderful: A fictitious universe with its own laws, featuring popular fantasy characters (fairies, ogres, goblins,
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Literary Genres: Types, Subgenres, and Examples

Literary Genres: An Overview

Literary genres are the different categories an author can use to present their work, depending on their desired approach and subject matter.

Types of Genres

Lyric Genre

Lyric poets express their inner selves, conveying their feelings and presenting the reader with intimate personal experiences and their perception of the world. Verse is often used, but poetic prose is also an option.

Dramatic or Theatrical Genre

The author sets the scene with characters who interact to develop

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Cultural Diversity, Relativism, and Universality

Cultural Diversity, Universality, and Cultural Relativism

Cultural Diversity: There is not one single culture, but many. Unlike animals, humans are open and have a large number of possibilities. They use their intelligence and freedom to determine their behavior, choosing the answers that seem most appropriate. Therefore, many people have created their own ways of life. Humans take care of their projects, and these projects are shared with other people. This whole project is what we call culture.

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Engineering Drawing: Essential Concepts and Techniques

Unit 6: Development of Surfaces

1. What is the Significance of Development?

Development is a graphical method of obtaining the area of the surfaces of a solid. In engineering, many objects cannot be manufactured by conventional manufacturing processes because of their size and shape. Thus, they are fabricated using the development phenomenon from metal sheets. Some examples include boiler shells and chimneys, pressure vessels, shovels, trays, boxes and cartons, feeding hoppers, large pipe sections,

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Predator-Prey Dynamics, Symbiosis, and Ecosystem Interactions

Predator and Prey Relationships

Predators possess traits or skills that help them catch and kill their prey. Different types of predators have different skills and traits. For example, a cheetah uses its speed to catch prey. On the other hand, tigers have colors that let them blend with the environment so that prey cannot see them easily.

Prey Defenses

Prey generally have some way to protect themselves from being eaten. Different types of organisms protect themselves in different ways:

1. Running Away


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Safe Driving Practices: Vehicle Maintenance and Emergency Procedures

Here are some essential safe driving practices related to vehicle maintenance and emergency procedures:

  1. Vehicle Drifting While Braking

    Problem: Vehicle drifts to one side when braking.

    Solution: Consult your mechanic.

  2. Cause of Vehicle Drifting

    Problem: Vehicle drifts to the side.

    Cause: Maladjusted brakes.

  3. Strong Gasoline Smell

    Problem: You smell a strong odor of gasoline.

    Action: Stop and investigate.

  4. Preventing Vehicle Fires

    How to: Check your vehicle for any strange gasoline smells.

  5. Importance of Proper

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