Phrasal Verbs in Spanish: Meanings and Examples
Posted on Jan 24, 2025 in Administration and Management
Relationship and Feelings
- Romper (relación) = To break up, to split up
- Recuperarse de = To get over, to recover from
- Deprimir = To get somebody down, to depress somebody
- Decepcionar = To let somebody down, to disappoint
- Desanimar = To put off, to discourage
- Derrumbarse (emocionalmente) = To break down, to collapse
Actions and Events
- Causar = To bring on/about, to cause
- Posponer = To put off, to postpone
- Tolerar = To put up with, to stand, to tolerate
- Subir (precios) = To put up, to raise
- Huir = To run away, to flee
- Hospedar = To put up, to accommodate, to lodge
- Pasar por = To go through, to suffer
- Dejar de = To give up, to stop, to quit
- Partir = To set out, to set off, to leave
- Revelar = To give away, to reveal
- Convertirse en = To turn into, to become
- Apagar (fuego) = To put out, to extinguish
- Colocar = To put away, to tidy up
- Explotar = To blow up, to explode
- Demoler = To pull down, to demolish
- Inventar = To make up, to invent
- Quitarse = To take off, to undress
- Chocar contra = To crash into, to bump into
- Suceder (sorpresa) = To come up, to happen
- Aparecer (sorpresa) = To turn up, to pop up
- Robar en (casa) = To break into, to burgle
People and Interactions
- Parecerse a = To take after, to look like
- Admirar = To look up to, to admire
- Educar = To bring up, to raise, to educate
- Cuidar de = To look after, to care for
- Recoger = To pick somebody up, to collect
- Emplear = To take on, to employ
- Engañar a alguien = To take somebody in, to deceive
- Empezar a gustar = To take to, to begin to like
Searching and Finding
- Buscar = To look for, to search for, to seek
- Encontrarse con = To come across, to meet
- Investigar = To look into, to research
Other Common Phrasal Verbs
- Continuar = To go on, to carry on, to continue
- Gastar (dinero) = To get through, to spend
- Solucionar = To sort out, to solve
- Reintroducir = To bring back, to reintroduce
- Apañárselas = To get by, to manage
- Hacerse cargo de = To see to, to take charge of
- Calcular = To work out, to reckon, to calculate
- Ceder = To give in, to surrender
- Tener sentido = To add up, to make sense
- Aterrizar = To touch down, to land
- Considerar = To look on, to consider
- Repasar = To go over, to run through, to revise
- Ponerse malo (comida) = To go off, to go bad
- Tomar parte en = To join in, to take part in
- Sacar a relucir = To point out, to emphasize
- Significar = To stand for, to mean
- Tener cuidado con = To look/watch out for
- Pasar sin = To do/go without
- Extinguirse = To die out, to become extinct
- Dormirse = To doze off, to fall asleep
- Llevar a cabo = To carry out, to accomplish
- Reducir = To cut down (on), to reduce
- Volver en sí = To come round, to regain consciousness
- Rechazar = To turn down, to reject
- Escapar de = To run away from, to flee
- Durar = To go on, to last