Past Simple Tense in English: A Full Overview
Understanding the Past Simple Tense
Regular Verbs in Past Simple
We use the infinitive and add the ending -ed.
- For verbs that end in an e, we only add -d.
- change → changed
- believe → believed
- decide → decided
- If the verb ends in a short vowel and a consonant (except y or w), we double the final consonant.
- stop → stopped
- commit → committed
- With verbs that end in a consonant and a y, the y is changed to an i. Then, add -ed.
- study → studied
- try → tried
Sentence Structure in Past Simple
1. Affirmative Sentences
Subject + main verb…
- She was a doctor.
- The keys were in the drawer.
- I wanted to dance.
2. Negative Sentences
To be:
Subject + to be + not…
- She wasn’t a doctor.
It is constructed with the auxiliary did and the negation not for all singular and plural persons.
- I did not / didn’t work yesterday.
- He did not / didn’t work yesterday.
- They did not / didn’t work yesterday.
3. Interrogative Sentences
To be:
To be + subject…?
- Was she a doctor?
- Were the keys in the drawer?
Auxiliary verb (to do) + subject + main verb (in infinitive)…?
Questions with Past Simple are constructed with the auxiliary did for all singular and plural persons. The verb returns to its infinitive form, that is, without -ed:
- Did you work yesterday?
- Did he work yesterday?
- Did they work yesterday?
Generally, we use it with adverbs of time like last year, yesterday, last night…
- Tom stayed at home last night.
- Kate worked last Saturday.
Common Verbs and Question Words
- be: was (I, he, she, it), were (you, we, they)
- do: did
- have: had
Irregular Verbs
Infinitive | Past Simple | Meaning |
BE | WAS/WERE | Ser/Estar |
BECOME | BECAME | Convertirse |
BEGIN | BEGAN | Comenzar |
BITE | BIT | Morder |
BLOW | BLEW | Soplar |
BREAK | BROKE | Romper |
BUILD | BUILT | Construir |
BURN | BURNT | Quemar |
BUY | BOUGHT | Comprar |
CATCH | CAUGHT | Coger |
CHOOSE | CHOSE | Elegir |
COME | CAME | Venir |
CUT | CUT | Cortar |
DO | DID | Hacer |
DRAW | DREW | Dibujar |
DRINK | DRANK | Beber |
DRIVE | DROVE | Conducir |
EAT | ATE | Comer |
FALL | FELL | Caer |
FEED | FED | Alimentar |
FEEL | FELT | Sentir |
FIGHT | FOUGHT | Luchar |
FIND | FOUND | Encontrar |
FLY | FLEW | Volar |
FORGET | FORGOT | Olvidar |
FREEZE | FROZE | Congelar |
GET | GOT | Obtener |
GO | WENT | Ir |
GIVE | GAVE | Dar |
GROW | GREW | Crecer |
HAVE | HAD | Tener |
HEAR | HEARD | Oír |
HIDE | HID | Esconder |
HIT | HIT | Golpear |
HOLD | HELD | Sostener |
KEEP | KEPT | Mantener |
KNOW | KNEW | Saber |
LEARN | LEARNT | Aprender |
LEAVE | LEFT | Dejar |
LOSE | LOST | Perder |
MAKE | MADE | Hacer |
MEET | MET | Conocer |
PAY | PAID | Pagar |
PUT | PUT | Poner |
READ | READ | Leer |
RIDE | RODE | Montar |
RING | RANG | Llamar |
RUN | RAN | Correr |
SEE | SAW | Ver |
SELL | SOLD | Vender |
SEND | SENT | Enviar |
SHINE | SHONE | Brillar |
SING | SANG | Cantar |
SIT | SAT | Sentarse |
SLEEP | SLEPT | Dormir |
SPEAK | SPOKE | Hablar |
SPEND | SPENT | Gastar |
STAND | STOOD | Estar de pie |
STEAL | STOLE | Robar |
STICK | STUCK | Pegar |
SWEEP | SWEPT | Barrer |
SWIM | SWAM | Nadar |
TAKE | TOOK | Tomar |
TEACH | TAUGHT | Enseñar |
TELL | TOLD | Decir |
THINK | THOUGHT | Pensar |
THROW | THREW | Tirar |
WAKE | WOKE | Despertar |
WEAR | WORE | Llevar puesto |
WIN | WON | Ganar |
WRITE | WROTE | Escribir |