Graphic Design: Principles and Elements

Graphic Design

Graphic Design is the profession responsible for producing visual messages. It’s based on taking a particular object or concept and interpreting it to create a visual image. This image should reach, impact, and attract the viewer’s attention, promoting a product, service, or idea.

A graphic designer requires intimate knowledge in:

  • Visual language
  • Communication
  • Visual perception
  • Administration of economic and human resources
  • Technology
  • Media
  • Evaluation techniques

Design Elements

Conceptual Elements


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Understanding Special Education: Assessments & IEP

Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

  • Meeting goals and outcomes identified in a child’s IEP.
  • Access to general education.

IEP Process

  1. Referral by parent or teacher.
  2. Pre-referral intervention (RTI).
  3. Referral to the IEP team.
  4. Request assessments (e.g., KTEA).
  5. Share assessments.
  6. Develop and approve the IEP.
  7. Implement the IEP.
  8. Review annually.
  9. Re-evaluation (every 3 years).

Key Principles of IDEA

  • Zero Reject: All students with disabilities are entitled to FAPE.
  • Free Appropriate Public Education
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Renaissance Vocal and Instrumental Music Masterpieces

2nd Evaluation

“Flow my tears” – John Dowland

Dowland made several versions of this piece for lute, and lute and voice. These songs were also called ayres, and specifically, lacrimae. Some consider this the precursor of the German Lied, and also a forerunner of the art song. The opening vocal motif has been widely copied by other composers.

“Adieu ces bons vins de Lannyons” – Guillaume Dufay

This is a farewell song in rondeau form (a form with a recurring refrain). It features a voice (singing), a

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Fun English Games: Interactive Learning for Kids

Hello, I’m LucĂ­a Blanes Guillem, and I’m going to evaluate an ICT resource.

I have chosen this website:

Fun English Games.

It is very easy to pronounce and remember because “Fun,” “English,” and “Games” are three words that everyone understands, even if we don’t know English.

And this is the link:

It is a tool that allows us to jump to a new location by clicking on it; that is, it connects different web pages. Also, it allows you to share information or view shared info.

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Verb to Be and Present Simple in English

Verb to Be and Present Simple

Verb to Be

Structure: Subject + verb to be + action

Conjugation and Forms:

  • I + am (‘m) + am not (‘m not) + Am I…?
  • She + is (‘s) + is not (‘s not / isn’t) + Is she…?
  • He + is (‘s) + is not (‘s not / isn’t) + Is he…?
  • It + is (‘s) + is not (‘s not / isn’t) + Is it…?
  • We + are (‘re) + are not (‘re not / aren’t) + Are we…?
  • They + are (‘re) + are not (‘re not / aren’t) + Are they…?
  • You + are (‘re) + are not (‘re not / aren’t) + Are you…?

Present Simple

The present simple

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Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts Explained

What is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)?

Acronym: Object-Oriented Programming, such as JAVA-based programming, is not structured; it addresses natural problems.

Objects: The Building Blocks of OOP

Objects are the building blocks of OOP. They are real-world representations, for example, a pencil. An object has two characteristics: state and behavior:

  • State: Parameters that define and differentiate it from other objects of the same type.
  • Behavior: Actions performed by objects.
  • The parameters or variables
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Quantitative Data Analysis: Resources and Team

Essential Resources for Quantitative Data Analysis

Performed Quantitative Analysis: Most Common Means

  • A computer with sufficient capacity to work smoothly with the regular programs of statistical data analysis (e.g., SPSS).
  • Availability of photocopiers and paper.

More Specific Means

  • A scanner designed to perform content analysis of texts.

Materials Supplied

  • Final report
  • Preview of conclusions
  • Literal transcription of interviews and/or focus groups (in qualitative research)
  • First complete result tables, with
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Motion Transmission and Transformation Mechanisms

Mechanisms: Transmission and Transformation of Movement

A) Mechanisms of Transmission of Movement

These mechanisms transmit the motion produced by a driving element to another point.

  1. Linear Transmission:
    • Lever: A horizontal bar that rotates around a support point. There are three types (1st, 2nd, and 3rd class) depending on the position of the support point, effort, and resistance.
    • Fixed Pulley: A grooved wheel that revolves around an axis.
    • Mobile Pulley: A set of two pulleys, one fixed and the other
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Network Layers: Link, Network, and Routing Protocols

Network Model Layers

The network model is structured into several layers:

  • Application Layer: Handles data exchange between applications (app2app) using protocols like HTTP.
  • Transport Layer: Manages process-to-process communication using TCP/UDP, handling packets.
  • Network Layer: Responsible for non-directional host-to-host packet delivery, using IP.
  • Link Layer: Facilitates direct host-to-host communication over a link, using technologies like Ethernet.
  • Physical Layer: Deals with the physical transmission
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Mollusks and Arthropods: Characteristics and Classification

Mollusks: Characteristics and Classification

Mollusks are invertebrates of great importance to humans, providing food and materials for jewelry, among other things. A negative aspect is that some can cause schistosomiasis.

Mollusk Classification

  • Monoplacophora: Single shell, found in deep-sea environments.
  • Polyplacophora: Shell composed of eight plates, marine.
  • Scaphopoda: Conical shell, buried in the seabed sand.
  • Gastropoda: May have no shell or a single shell; the most numerous and diverse group (
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