Philosophy Quizzes: Scientific Methods, Theories, and Concepts

Quiz 4

  1. Question: Double-blind studies on the effectiveness of drugs require the use of which scientific method?
    Answer: The Method of Difference
  2. Question: Which scientific method was used to discover the influence of the gravitational field of the Moon on the Earth?
    Answer: The Method of Concomitant Variations
  3. Question: What is the essential characteristic of scientific theories, according to Karl Popper?
    Answer: Refutability
  4. Question: David Hume belonged to which philosophical tradition?
    Answer: Empiricism
  5. Question: How many are the possible explanations of the observed correlation of events A and B?
    Answer: 4
  6. Question: According to Karl Popper, what is the essential property of scientific theories that is not present in pseudoscience?
    Answer: Refutability
  7. Question: Which scientific method will be appropriate for identifying causal relations among large celestial bodies, e.g., stars, planets, etc.?
    Answer: The Method of Concomitant Variations
  8. Question: Which method of determining causal relations would be most appropriate for the analysis of a massive outbreak of a disease?
    Answer: The Method of Agreement
  9. Question: Which theory of truth requires us to match our beliefs to a mind-independent reality?
    Answer: Not Coherence Theory
  10. Question: Which philosopher argued that causal relations are not discovered by any form of reasoning?
    Answer: David Hume
  11. Question: According to which theory, a belief is true if it makes a positive difference in a person’s life?
    Answer: Not Correspondence Theory
  12. Question: Which of the following terms is used to describe the questionable cause fallacy, i.e., attributing causal connections to successive events correlated by accident?
    Answer: Post hoc ergo propter hoc
  13. Question: Which theory of truth is used in the proofs of mathematical theorems?
    Answer: Not Subjective Theory

Quiz 5

  1. Question: Which of the following distinctions was essential for the philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard?
    Answer: Aesthetic, ethical, religious
  2. Question: Which philosopher was the main representative of the position of hard determinism in Modern Philosophy?
    Answer: Paul Holbach
  3. Question: In his article “On Sense and Reference,” Frege challenged which theory of language?
    Answer: The Direct Reference theory
  4. Question: Which philosophical program was inspired by the views of Ludwig Wittgenstein?
    Answer: Logical Positivism
  5. Question: What position tries to establish a compromise between free will and scientific laws?
    Answer: Nominalism
  6. Question: What is the name of the most famous book of Ludwig Wittgenstein?
    Answer: Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
  7. Question: John Searle developed the following thought experiment as an objection to the program of Strong Artificial Intelligence:
    Answer: Chinese Room example
  8. Question: Which of the following claims captures the basic tenets of existentialism?
    Answer: Existence precedes essence.
  9. Question: What is the name of the philosophical position which maintains that all events, including human actions, are caused by factors that are out of our control?
    Answer: Determinism
  10. Question: What is the name of the most popular test for identifying artificial intelligence?
    Answer: Turing Test
  11. Question: Which of the following distinctions is essential for Searle’s argument against Strong AI?
    Answer: Not digital vs analog; semantics vs. syntax