Periods in Chilean History: Parliamentary, Presidential, and Conservative Republics

Parliamentary Republic (1891-1925)

This period, characterized by a pseudo-parliamentary regime, saw the dominance of Congress over the President. It began with the Civil War of 1891 and ended with the 1924 coup, leading to the 1925 Constitution and a presidential regime.

Key Features:

  • Congress held significant power over the President.
  • The 1833 Constitution’s interpretation of President-Congress relations shaped the political landscape.
  • The oligarchy, comprising foreigners, politicians, intellectuals, landowners, and businessmen, held considerable influence.
  • The nitrate economy played a crucial role, with profits distributed among foreign investors, the state, and reinvestment.

Presidents During this Period:

  • Jorge Montt Álvarez (1891-1896)
  • Federico Errázuriz Echaurren (1896-1901)
  • Germán Riesco Errazuriz (1901-1906)
  • Pedro Montt Montt (1906-1910)
  • Elías Fernández Albano (1910)
  • Emiliano Figueroa (1910)
  • Ramón Barros Luco (1910-1915)
  • Juan Luis Sanfuentes (1915-1920)
  • Arturo Alessandri Palma (1920-1924, 1925)

Presidential Republic (1925-1973)

This era began with the adoption of the 1925 Constitution under Arturo Alessandri and lasted until the fall of the Unidad Popular government.

Key Events and Figures:

  • Early Period and Anarchy: Emiliano Figueroa (1925-1927), Carlos Ibáñez (1927-1931), Juan Esteban Montero (1931-1932), The Socialist Republic (1932)
  • Arturo Alessandri (1932-1938)
  • The Radical Governments (1938-1952): Pedro Aguirre Cerda (1938-1941), Juan Antonio Ríos (1942-1946), Gabriel González Videla (1946-1952)
  • The Birth of Mass Politics (1952-1964): Carlos Ibáñez del Campo (1952-1958), Jorge Alessandri (1958-1964)
  • Revolution and Democracy: Eduardo Frei Montalva (1964-1970), Salvador Allende (1970-1973)

Conservative Republic (1830-1861)

This period, marked by the dominance of the Conservative Party, began after their victory in the Battle of Lircay and the enactment of the 1833 Constitution.

Key Aspects:

  • The Conservative Party, also known as “pelucones”, held political power.
  • The 1833 Constitution established a strong government protecting aristocratic privileges.
  • An eight-year period of regime and constitutional changes preceded the Conservative Republic.

Presidents During this Period:

  • José Tomás Ovalle (Provisional, 1830-1831)
  • Fernando Errázuriz Aldunate (Interim, 1831)
  • José Joaquín Prieto (1831-1841)
  • Manuel Bulnes (1841-1851)
  • Manuel Montt (1851-1861)