Pergamon Altar & Erechtheum: History, Architecture, and Significance

Pergamon Altar
A) General documentation

Name ledifici:

Pergamon Altar of Zeus or


Currently in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin, is a native of Pergamum, Turkey.


Unknown even know that was Lescol Pergamon


In 188 BC, during the reign dÈMenes II

Shan Materials used:


Building System:


Three dimensions:

36.44 m in the east and west coasts; 34.29 meters along North and South.

Committees and receiver:

Lencarrega Attalus I, king of Pergamum and was directed to the grandeur of the city.

B) Formal Analysis

Elements of support:

Laltar Zeus was raised dune new way due to its proportions, the structure is based on a large podium dalçada of 7 feet and has a load-bearing walls on the podium holding a platform on which to form ionic column saixeca a U. Can be accessed through a majestic staircase of 20 steps.

Elements supported:

Ionic columns supporting an entablature surmounted by two plane figures on either side of the ends.

Pool Area:

Although not currently retains all laltar, can only contemplate what gives fame, its facade which contains numerous sculptures. The ground was almost square. Laltar slaughter was in the courtyard.
The outer part of the podium holding the column top adorned with a frieze relief depicting the battle between gods and giants. In the interior there were other sides in this case on the frieze of life Telephus. On the ceiling of the colonnade were all figures of lions, newts, Grius …


Laltar of Zeus was located on the terrace of lAcròpolis Pergamon.
When the temple was located south dAtenea, Lest to a grand staircase.

Inner space:

The temple was a square building, which had a courtyard sha lost what should have laltar slaughter. He had a grand staircase with monumental dimensions at that time.

Part number 1 is the piece which contained the SHA lost with laltar courtyard open to the sky.
The part number 2, is preserved with the frieze and the grand staircase.


Lestil LOBR Liaison of the Hellenistic era, is the most famous of all monuments Hellenistic. The monumentality of Lescol Pergamon was lestil as well as brand. As for the sculptures that give you fame and lie in the frieze outside lanomenada secondary school pèrgamica, sha emphasize its expressiveness, clearly opposed to the classics.
Then analyze the reliefs of the friezes.
External Data
Daltura The dimensions are 2.30 m and 120 m long. It’s made of marble and is a high relief because the figures stand out much of the background. The type of LOBR Liaison is a group of gods and giants. Is exposed to <http://ca.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Pergamonmuseum> Pergamon Museum (Berlin <http://ca.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Berl%C3%ADn>).

Formal Analysis

Volume and space: discontinuous, solid
Figures: The figures are lifelike, with an expression very well achieved, the characters convey expression of tension and torture especially the giants and the gods instead serenity. The characters have some fabric outfits as if they were represented shaken by the wind. The folds are arranged in a wave. The fabrics but appears to be independent of the body, as if they are part. The proportions remain the canon of beauty ideal.


It is closed, asymmetrical and balanced. The structural lines are curves and rounded with English as the figures are in motion and dynamics.


dynamic composition, full of diagonals and curved lines. The type of movement is real. The tension and make diagonal lines suggest movement lespectador LOBR Liaison.

Lespectador Location:

frontal view


Will deternitat




neutral carnacions

Lespai surrounding Relationship:

Formerly was in lAcròpolis of Pergamum (modern Turkey) but was later rebuilt and exposed to <http://ca.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Pergamonmuseum> Pergamon Museum (Berlin <http://ca .Wikipedia.Org / wiki / Berlin% C3% ADn>).


Fund-dimensional. Ordination lescena frieze in parallel. The front view is. And the elements that convey deep lescorç stresses.

Hellenistic characterized by ratios that tend to gigantism, as seen in this work, violence in the movements and expressions, was born in Pergamum, a new style, the Hellenistic Baroque. The 40 artists who worked on this frieze from cities such as Rhodes, Pergamum, Athens.
.. Managed to create a unified style, this school is known as Second Pergamènica School.

B) Interpretation

Ledifici Character:

The character of laltar Pergamon is a mixture of religion and its historical reality. No one knows who is dedicated, but Zeus or Athena, or both.


They are present on the exterior, are concentrated mainly in the frieze ledifici.

Figures are twisted, with violent pace, disturbing. They have to muscle tension and its horror unfolded in all directions. Their expressions are of pain, torture, suffering. In the photo below, we see Alcyoneus giant, which is dragged by the hair by Athena, separating it from Gaia, mother, when it loses its strength. The sacred serpent biting Alcyoneus dAtenea kill her chest. On the right side, Nike will get the victory. Serene faces of the gods emphasize the opposite of the giants that show suffering.
Can be interpreted according to the theology dHesiode and dApol · lodor Library, a collection of stories mitològics.El lart Hellenistic center, science and culture was Pergamum, the struggle between gods and giants was a symbol of numerous struggles.
The frieze is more than 20 sculptors who have left the firm in plates. In the first image starting from the right, we see Zeus fighting the giants. In the picture we see at lesquerra Moiras fighting, and in the middle photo you can see a giant sagebrush and bitten by a snake.

