1. The word “Pedagogy” means?
A. To guide the child
B. To lead the child
C. To educate the child
D. To understand the child
Answer: B -
2. Pedagogy is the study of:
A. Education
B. Guiding Students
C. Learning Process
D. Teaching Methods
Answer: D -
3. Which one of the followings indicates child’s physical growth?
A. Negative
B. Quantitative
C. Qualitative
D. Positive
Answer: B -
4. The best method to study growth and development of the child is:
A. Psychoanalytic Method
B. Comparative Method
C. Developmental Method
D. Statistical Method
Answer: C -
5. The use of technology to enhance learning process is called __________ in education.
C. Information technology
D. Communication technology
Answer: B -
6. Term PSRN in development implies:
A. Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy
B. Problem solving relationship and numeracy
C. Perceptual skill, reasoning and numeracy
D. Perceptual skill, relationship and numbers
Answer: C -
7. “Individual learns from his own mistakes” This statement is based on which learning theory?
A. Instrumental conditioning
B. Insight
C. Trial & Error
D. Classical conditioning
Answer: C -
8. What should be the role of teacher in meeting the individual differences?
A. Try to know the abilities, interest and aptitude of individuals
B. Try to adjust the curriculum as per the needs of individuals
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of these
Answer: C -
9. Teachers should present information to the students clearly and in interesting way, and relate this new information to the things students:
