Physical Education: Fundamental Skills and Concepts
**Basic Physical Education Concepts**
**1. Objective of Coordination**
Coordination aims to develop and enrich the individual’s reaction possibilities, increasing freedom and ease of movement.
**2. Basic Contents for Oculo-Pedal Coordination**
Based on locomotor skills, the development of oculo-pedal coordination is achieved through perceptual-motor skills such as: throws, stops, and strikes.
**3. Notes on Gross Motor Skills**
Gross motor skills include displacement, jumps, turns, throws, receptions, and balancing.
**4. Concept of Natural Displacement**
Natural displacements are those that align with natural movement patterns, without the use of artificial aids. They involve moving the body from one point to another in space.
**5. Active Journeys**
Active journeys include movements in aquatic environments, walking, running, jumping, quadrupedal movement, crawling, and climbing.
**6. Concept of Climbing**
Climbing involves displacements without ground contact, using successive thrusts and varying the body’s center of gravity. It is an active but ineffective form of displacement.
**7. Body Axes**
- Sagittal: Allows for left-right rotations.
- Transversal: Allows for forward-backward rotations.
- Vertical (Longitudinal): Allows for right-left turns.
**Concept of Striking**
Striking is the interaction with a mobile object, typically using upper body segments, to displace it through release and reception against a rigid surface.
**Basic Objectives of Striking**
Striking develops perceptual-motor capacities, physical abilities, and motor skills.
**Purpose of Stops**
Stops are used to control mobile objects, particularly in sports where hands cannot be used.
**Concept of Interception**
Interception involves diverting or cutting the path of a mobile object or individual to prevent it from reaching its destination.
**Specific Skills**
Specific skills are enhancements of generic skills, typically developed from age 11. They are not considered core content in basic physical education but are used in introductory sports training with sport-specific techniques.
**Concept of Resistance**
- Aerobic: Prolonged effort in the presence of oxygen.
- Anaerobic: High-intensity effort sustained for as long as possible in the absence of oxygen. Resistance is the ability to maintain effort over time.
**Concept of Speed**
Speed is the ability to perform motor actions with maximum intensity in minimal time.
**Use of Games in Primary Physical Education**
The game is a primary didactic tool, essential for achieving developmental objectives. It addresses all aspects of a child’s personality: cognitive, motor, affective, and social. Games are the most complete educational tool.
Displacement is the act of moving our bodies from one point to another in space.
Walking is a form of displacement produced by successive and alternating support of the feet on a surface. It is similar to running but associated with the speed factor.
**Quadrupedal Movement**
Quadrupedal movement involves using more than two points of support, engaging both upper and lower body segments in a horizontal plane.
Crawling involves movement where all or part of the trunk is in contact with the horizontal plane.
**Movement in Aquatic Environments**
Aquatic movement refers to displacements in water, using only body segments for propulsion.
Transport is a shift not directly produced by the subject but by other means to which they cling, through global segmental actions, for example, using a mat.
Slides are shifts where the subject, alone or with other elements, moves on a flat or inclined surface.
Jumping involves suspending the body in the air, propelled by one or both legs, and landing back on the feet.
Throwing is a basic skill where an individual propels a mobile object through space using upper body segments.
Reception is a basic skill where an individual traps a mobile object that is in motion or stationary, preparing for further action.
Striking is interacting with a mobile object without controlling it, transmitting an impulse to change its position.
Dribbling involves successive strikes or taps to guide a moving object in space while maintaining control.
Feinting is stopping movement before changing the direction of a mobile object, oneself, or both, to deceive or evade an opponent and gain an advantage.
Fitness is the combination of organic and physical qualities a person needs to perform various physical efforts.
**Sports Initiation**
Sports initiation involves developing tactical expertise and fundamental sports skills to prepare individuals for future learning in specific sports.
**Phases of Reception**
Anticipation, contact, cushioning, and preparation.
**Phases of Throwing**
Object apprehension, arming or preparation, segmental momentum, and object release.
**Basic Objectives of Dribbling**
Dribbling shares the same objectives as striking and impacts perceptual-motor skills, including:
- Body structuring
- Spatial-temporal perception
- Coordination
**Basic Objectives of Feinting**
As complex generic skills, feints impact most content areas, primarily:
- Spatial-temporal structuring
- Body perception
- Coordination
**Basic Objectives of Striking**
Same as above.
**Contents of Physical Education and Health**
- Aerobic resistance
- Muscle strength or body composition
- Speed reaction time
**Forms of Games**
- Traditional games
- Playful forms
- Arcade games
- Pre-sports games
**Concept of Health**
According to the WHO, health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.
**Concept of Body Expression**
Body expression is a set of techniques using body language to reveal psychic content.