Ledifici History:

The Hellenistic period the large altar were a fad. The spread of the philosophy created the need to build temples and sculptures to show respect and gratitude to God only, without name and form. Nothing more appropriate to make an altar to the favors obtained laire Free thanking god.

The cults that were made were more of a service discipline council of religious piety. There was a large statue of Athena but there was the great altar dedicated to Zeus, because at that time was the god Zeus who else could look like the personification of supreme being. Zeus could interpret as the fire that gave life, according to philosophers lèpoca, as it represented the god of lightning and fire. There was another altar dedicated to Zeus at Syracuse with laltar of Poseidon.
Lofertori consisted lholocaust but not the altar itself, which gave religious character of the basement was the frieze, depicting the struggles of the gods against the giants. The Giants, according to the old version, were punished by Zeus because they wanted to climb lOlimp, but this version was later replaced by another in which it is said that aquets giants or Titans were destroyed.
Daquet only one altar, alluding to the classic writers <<There is a great altar of Pergamum in marble daltura forty feet, with enormous relief, representing the battle of the giants>>. It is also possible that references to lApocalipsi of John laltar when Zeus says lesglésia of Pergamon, one of seven Dasi, is the throne of Satan.
This great altar was discovered by the Germans in their excavations in the years 1878 to 1883. The sultan allowed the museum to move to Berlin.


This monument was erected to commemorate victories in Pergamum and Bithynia on Bridge. Also used to worship Zeus and reminder dagraïment

Other works:

Didimèon temple dApol lo. Artemisium temple dÀrtemis. Galata dying.
Laocoön and their children. Farnese bull. Venus de Milo. Winged Victory of Samothrace. The boy lespina (200 BC).

COMMENT DUN BUILDING. Erechtheum. A) General documentation

1.Nom of ledifici:



According to some sources of larquitecte Mnesikles lErectèon is all there is also widespread theory that says larquitecte was Fílocles or even Calícrates.


Government Daten.


LAcròpolis dating on a slope next to the Parthenon.


421-407 in C.


The dimensions are 11.63 m to 22.76 m depth damplada. The columns are 6.58 m daltura.

7.Materials used:

marble Pentèlic.

8.Tractament the wall:

The wall treatment is isodom.

9.Sistema constructive:

the building technique is arquitravada or allindada, ie the game lequilibri forces vertical and horizontal: vertical elements, pillars or columns, horizontal support elements, the beams or girders. The columns hold up an entablature above which saixeca Edge cover.

B) formal analysis

1.Elements support:

distillation columns with Ionic Cariátides the wall (columns shaped young girl) are the support elements. The Ionic column is not as simple as the Doric. It is more slender and its capital is more elaborate. Cariátides, as mentioned sha, make columns feature and hold larquitravat but figures young girl. To overcome the slope of the land where the temple is constructed with floor is uneven.
2.Elements supported > LErectèon consists of elements supported dun frieze with reliefs continuous unlike the rest of the Pantheon temple. Also consists darquitrau and dune cornice similar to the Doric lestil. In lentaulament is on the front of your eardrum and ledifici with respective Acroterion.

3.Espai Pool:

lErectèon The temple was built near dun cliff that borders the north dAcròpolis date. Its location is irregular and unorthodox. This is due to uneven terrain where Shaver build the temple and the fact that Shaver respected around the oldest places of worship. These places of worship was Lantic Temple. It was destroyed along with Lantig Acropolis and Athens during World War I. Medical anti Jerjes To match lactual ancient temple with sacred sites, and dirregularitat terrain is so does not follow the usual pattern constructive, like other temples were built so contemporary. As the volume is one of Greece’s most interesting buildings. The different areas that create the various departments and porches, along with the gallery of caryatids, creating a visual game of volumes that contrast with the regularity of other Greek temples that are in lAcròpolis date. Only Propileus, by the same architect, playing with volume and lespai. The complexity of ledifici required different solutions to the various facades.
The main body consists dun hexàstil Ionic portico at the main facade, while loccidental is tetràstil framed by Ionic pilasters at some corner stones. Presiding at LACC North tetràstil double Ionic portico, on the inside, but not duplicate columns shi, thereby breaking the Greek architectural tradition. This led to lespai open porch where the mythical olive date. On the south side, facing the Parthenon, there is the tribune of the Caryatids, where the columns have been replaced by Kora, column-shaped women. All this diversity of solutions to the facades was dune variety of levels and, of course, size of porches and columns. It was the first time in a Greek temple sutilitzaven proportions and several guns in the shaft of the columns were combined and contrary to classical precepts. Ledifici sintegra in the gallery and presents durbanisme Cariátides as a landmark. Is precisely oriented where they celebrate the great liturgical processions in honor of Pallas Athena in the direction of the Parthenon.

