Philosophical Systems: Positivism, Materialism, and Idealism
Positivism is a theoretical attitude that holds that true knowledge is scientific knowledge. It is characterized by its critical attitude towards traditional philosophy, especially metaphysics. Positivism also states that to be scientific, it is therefore true to principles phenomenalism orientativos. The rule (the reality is manifested in phenomena, and the negation of belief in an essence beyond what we see) the rule of nominalism (rule requiring to give value judgments and normative statements). Materialism in philosophy is a set of theories that claim as a fundamental principle in the world there is only matter, or that everything is matter or is reduced to matter. Since the concept has changed throughout history, there have been many kinds of materialism. For example, the old materialism personified the atomism of Leucippus and Democritus whose assertion was the mere existence of atoms and vacio. In the 17th century, Hobbes says all bodies in the universe are movimientoy body which is not not part of the universe. Idealism: a philosophical system which regards the idea as the principle of being and knowing. Idealism therefore afirmaque reality that is outside menthene itself is knowable in itself as the object of human knowledges is always constructed by the cognitive activity. Idealism therefore opposed to materialism, a doctrine which holds that the only reality is matter. There are subjective idealists (believe that the entity itself is unknowable, but the reflection can come to knowledge) and goals (the only object that can be known is that which exists in the mind of the subject. It is this philosophy posiblke distinguishes between the phenomenon and the noumenon.
MARX Marx’s philosophy or material element of the social constitution of reality and denounces this as unfinished. According to follow in the prehistory of humanity and our task is jumping into history. This requires the overthrow of the natural order (existing social) that is, Marx’s philosophy is thought to transform the world
Marx inherited from Hegel’s dialectical method, which is to evolve, affirming and denying, reaching an improvement. For Marx the only reality is changing the subject, the man of flesh and bone is working andmakes itself through history in transforming society and nature. So the man is a being active and practical work if main activity. This is why the Marxist system called materialism: The work brings together the man with nature and with other men, building society, so that the human essence is the set of social relations. These social relations determine their consciousness. What happens is that in capitalist society, where the worker is employed, the opposite happens and there is an alignment. The product at becoming the capital of others appears to the worker as an alien being he does not own or dominate, and therefore the subject becomes known mercancĂa. Marx production work of man, being based the production system of social organization. With this in mind, everything else is explained by production systems. The production is the activity in which men create goods to satisfy their needs and is composed of the labor process, whose outcome is the product of the relations of production that determine social class and constitute the economic structure of society he calls infrastructure on which rises a superstructure set of ideas, beliefs, customs, rules that shape social consciousness and can be legal-political and ideological. On the other hand, by certain relations of production has been shaped socially in a historical process of humanity. The historical evolution is dialectical, is governed by a logic that determines causes and effects in it and make it knowable scientific. So that in the production system is enclosed divisions which is the social engine of historical progress: