World War I: Causes, Key Events, and Impact

The First World War

Also known as the Great War or WWI, due to its size and geographic breadth.


  • Territorial Claims:
    • Between Russia and Austria-Hungary in the Balkans.
    • Between France and Germany for Alsace and Lorraine.
  • Economic Rivalries: Between Germany and Britain for control of international trade.
  • Colonial Interests: Which provoked local conflicts fueled by Germany to gain territories, such as the Moroccan crisis.
  • Block Forming Alliances:
    • The Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy)
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Restoration Crisis (1898-1931): Dynastic Reformism & Failure

The Crisis of the Restoration (1898-1931)

1. Dynastic Reformism

1.1. The Failure of the First Regenerationist Government

Following the disaster of 1898, Queen Regent Maria Cristina, widow of Alfonso XII, formed a government with the conservative Francisco Silvela. Silvela aimed to implement reforms, including figures like General Camilo Polavieja and Catalan regenerationist Manuel Duran i Bas in his government. A process of administrative decentralization and financial reform, including new taxes,

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Understanding VUCA, Cloud Computing, and Digital Transformation

Understanding VUCA in Today’s Business Environment

VUCA stands for:

  • Volatility: Rapid rate of change
  • Uncertainty: Unclear about the present
  • Complexity: Multiple key decision factors
  • Ambiguity: Lack of clarity about the meaning of an event

Types of Companies

Companies can be categorized into three main types:

  • Industrial Companies: Focus on the production of goods through the extraction and transformation of raw materials. Transformation companies buy raw materials, transform them, and sell them as final
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Mester de Clerecía: Origins, Characteristics, and Key Figures

Mester de Clerecía: An Overview

  • Thirteenth to the fourteenth century. Literary school.
  • Cultivated by the clergy (who were any educated person with legal and ecclesiastical Latin education).
  • Incorporation of the vernacular to reach out to ordinary people.
  • Coexisted with mester de juglaría (minstrelsy). Both use the same language, target the same audience, and supply popular topics.
  • Think of the illiterate people for whom the writer wrote.
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    Metric: Poems written in stanzas of Alexandrine verse (14 syllables

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16th-18th Century Europe: Demographics, Society, and Politics

Sixteenth-Century Demographic Situation

In Early Modern Europe, the population grew from 50 million to 110 million. The 16th century was a period of demographic growth. The 17th century, however, saw a population decline due to economic crisis and war. The 18th century initially followed the trends of the previous century but then began a period of continuous population growth. Demographic growth had a particular impact on cities.

The Flourishing of Social Estates

At the beginning of the Modern Era

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Technology’s Impact: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Future

The Impact of Technology on Modern Life

The world of technology is making strides. Each new release of any type of technological element differs greatly from its predecessor.

In this evolution, mobile phones are the devices that have changed the most since their appearance. I still remember the movies of the 80s where you could see this type of phone that looked like real bricks, uncomfortable to carry and use, quite the opposite of what happens today.

But not only telephones, but also film players,

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White Blood Cells, Hemostasis, and Heart Sounds Explained

White Blood Cells (WBCs)

WBCs are an important part of the immune system, defending the body against infections and foreign invaders. They are classified based on function and production process in bone marrow.

Types of White Blood Cells


  • Function: Primary defense against bacterial infections. Phagocytic cells ingest and destroy pathogens.
  • Production: In bone marrow.
  • Function: Defend against parasitic infections and are involved in allergic reactions. Help modulate inflammatory
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Christian Era and Military Orders in Nursing History

Christian Era and Nursing

T3. Christian Era.

Christianity brought significant changes to life, behavior, care for the sick, and approaches to disease. The Christian approach, derived from the Gospel of St. Matthew, emphasized charity. Medieval texts focused on charitable acts as a means for individuals to save their souls. Charity translated into traditional works of mercy, prioritizing care for the sick and those in need, providing essentials like bed, food, clothing, and prayer. Thus, charity became

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Human Psychosexual Development and Defense Mechanisms

Human Psychosexual Development

Freud rejects the common conception, and that of scientists of his time, which argues that sexuality begins at puberty with the natural objective of procreation. For Freud, human psychosexual development is a process that goes through different stages or phases:

  1. Oral Stage: The mouth is the first area of pleasure. Kisses, caresses, and skin contact with the mother during suckling are pleasant for the baby. The psychosexual evolution of children will depend on the feelings
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Environmental Conservation: Initiatives, Mitigation, and Studies

Environmental Conservation Initiatives

The government has launched various initiatives for environmental conservation, addressing issues like pollution, deforestation, biodiversity loss, and climate change. Here are some key initiatives in India and globally:

1. Pollution Control Initiatives

National Clean Air Programme (NCAP): Launched in 2019, NCAP aims to reduce air pollution by 20-30% by 2024 in 122 non-attainment cities.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission): Focuses on waste management and

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