A. don’t know
B. already know
C. willing to know
D. not willing to know
Answer: B -
10. If a child has mental age of 5 years and chronological age of 4 years than what will be the IQ of child?
A. 125
B. 80
C. 120
D. 100
Answer: A -
11. Which of the following statements is not true?
A. Growth is a biological process
B. Development is a quantitative process
C. Education is a goal-oriented process
D. Learning is a process of behavioural changes
Answer: B -
12. Which of the following is not the tool for Formative Assessment in scholastic domain?
A. Conversation Skill
B. Multiple Choice Questions
C. Projects
D. Oral Questions
Answer: C -
13. According to John Dewey, school is a __________ institution, and education is a __________ process.
A. social, social
B. social, philosophical
C. philosophical, philosophical
D. environmental, psychological
Answer: A -
14. Special education is related to:
A. Educational for talented students
B. Educational programmes for disabled
C. Training programmes for Teachers
D. Training programme for retarded
Answer: B -
15. Which of the following statement is not true in case of multiple choice questions?
A. Even an inexperienced teacher can prepare the questions easily
B. All choices appear to be plausible
C. Error-free and quick evaluation is possible by computer
D. Only one of the choices is the correct answer
Answer: A -
16. According to John Dewey, schools must prepare students for
A. research
B. future life
C. present life
D. entrepreneurship
Answer: C -
17. What type of evaluation identifies learning deficiencies and difficulties of the learners?
A. Placement
B. Summative
C. Continuous
D. Diagnostic
Answer: D -
18. As people grow older, the __________ of learning declines.
A. power
B. speed
C. quality
D. quantity
Answer: B -
19. Both the chronological age and the mental age of a pupil is 7 years. He may be classified into which category?
A. Below normal intelligence
B. Normal intelligence
C. Superior intelligence
D. Genius
Answer: B -
20. Which from the following should be used to increase correct responses and appropriate behavior?
A. Ignorance
B. Strictness
C. Reward
D. Praise
Answer: D -
21. Which is different from the other three with respect to fine motor Movement?
A. Dot Joining
B. Dictation
C. Handwriting
D. Separation of fruits and vegetables
Answer: D -
22. At the pre-primary stage reading aloud while writing is given importance. This is based on which theory of learning?
A. Trial & Error
B. Conditioning
C. Insight
D. Imitation
Answer: B -
23. According to Emile, the noblest work in education is to make a/an:
A. Thinker
B. Entrepreneur
C. Good citizen
D. Reasoning man
Answer: C -
24. Which one of the following is not taken into consideration while preparing the blue-print for a test?
A. Topic
B. Instructional objectives
C. From of questions
D. Teaching time
Answer: D -
25. The field of study concerned with the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making is called:
A. Pedagogy
B. Education
C. Epistemology
D. Cognitive Development
Answer: D -
26. Psychology is a —————.
A. Science of soul
B. Science of mind
C. Science of consciousness
D. Science of behaviour
Answer: D -
27. The more often a particular ability is used the __________ it becomes.
A. Weaker
B. Stronger
C. Less important
D. More important
Answer: B -
28. Which is not a factor of motivation?
A. Prize
B. Incentive
C. Praise
D. Practice
Answer: D -
29. The longer a particular ability is unused the __________ it becomes.
A. Weaker
B. Stronger
C. Less important
D. More important
Answer: A -
30. What is the stage from 2 to 6 years called?
A. Pre-childhood
B. Infancy
C. Later childhood
D. Pre-adolescence
Answer: A -
31. According to Jean Piaget, children develop abstract logic and reasoning skill during:
A. Sensorimotor stage
B. Preoperational stage
C. Formal operational stage
D. Concrete operational stage
Answer: C -
32. The teacher studies pupils group behaviour mainly by which of the following methods?
A. Interview
B. Experimentation
C. Case history
D. Observation
Answer: D -
33. Children are usually egocentric during __________ and __________ stages.
A. Sensorimotor, Preoperational
B. Formal operational, Sensorimotor
C. Preoperational, Concrete operational
D. Concrete operational, Formal operational
Answer: A -
34. Which one does not indicate child’s emotion?
A. Pleasure
B. Sorrow
C. Curiosity
D. Tolerance
Answer: D -
35. According to Jean Piaget, children are no longer egocentric when entering:
A. Sensorimotor stage
B. Preoperational stage
C. Formal operational stage
D. Concrete operational stage
Answer: D -
36. Which one is not an element of intellectual development?
A. Creativity
B. Tolerance
C. Thinking
D. Imagination
Answer: B -
37. According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, the Concrete operational stage starts at age:
Answer: D -
38. Which class of learners are not included under “Exceptional Category”?
A. Slow
B. Retarded
C. Normal
D. Gifted
Answer: C -
39. According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, the Formal operational stage starts at age:
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
Answer: C -
40. Which one of the following is not an element of mastery learning?
A. Use of alternate text-book
B. Alternate methods of teaching
C. Child-centred learning activity
D. Group teaching
Answer: D -
41. The more parts of your brain you use, the more likely you are to __________ information.
A. Use
B. Miss
C. Retain
D. Misuse
Answer: C -
42. Which one of the following is measured by continuous comprehensive evaluation?
A. Holistic development
B. Development of creativity
C. Development of experience
D. Development of divergent thinking
Answer: A -
43. Which of the following is a dimensional teaching aid?
A. Black Board
B. Display Board
C. Still Picture
D. Model
Answer: D -
44. Rousseau advocated an educational method which consisted of removing the child from:
A. School
B. Burden
C. Society
D. Past memory
Answer: C -
45. Who advocated removing children from their mothers’ care and raising them as wards of the state?
A. Plato
B. Socrates
C. Aristotle
D. John Locke
Answer: A -
46. The Waldorf education approach emphasizes a balanced development of:
A. Head and heart
B. Heart and hands
C. Head and hands
D. Head, heart, and hands
Answer: D -
47. Plato believed that talent and intelligence are:
A. Distributed genetically
B. Distributed gender-wise
C. Not distributed genetically
D. Not distributed gender-wise
Answer: C -
48. A priori knowledge is knowledge that is known independently of:
A. Analysis
B. Evidence
C. Experience
D. Information
Answer: C -
49. A posteriori knowledge is knowledge that is known by:
A. Analysis
B. Evidence
C. Experience
D. Information
Answer: C -
50. According to John Locke, a child’s mind does not contain any:
A. memory
B. imagination
C. observation
D. innate ideas
Answer: D -
51. The philosopher who for the first time mentioned the importance of play (or sports) in education was:
A. Plato
B. Aristotle
C. Socrates
D. John Locke
Answer: B -
52. We calculate average marks of a student in the way as we calculate:
A. variance
B. arithmetic mean
C. geometric mean
D. standard deviation
Answer: B -
53. The concept of pragmatism in educational philosophy says that education should be about:
A. virtue
B. obedience
C. life and growth
D. shaping good citizens
Answer: C -
54. The idea of practical learning means education should apply to the:
A. society
B. practice
C. real world
D. abstract knowledge
Answer: C -
55. An aspect of pragmatism is experiential learning, which says, education should come through:
A. practice
B. experience
C. knowledge
D. observations
Answer: B -
56. The concept of perennialism in education means school curricula should focus on what is:
A. in need
B. in demand
C. important
D. everlasting
Answer: D
57. According to John Dewey, children should experience __________in school to make them better citizens.
A. practical implementation
B. democracy
C. discipline
D. rules
Answer: B -
58. Progressivism believes that education comes from the experience of the:
A. Child
B. Teacher
C. Society
D. Principal
Answer: A -
59. The idea of teaching the whole child in the “philosophy of pragmatism in education” means teaching students to be good:
A. Citizens
B. Thinkers
C. Learners
D. Scientists
Answer: A -
60. The curriculum of educational institutes should be based on:
A. theory
B. practice
C. theory and practice
D. theory, practice and research
Answer: C