Mineral Resources: Types, Extraction, and Global Impact

Mineral Resources

Mineral resources are raw materials that have a mineral origin, although they can also be of vegetable origin. They belong to the primary sector. Mineral resources can be classified as:

  • Industrial rocks: They are made up of three large groups:
    • Energy rocks (coal, oil…) used to produce energy.
    • Useful rocks (limestone, marble…) used mainly in construction.
    • Precious stones (diamond, emerald…) used in jewelry.
  • Minerals: They are classified as:
    • Useful minerals (iron, copper…).
    • Precious
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Key Areas of Human Resource Management

Training and Development

Training and development in human resource management are educational and skill-building activities intended to improve employee knowledge and skills. These activities aim to sharpen employees’ existing skills and impart new knowledge. An effective training and development program is designed based on an analysis of an organization’s training needs to improve employee performance.

Organizational Development

Organizational development can be defined as an objective-based methodology

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Christian Kingdoms and the Reconquista

The Formation of Christian Kingdoms

Asturian-Leonese Core: It arises in the 8th century as a reaction to the Battle of Covadonga against the Muslims, commanded by Don Pelayo. His son Favila succeeded him but died young, so the crown was inherited by Alfonso I, Count of Asturias-Cantabria, uniting these territories. This led to the first forays into the Douro Valley. In the 9th century, with Alfonso II and the rise of Neogothicism, the judge appears, imposing upon the courts. This king was related

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Existential Constructions and Their Properties

Existential Constructions

Existential constructions (ECs) are derived from simple sentences that contain an indefinite subject (Su) followed by existential Be and an adjunct of place or time (AMP). They are produced by moving the indefinite Su to a post-verb position and by inserting the expletive pronoun ‘there’ in the initial Su position. The resulting construction has two subjects: a grammatical subject and a real (logical) one.

[Some students] are [in the hall] > There are some students in

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Key Definitions in Chemistry and Biology

Chemistry Concepts

A chemical reaction is the process by which one or more substances are transformed into different ones.

The greenhouse effect is the warming of the atmosphere and land surface following the absorption of radiation from the sun.

Body Mass Index (BMI): A measure that indicates whether a person is obese or underweight, calculated from height and weight.

A chemical formula is an abbreviated formulation of a chemical reaction.

Acid rain: Rain in which some substances react with water, making

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Signage and Packaging Design Principles


Signage is an activity belonging to graphic design, which studies and develops a visual communication system synthesized into a set of signs or symbols that meet various functions.

Difference Between Signage and Marking

  • Marking is aimed at regulating human and motorized traffic, predominantly in outdoor areas.
  • Signage aims to identify, regulate, and facilitate access to required services.

Signage Language

Signage language is a display language requiring quick comprehension due to the immediacy

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Digital Fluoroscopy and Computed Tomography

Gain Reduction and Digital Fluoroscopy

Gain Reduction: (Inlet Diameter)2 / (Output Diameter)2

Further Conversion Factor: Light Output Intensity / Current Input RX. A larger gain implies a smaller image with increased brightness.

Digital Fluoroscopy

Involves removal or subtraction techniques.

  • Interrogation Time (TI): The time required for the X-ray tube to be switched on and reach the selected level of kV and mA.
  • Extinction Time (TE): The time required for the X-ray tube to be switched off. Digital fluoroscopy
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Understanding Universal Suffrage, Sources of Law, and Spanish Parliament

Understanding Universal Suffrage

Universal suffrage is a free, equal, direct, and secret act by which all citizens express their opinion through voting. It extends to all citizens without distinction who have reached the age of majority (over 18 years) and have the capacity to act.

Sources of Law

Direct Sources

  • The Law: A standard issued by the competent authority with due formalities, possessing a common, just, stable character, and sufficiently promulgated.
  • Custom: A standard of conduct born of repeated
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Levittown: Segregation and the American Dream

Levittown: A Symbol of Post-War America

The Levitts and McCarthy joined forces in promoting Levittown as a more American, capitalist alternative to public housing solutions. McCarthy posed with washing machines to be placed in Levittown homes and praised Levittown as a model of the American way. Bill Levitt himself once said, “No man who owns his own home and lot can be a Communist; he has too much to do.” Later, Levitt vilified those who questioned his segregationist policies as communists. It wasn’

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Understanding Visual Figures of Speech

Figures of Speech

Visual Metaphor

In which the qualities of an object are used to highlight another object’s qualities.

Visual Antithesis

Two opposing elements are bound and/or merged to achieve a single goal.

Visual Ellipsis

A single item or piece stands out among all others.

Visual Synecdoche

The picture is cut, but the concept is still recognizable.

Visual Hyperbole

The element is exaggerated. It exalts or magnifies the image; it should display the best possible detail.

Visual Economics

The images appear

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