4.Espai market:

The central hall is preceded by a portico of six columns hexàstil of 6.58 m dalçada. The room was facing east and included laltar cult of the goddess Athena, the goddess protector of the city. This space was not connected with the other two, located on their back. One was dedicated to Poseidon, god of the sea and rival dating back to protect the city, and Erechtheus, the first king who was dating, among other things, establish marriage ban human sacrifices to improve the conditions of citizens, etc.. Laltre room was dedicated to Cecrops, son dErecteu Athenian hero. North side, at a lower level, shi added a coffered ceiling with a portico supported by six Ionic columns, four della front and the other two one on each side. A door leads from daquest open space in an area where there should have been, as sha said, the legendary olive date. The southern portico is the most emblematic lErectèon, the gallery Cariátides. It is this platform where the stairs to go to the tomb of the famous Athenian hero Cecrops. Cariátides currently do not have arms, but still retained his time and bracelets with precious jewels. Saguantaven also dressed in their hands. Cariátides were very naturalism. We know the folds of clothes, hairstyles with braids of hair that fell on the shoulders detailed and many other details that tried to give an image of women in these columns entirely shaped woman. The details of decoration were also utilized for reinforcement in the columns. The thinner the neck could be protected through the braided hair of the Kora. Also presented a slight movement of legs for not too rigid. Unlike the usual decorative friezes of Greek temples lErecteon has a frieze with decorative elements. The remaining temples were above lestètica mythological motifs.

5.Estil of LOBR Liaison:

The Ionic temple lErectèon Dorda and selection is considered the leading exponent of Ionic larquitectura in ligual that it is the Parthenon by Lord Doric. Comparing the first two temples called latenció size that is the difference between the two. LErectèon is smaller and has a very uniform character, contraposadament to unity, one significant aspect of Greek architectural lestil. Ionic Lestil of lErectèon shows a remarkable evolution with respect to the period of Athena Nike. In this case the columns are more slender. The entaulaments and pediments salleugereixen and lornamentació plastic is refined to the point where gold used to decorate the frames. All that is advanced for its time, the frieze does not show much interest in art remains a half-meter frieze with reliefs. Ledifici not follow exactly the guns that were in lèpoca on dedificis architectural construction. This was contrary to the classical Ionic because there is a lack dunitat. This aspect of wanting to make the changes that preceded the new changes being presented at lart Hellenistic Greek.

6.Context social, political, economic and cultural

Larquitectura Greek lEretèon coming from, what has been done to directly or indirectly influence worldwide. The society was founded on this model was darquitectura knowledge and a society that wanted to put a levy on all things beauty and wisdom. Not destranyar these models inspire architecture labsoluta encouraged to perfection as he was for many years. Everything is so believed in a religion based on multiple gods, but not influenced humility. Dantropocentrisme started a religion that lets lhome as the measure of all things. That’s why his sculptures showing humanized gods and human descala architectures. Lestat did not exist at that time in Greece but they were cops sautogovernaven. The government dating was based on democracy. Citizens had a duty to cooperate in public affairs. Sexigien spaces for meetings and to do those functions, so did the need to build public buildings. Greek society did not need to work as slaves they had working for him without pay. This time they won the free citizen sembarqués led to the pursuit of beauty, will depend on the lart pleasure. The Greek love of beauty that is defined by the proportion, measurement and lequilibri. A beauty that will have as lesser human form. If this research along with the rationale that the growing increasingly acquired the Athenian people acquire the construction of temples. More specifically lErectèon was built in part with another reason unrelated to any others. Precisely during the reconstruction of lAcròpolis date came a couple of salmonella illness that began to eliminate all the dating population. In a nation that its system was based on superstition, not only the population began to disappear, but spirits. The population more than ever needed a symbol, something tangible to cling to. At that time lErectèon became a great joy which brought hope to the population.
C) Interpretation.
LErectèon was a temple dedicated to many gods like Athena and Poseidon, but also heroes like Erechtheus, the first dating king, who was named to ledifici and to Cecrops, the legendary first king of lÀtica. It is also dedicated to his daughter Pandrosus, which he attributed linvent tissue. According to legend Zeus made a promise. He promised to give to that god lÀtica to achieve the greatest good of all. The competition was attended by Athena and Poseidon, who fought fiercely. Poseidon, god of the sea and water, struck his trident on a rock that came a wonderful source, but dAigües salt.

Beside Athena planted an olive tree fantastic. The court divine (or other versions as Cecrops) decided that was who had won Athena. In his honor the cops took his name, Athens. Originally lolivera was due for next lErectèon, Pandrosus dedicated to the outdoor enclosure. The portico of caryatids comes from the legend of women of Caria. This city was allied with the Persians during World War Assessment. These women were enslaved as punishment for the Greeks. For warning to future generations is to be symbolically condemns daguantar forever lentaulament weight of lErectèon.
LErectèon was initially built in order to give rise to cults of old practices that no longer had the sanctuary after the construction of the Parthenon. During ledat average temple became a Christian church. Years later the Turks who came to conquer Greece in the fifteenth century were using the structure to residential homes. During the Greek revolution of 1827 was destroyed in north portico and only three of the six were in caryatids lemplaçament original. Lany 1852 there was an earthquake partially destroyed ledifici. Finally it was rebuilt by an initiative taken by French Lescol date.