Essential Office Vocabulary: Actions, Directions, and More

Essential Office Vocabulary


  • Assistant – Assistente
  • Be in charge of – Estar a cargo de
  • Describe – Describir
  • Develop – Desarrollar
  • Sell – Vender
  • Explain how to use – Explicar como utilizar
  • Hire – Alquiler

Around the Office

  • Car park – Parking
  • Cafeteria – Cafeteria
  • Lobby – Vestíbulo
  • Conference room – Sala de conferencia
  • Ground floor – Planta subterránea
  • Kitchen – Cocina
  • Maintenance – Mantenimiento
  • Reception – Recepción
  • Stockroom / Warehouse – Almacén
  • Toilet – Lavabo
  • Top floor – Planta alta

Giving Directions

  • At
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Vernacular Architecture and Housing Evolution

Vernacular Architecture and Cultural Significance

Domesticity: It implies permanence and control of the environment. Different uses of the plants are considered, where the envelope is a significant element.

  • Marmato: The stone is worked to create rooms, taking advantage of the rock mass to mitigate solar radiation.
  • Waitabu (Fiji): There is no differentiation through walls. Instead, rugs of different colors create distinct moods. The dwelling provides symbolic conditions, with the entrance facing the
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Athletics Terminology: A Comprehensive Glossary

Athletics Terminology

Discus throw: Tir disc

Shot put: Tir pilota dura

Javelin: Jabalina

Hammer throw: Tir pilota dura mitjançant un cable

Triple jump: Salt triple

Long jump: Salt de longitud

High jump: Salt d’alçada

Pole vault: Salt amb perxa

Sprint running: Sortida d’esprint

Hurdling: Salt de tanques

Middle distance running: Cursa de mitja distància

Long distance running: Cursa de llarga distància

Hurdles: Valla

Discus: Disc

Steeplechase: Cursa de tanques

Marathon: Marató

Tartan Track: Synthetic material

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Colonialism and Postcolonialism: A Historical Analysis

From ‘Commonwealth’ to ‘Postcolonial’

In the latter part of the twentieth century, there was a shift from the study of ‘Commonwealth literature’ to ‘postcolonialism’.

Colonialism and Decolonization

Colonialism was first and foremost a lucrative commercial operation, bringing wealth and riches to Western nations through economic profit and reward. Hence, colonialism and capitalism share a mutually supportive relationship.

‘Colonialism’ is sometimes used interchangeably with ‘imperialism’, but in truth,

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Understanding Genetics: DNA, Genes, and Engineering

Stem Cells

Stem cells retain the ability to renew themselves through self-division. They can differentiate into a range of specialized pluripotent cells, retaining the ability to change into other cells.

Inherited vs. Acquired Characteristics

Inherited variations are received from genes from your parents. Acquired variations are not present at birth; you learn or acquire them throughout your life.

DNA Structure

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is hereditary material that carries and passes on genetic information.

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Understanding the Human Being: Evolution, Philosophy, and Freedom

Understanding the Human Being

The human being, through the accruing evolution of the primate family, is characterized by a genome specific to the species. From this emerges a symbolic and social intelligence, processing information in a self-aware manner, allowing us to:

  1. Communicate
  2. Direct our own behavior
  3. Create cultural events that introduce changes in how we utilize our intelligence and our relationship with the social and physical environment.

Ways of Understanding Humanity

Jean-Paul Sartre, a very

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Nietzsche’s Philosophy: Nihilism, Will to Power, Eternal Return, and the Superman

Nietzsche’s Nihilism and European Devaluation

Nietzsche identifies European nihilism as the devaluation of traditional values resulting from Christianity and the concept of moral truth. He distinguishes between two forms of nihilism:

Passive Nihilism (Camel Phase)

This form denies life, aligning with false Western values. It attributes the perceived worthlessness of life to the Western tradition, specifically:

  • The Problem of Idealism: Prioritizing reason over instinct.
  • Transcendent Reality: Belief in
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Myth vs. Logos: Sophists, Socrates, and the Pursuit of Truth

Myth vs. Logos

Myth vs. Logos: “Myth” designates a particular type of speech that tells the stories of the gods, in contrast to ‘Logos,’ which designates speech that is explained and demonstrated. The meaning of the word ‘logos’ is quite broad, including: count (tell), reason, and counting (calculating). From this area, we generalize the word ‘logos’ as a concept opposed to ‘myth’.

Logos, as ‘science’ or philosophy, is the knowledge that rests on foundation and proof (deduction). Although we know

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Understanding Enterprises: Functions, Objectives, and Types

Understanding Enterprises

An enterprise is an economic unit that combines various factors of production to provide goods and services. The main functions of a company include coordinating production factors, producing goods and services, and obtaining economic resources. The primary objective of a private company is to generate profits for its owners.

Starting a business requires initiative from individuals or groups willing to take risks within the economic and tax system. This involves acquiring

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Accounting, Studies, Experiments, Distribution, and Intervals

Fund Accounting

Fund accounting is a method of accounting used by a nonprofit organization that illustrates accountability, rather than profitability. In a business, you want to know how much was spent, how much was earned, and how much was left over. With a nonprofit, you want to know these things, but you also want to make sure that the money you have, receive, and spend is allocated for the proper purpose. Fund accounting is very detailed and can get confusing, but ultimately it is the most accurate

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