Phrasal Verbs: Break, Come, Drop, and More
Posted on Feb 5, 2025 in English
Essential Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Break’
- Break away: To leave a political party or other group, especially in order to start another one. (separarse, escapar)
- Breakdown: An analysis by an accountant. (crisis nerviosa). The situation where a car or other machine has stopped working (avería).
- Breakthrough: To make a discovery. (descubrimiento)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Come’
- Come over: To communicate the intended meaning or impression (hacerse entender)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Cut’
- Cut down to: To reduce (recortar)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Drop’
- Drop in: To make a short visit somewhere (dejarse caer)
- Drop in on: Visit (pasar por)
- Drop off: A reduction in the amount or level of something. (disminuir, dormirse)
- Dropout: A person who abandons education or career to lead a different life (persona que abandona los estudios)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Fade’
- Fade away: To disappear slowly. (desvanecerse, apagarse, consumirse)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Fall’
- Fallout: The results or consequences of an action (resultado). The radioactive cloud after an atomic explosion (lluvia radioactiva)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Flare’
- Flare up: To burst suddenly into fire or light (reavivarse)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Fly’
- Flyover: A road bridge built over another road (paso elevado).
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Get’
- Get away: To escape from a person or place. (escapar, irse)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Give’
- Give up: Stop doing something (darse por vencido)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Hand’
- Handout: Something given as an act of charity. (limosna, donativo). OR a document containing information. A handout (folleto)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Hang’
- Hangover: The feeling of being tired and sick because you have drunk too much alcohol or taken too many drugs (Resaca)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Hold’
- Holdup: A robbery at gunpoint. (Atraco)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Knock’
- Knock down: To reduce a price or amount (bajada de precios, rebajas)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Lay’
- Lay-by: A place for drivers to stop at the side of a main road. (área de Descanso)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Mix’
- Mixed-up: Mentally confused. (confundido)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Make’
- Make-up: To beautify the face with lipstick, powder… (maquillaje)
- Make up: To invent (inventar)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Out’
- Outbreak: Disease (brote, erupción, comienzo)
- Outfit: A set of clothes (traje, uniforme, conjunto)
- Outset: A start, beginning (comienzo, inicio, principio)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Pin’
- (a) Pinup: Poster of a glamorous woman (póster de una chica de calendario)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Set’
- Setback: Something which happens to spoil your plans (un revés, contratiempo).
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Slip’
- Slip away: To leave secretly. (escabullirse)
- Slip in: To place, insert, or convey quickly or stealthily (incluir, entrar desapercibido)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Speak’
- Speak out against: To protest (manifestar oposición)
- Speak up: Express your opinion freely (dar la opinión)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Stand’
- Stand-by: Of an airline passenger, fare, or seat, not booked in advance but awaiting or subject to availability (de reserva).
- Stand in for: To replace (reemplazar)
- Stand up for: To defend (alzarse a favor)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Stop’
- Stopover: A place where you stay at to break a long journey (apeadero).
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Stride’
- Stride in: To walk with long steps into some place (zancadas)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Tail’
- Tailback: Long traffic jam, a queue of traffic. (atasco)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Take’
- Take away: To carry something. (para llevar)
- Take-off: The moment when a plane leaves the ground (despegue). An amusing imitation of someone (parodia).
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Throw’
- Throwaway: Anything designed to be discarded after use rather than reused (desechable)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Tip’
- Tip-off: Information about a crime given to the police (un soplo).
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Work’
- Work out: Solve a problem. (calcular, encontrar, resolver). Get better (mejorar)
Phrasal Verbs with ‘Worn’
- Worn-out: Too old or damaged to use any longer (desgastado)