Philosophies of Happiness and Effects of Psychoactive Substances
The Stoic philosophy posits that happiness is achieved by living in harmony with nature. This involves accepting the divine order of the world and the laws governing all events. While this order may sometimes seem cruel, Stoics believe it is inherently harmonious. Only through reason can individuals adapt to nature and find happiness.
Epicureans believe that true pleasure is found through careful consideration of consequences. Some pleasures are fleeting and lead to pain, while some pains ultimately lead to greater pleasure. By carefully calculating pleasures, individuals can achieve inner peace and avoid becoming enslaved to needs and worries about the future.
Aristotelian Ethics
Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics analyzes the relationship between character, intelligence, and happiness. He distinguishes between moral and intellectual virtues. Moral virtues, like courage and generosity, are expressions of character and represent a midpoint between extremes. Intellectual virtues, however, are not subject to this doctrine of the mean. Aristotle’s ethics were elitist, suggesting that full excellence was attainable only by elite adult men.
Hallucinogens cause altered perceptions, including visual, auditory, and tactile hallucinations. They can also induce rapid, intense emotional swings. These effects are caused by disrupting the interaction of nerve cells and the neurotransmitter serotonin, which plays a crucial role in regulating behavior, perception, mood, and other bodily functions.
Cannabis can impair memory, learning, and psychomotor skills. It can also trigger psychotic symptoms, including hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, depersonalization, and a distorted sense of reality.
Cocaine increases the risk of thrombosis, stroke, and heart attack. It accelerates atherosclerosis and can cause transient paranoia. Snorting cocaine can damage the nasal passages, leading to congestion, ulceration, and even perforation of the nasal septum. While cocaine initially increases arousal, it can also cause sexual dysfunction. Cardiovascular complications, including heart attack, are also potential risks.