Past Simple, Present Simple, Present Continuous, and More
Past Simple
The past simple is formed by adding -ed to regular verbs or using the irregular verb form. Here are some examples of irregular verbs:
- be/was, were
- beat/beat
- become/became
- begin/began
- bend/bent
- bite/bit
- blow/blew
- break/broke
- bring/brought
- broadcast/broadcast
- build/built
- burn/burnt
- burst/burst
- buy/bought
- can/could
- catch/caught
- choose/chose
- come/came
- cost/cost
- creep/crept
- cut/cut
- dig/dug
- do/did
- draw/drew
- dream/dreamt
- drink/drank
- drive/drove
- eat/ate
- fall/fell
- feed/fed
- feel/felt
- fight/fought
- find/found
- fly/flew
- forbid/forbade
- forget/forgot
- freeze/froze
- get/got
- give/gave
- go/went
- grow/grew
- hang/hung
- have/had
- hear/heard
- hide/hid
- hit/hit
- hold/held
- hurt/hurt
- keep/kept
- know/knew
- lay/laid
- lead/led
- lean/leant
- learn/learnt
- leave/left
- lend/lent
- let/let
- lie/lay
- light/lit
- lose/lost
- make/made
- mean/meant
- meet/met
- overtake/overtook
- pay/paid
- put/put
- read/read
- ride/rode
- ring/rang
- rise/rose
- run/ran
- say/said
- see/saw
- seek/sought
- sell/sold
- send/sent
- set/set
- shake/shook
- shine/shone
- shoot/shot
- shut/shut
- sing/sang
- sink/sank
- sit/sat
- sleep/slept
- speak/spoke
- spend/spent
- spill/spilt
- split/split
- spread/spread
- stand/stood
- steal/stole
- swim/swam
- take/took
- teach/taught
- tell/told
- think/thought
- throw/threw
- understand/understood
- wear/wore
- win/won
- write/wrote
Present Simple
The present simple is used for:
- Habits
- Routines
- General truths
- Situations that do not change
Present Simple Adverbs:
- Always
- Every day/month
- Often
- Normally
- Usually
- Sometimes
- Rarely
- Never
- First
- Then
- Positive: He/She/It + verb + s
- Negative: don’t / He/She/It + doesn’t
- Interrogative: do / He/She/It + does
Present Continuous
The present continuous is used for:
- Actions happening at the moment of speaking
- Temporary situations
- Plans for the near future
- At the moment
- Now
- Right now
- Listen
- Look
- Today
- This week
- This summer
- This year
Positive: I am / He/She/It is / You/We/They are + verb + -ing
Adverbs and Adjectives
- Comparative: -er
- Superlative: -est
Image Editing
- File format: Format d’arxiu
- Raster graphics: Gràfics de trama
- Straighten: Endreçar
- Trim: Retallar
- Sharpen: Enfocar
- Blur: Borrositat
- Recompose: Recompondre
- Red eye: Efecte ulls vermells
- Resize: Canviar la mida
- Thumbnails: Miniatures
- Scaling: Escalar
- Stamp: Estampar
- Bold: Negreta
- Italic: Cursiva
- Shadow: Ombra
- Caps: Capes
- Underline: Subratllat
- Outline: Contorn
- Strikethrough: Tatxat
- Superscript: Superíndex
- Subscript: Subíndex
- Monospaced: Monoespaiat
- Character width: Ample de caràcter
- Weight: Pes
- Script: Text
- Ornamental: Decoratiu
- Type design: Disseny tipogràfic
- Type foundry: Tipus de fundició
- Typefaces: Tipus de lletra
- Stationery: Papereria
- Letterpress: Impressió tipogràfica
Web Design and Development
- Website: Lloc web
- Web design: Disseny web
- Content: Contingut
- Webpage: Pàgina web
- Web development: Desenvolupament web
- Functionality: Funcionalitat
- Usability: Usabilitat
- Navigation: Navegació
- Visibility: Visibilitat
- Search engines: Cercadors
- Coding: Codificar
- Website wireframe: Estructura alàmbrica del lloc web
- Markup languages: Llenguatge de marques
- Programming languages: Llenguatge de programació
- Web content management systems: Sistema de gestió de continguts web
- Hyperlinks: Enllaços