Philosophy: Branches, Purpose, and Relation to Knowledge
Edge Profiles
- Metaphysics: Thematic studies not related to physical objects.
- Epistemology or Theory of Knowledge: Studies how human beings know reality.
- Anthropology: Explaining and detailing the nature of people.
- Ethics: Analyzing our moral principles and rules of conduct.
- Political Philosophy: Studies how society is organized and what forms of government are appropriate.
Forms of Political Organization
- Democracy: Government elected by universal suffrage.
- Dictatorship: Military government, where a minority governs, armed.
- Aristocracy: An intellectual and social elite directs the state.
- Monarchy: One person governs the country, religiously.
- Anarchy: No government.
- Theocracy: The priests and the clerical class have all the power.
What is the Purpose of Philosophy?
- To Know the Truth: The ideas that make up philosophy explain our world.
- To Get Out of Confusion: Philosophy tries to clarify our doubts with knowledge and solve the problems that arise.
- To Break Ignorance: Philosophy promotes the intellectual development of people.
- To Prevent Us from Unfounded Beliefs that Worsen Society:
- Example: Jehovah’s Witnesses (cannot receive blood transfusions), racism (the Nazis).
How Does Philosophy Help Build Civic People?
It develops active and responsible citizens able to respect the rules.
What is a Conception of the World and How Does Philosophy Help Shape It?
Ideas that make us see the world in another way.
How Does Philosophy Differ from Other Modes of Thought, Such as Science and Art?
It is known for its approach, its method of work, and its results.
What is Regular Knowledge?
Observations and experiences. It accepts ideas without having questioned them.
How is Regular Knowledge?
Knowledge consists of data and opinions.
What Can Philosophy Say About Regular Knowledge and Scientific Knowledge?
Regular: Based on senses and opinions.
Scientific: Can be tested or verified.
What is the Difference Between Scientific Knowledge and Philosophical Knowledge?
Science uses research methods. Scientific knowledge can be tested or verified. Philosophy is unable to prove or verify its results.
What Kind of Questions Does Philosophy Ask?
- What is reality?
- What is truth?
- How to live?
- How do I know what is actually real if there are no means to know?
- How do I know if there are unjust wars without thinking before about what makes an unjust war?
What is Science?
A complex intellectual activity that is carried out according to scientific methods and the results of which are a systematic set of rational and objective ideas.
Explain the Characteristics of Formal Science and Empirical Science
Formal science (mathematics, logic) can be logically verified. Empirical science (physics, medicine) is verified with observations or experiments.
How Can Van Gogh’s “A Pair of Boots” Teach Us About the Life of 19th-Century Peasants?
Art gives us knowledge of reality, showing it in a more sensitive way.
Similarities and Differences Between Art and Philosophy
Similarities: Their means of expression, which can represent the world.
Differences: The artistic message is carried out with the aim of creating beauty, unlike the philosophical message.
Why Do We Confuse Philosophy with Literature?
Because narrative uses its resources, that is, it uses stories with literary richness, using methods and stylistic figures.
Literary Links with Five Philosophical Works
- Phaedo by Plato
- Meditations on First Philosophy by Descartes
- Pensées by Pascal
- Laughter by Bergson
- Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche