Pay It Forward: Benefits and Drawbacks
It has drawbacks as well as benefits. In my opinion, this is an advantage for us. I believe that having a chance to pay it forward should be a good idea in some situations. First of all, sometimes it’s better to pay in advance since it doesn’t accumulate as many people and is more dynamic. And this can be a way to help people who probably have the minimum wage, and probably feel very grateful with that. Secondly, helping others can increase your own happiness and self-esteem. Also, it is a way to help someone anonymously, so they don’t have to express gratitude.
But the negative part of paying in advance is that if you finally cannot attend the restaurant, for example, it depends on the conditions of that they return the money or not.
It has advantages, but we run the risk of paying much more for the other person, and for this reason, too, I believe that you can pay it, but if that person was in the queue, they could pay it. In short, I believe that paying forward is a good way to do a good deed, feel good, and make the other person happy. And I think that it’s not so difficult to do this sometimes. It’s a way to help someone anonymously so they don’t have to express gratitude. All that affords you to make someone happy is a good idea. Always that we have a chance to do this, we have to do it.
Phrasal Verbs
- Give up: Rendirse, dejar
- Catch up: Alcanzar
- Make up: Inventar
- Take up: Levantar
- Come up: Subir
- Look up: Levantar la vista
- Go up: Subir
- Come across: Encontrar
- Pick up: Recoger
- Set off: Salir
- Get back: Volver, recuperar
- Get away: Salir
- Hold up: Sostener
- Take off: Quitarse
- Turn off: Apagar
- Turn up: Subir, llegar
- Turn back: Volver
- Turn on: Prender
- Turn out: Apagar, resultar
- Turn down: Rechazar
- Take after: Salir a
- Take back: Llevar
- Take away: Llevarse
- Take in: Meter, asimilar
- Take to: Dar por
- Go out: Salir
- Go off: Irse, estallar
- Go through: Pasar por, revisar
- Go over: Examinar
- Go on: Seguir
- Go after: Perseguir a
- Go by: Pasar
- Call back: Volver a llamar
- Hold back: Contener
- Go back: Volver
- Get back: Recuperar
- Hand back: Devolver
- Look over: Echar un vistazo a
- Look into: Investigar
- Look through: Hojear
- Look on: Considerar
- Look out: Mirar hacia fuera
- Look after: Cuidar
- Put back: Aplazar
- Carry on: Continuar con
- Get on: Subirse
- Hold on: Aguantar
- Put off: Posponer
- Hang around: Quedarse
- Hold up: Sostener
- Put up with: Aguantar
- Go down with: Bajar con
- Drop in: Pasar
- Make for: Dirigirse hacia
- Amount: Cantidad
- Bargain: Ganga
- Cash: Dinero en efectivo
- Change: Cambiar
- Discount: Descuento
- Lack of: Falta de
- Property: Propiedad
- Receipt: Recibo
- Refund: Reembolso
- Repay: Devolver
- Broke: Pelado
- Grateful: Agradecido
- Afford: Permitirse
- Borrow: Pedir prestado
- Charge: Cargo
- Exchange: Intercambiar
- Inherit: Heredar
- Lend: Prestar
- Nod: Asentir con la cabeza
- Owe: Deber
- Relieve: Aliviar
- Affluent: Próspero
- Distressing: Angustioso
- Needy: Necesitado
- At not extra cost: Sin coste adicional
- Beyond (someone’s) reach: Más allá del alcance de alguien
- Cost of living: El coste de la vida
- In appreciation of: En agradecimiento de
- In turn: A su vez, uno por uno
- Low cost: De bajo costo
- Make a come-back: Hacer una reaparición
- Take pleasure in: Disfrute de
- The full price: El precio completo
- To date: La fecha, la cita
- Two for the price of one: 2×1