Pedagogical Models and Educational Foundations

Model Constructivism

What was Vygotsky’s approach?

Language enables the development of thought.

In what way did Bruner agree with Piaget?

People advance their cognitive development through various stages.

What application did Ausubel have for meaningful learning in constructivist theory?

Teachers should organize content logically and deductively.

Cognitivism Pedagogical Model

Indicate the 5 Gestalt laws:

  • Proximity
  • Similarity
  • Continuity
  • Closure
  • Background

Who develops strategies in the field of knowledge?

The learner develops cognitive strategies that allow access to knowledge.

What concerns the model of information processing?

It is the study of how humans perceive, understand, and use information to understand the world.

Imitation Pedagogical Model

What is ethology?

The study of customs and moral ideas, including the laws of moral character formation.

What is a problem?

A situation where a person is motivated to achieve a goal but is blocked by an obstacle. The task is to find a way to overcome the obstacles.

What is a heuristic strategy to solve a problem?

It consists of testing and analyzing possible mental options, simulations, or assumptions of solutions.

What does feedback refer to?

Review and analysis of the process.


What are the postulates of axiology?

Axiology can have five postulates.

Name at least two assumptions:

Values are both reasons and criteria of behavior. Criteria for judging life reasons are dynamic ideas.

Give an example of axiology:

Parents instilling values in children and teachers instilling values in students.

Foundations of Education

Does compromise affect the autonomy of education?

It is a parallel issue, but not exactly the same. The solution is not reductionist; independence can be saved if it is true, like any science or human spirit.

What are the three auxiliary sciences of pedagogy?

Sociology, biology, and psychology.

Can you explain or define these three sciences?

Sociology: A fundamental auxiliary science of pedagogy, dealing with the systematization of pedagogy.

Psychology: The most important, focusing on the teacher knowing which method to use in each stage of student development.

Biology: Divided into two aspects:

  • Adaptation to natural laws of child evolution
  • Preparation for the struggle for life, work, and family challenges

Education and Instruction

What is “parrot knowledge”?

Information and knowledge acquired at some point in our lives that have not been integrated into our personalities and have been forgotten or rejected.

What roles are needed in instruction?

The instructor imparts knowledge, and the educated person receives and assimilates it.

Where does indoctrination occur?

Indoctrination comes not only from the intention of teaching but also from the transmitted content, such as religious, political, and moral fields.

Concept of Education

Which writers are in the “new school” of education?

A. Ferrière: “Education is the art of starting in the child, through the excitement of their interests, the development of intellectual and moral forces that respond to the laws under which all biological and psychological progress is made, and the corresponding concentration of their healthy volitional faculties and energies.”

J. Dewey: “Education is the reconstruction of experience which adds to the meaning of experience and increases the ability to direct the course of subsequent experiences.”

According to Shetfler, how many kinds of useful definitions are there for the theory of education?

Descriptions are descriptive and stimulative.

  • Descriptive: Also called a dictionary definition.
  • Stimulative: Begins with “education can be thought of as…”

Educational Process

What are the relevant aspects of nominization and humanization?

Humanization covers biological evolution, a process of nature and nurture inferred indirectly through environmental stimulation and adaptation. Humanization has evolved technically and culturally, adapting to the environment and becoming a driving impulse of aggrandizement. Man has evolved over a prolonged period and has become culturally closer to human fulfillment.

Name three theories of the educational process with their main elements:

Community Theory: Personality formed by the teacher and student, unified by the desire for education, inspired by the emotional relationship between the mature adult and the developing being. The essential feature is the relationship and communication.

Environmental Theory: Emphasizes active environmental dependence, contact with the environment causing adaptation of the living.

Theory of the Active School: The first essential element is not the student but their activity.

What is the importance of the educational process as alleged by educational anthropologies?

If man were born predetermined by nature, blindly programmed by instinct, without plans for the future, and did not respond to his autobiography, he would not be a man but an animal. However, incompleteness creates awareness of anxiety and vertigo due to helplessness and insecurity before changes.

Changing Society and Axiology of Education

What is progress?

A breakthrough in meeting social and cultural needs.

Education is a confluence of nature and culture. Are values objective or subjective?

Both objective and subjective.

Education as a Social Organization

Can you briefly explain education as a social organization?

Formal education is the social part immersed in a changing reality, capable of influencing and being influenced. Thanks to its adaptive capacity, it remains in a continuous process of adjustment and maladjustment.

What are the four basic principles of educational systems, and can you explain them?

Equal Opportunities: There are different understandings. One is equal access without discrimination. Equality is supplemented with equity, which involves social justice, ensuring neediest students receive more attention, especially during schooling.

What is decentralization?

There is a global trend towards decentralization of education systems. Countries with federal political structures have decentralized education systems due to their component states, as indicated by the LOE (Act on Education). Schools should have a margin of autonomy to tailor their actions to their circumstances.