Physical Education: Movement, Fitness, and Training


Movement is a fundamental characteristic of living matter. Movement highlights the potential of the body and allows you to interact with the environment in an extremely complex, flexible, and functional way. Education programs provide education on the main nonverbal languages: music, image, and movement of the body. To educate and enrich the means to promote development of the individual; motor education, that is, education of movement, is an essential part of this general work. Motor education will become physical education when the activities are scheduled with the goal of achieving full and harmonious development of the individual, that is, the formation of their personality.

Personality is a complex and delicate reality constituted by four areas that are completed, including:

  • Morphological-functional area – body area
  • Cognitive-intellectual area – capacity of expertise
  • Affective and social area
  • Motor area

This activity contributes to all areas: it is necessary for appropriate biological and psychological development, it favors the processes of academic learning and the acquisition of logical-operative skills, it improves levels of socialization, and it enriches the students’ emotional involvement. All that is included in education for educational practice is called motor movement.

Physical education is an education of movement, characterized by some specific objectives and contents. It refers to spontaneous activity and free body movement.

Motor skills are the set of movements made by the locomotor system under the control of sensory organs and the nervous system. This causes a general welfare and pleasant feeling, improves conditions and nutrition of tissues, and increases the defense capabilities of the organism.

Physical Education – that part of general education contributes to the overall development of the human being, namely the four areas of personality, through movement, and every month now as a specific objective of movement education.

(Physical activity provides improvement in health, recreation, social relations, motor efficiency, aesthetics, and relationship with the environment)

Fidelius’s Biomachine

Movement system = Locomotor system

  • Integrated system / muscle system / bone system

System URL:

  • Nervous system / plant
  • Voluntary nervous system / skeletal

Feeding system or energy producer

  • Respiratory system / digestive system / cardiovascular system


What is the biomachine? It is the representation of the body as a machine.

Who created it? Fidelius


Fitness is an objective rating of physical education and is formed by a set of physical activities to be performed by the subject, the purpose of which is a better physical condition.

Clark’s Physical Condition

It is defined as the ability to develop daily work force and effectiveness, delaying the appearance of fatigue, with the lowest energy costs and avoiding injuries.

Physical exercise is all that amount of exercise on the body that acts as an aggressor agent, or that in principle would result in an imbalance, but then the organism will re-equilibrate with a consequent “overcompensation” so that when the aggressor agent (stimuli) appears again, the body no longer becomes imbalanced.

Physical training is defined as a scientific and pedagogical process that is carried out methodically and systematically, which achieves the objective that the subject can develop to reach their maximum physical qualities.

Areas of Training Systems

The continuous system is that all the physical load is applied immediately, without a recovery pause.

Variants of the system mode:

  • Harmonic: Keeps the same intensity during the application of the entire volume.
  • Variable: Intensity changes while the volume is being used.

The divided system is applied in the physical game series with pauses and recovery included.

Fractionated system variants:

  • Interval: Now broken recovery guidelines.
  • Repetition: Now guidelines recoveries are total, 95% to 100%.

In the analytical system, loads cannot be handled from factors as they seek more technical objectives or improving muscle groups and therefore the development of physical qualities, although it is also used indirectly for that purpose.

Forms of Analytical System Streams

Circuits: Aims to develop specific muscle groups. In a mathematical exercise, the same circuit will have different outcomes depending on the intensity, the number of repetitions, and different physical qualities will develop as these factors combine.

Total Training: This is a mixed system where the three elements mentioned above systems (continuous, fragmented, analytical) are present because this is based on Herbert’s natural system, who searched for a dynamic, natural, and complete work, for which he implemented all the possible varieties of exercises and movements.

Physical Load Factors

The product of volume and intensity will give us the amount of physical load than that now exercise.

  • Volume: (quantity, feet that run, that endure over time, the number of repetitions)
  • Intensity: (for making it, is measured by WINT, which strengthens the relationship between real and maximum execution power that I could make this work.)

WINT parity can also be found in the cardiac frequency:

WINT = (real frequency – frequency at rest) / (Maximum frequency – frequency at rest)

Item 2: General Training Concepts

Why do exercises?

Physical activity is synonymous with movement; movement is one of the most natural and innate acts that allows the human being to develop a full life. To have a locomotor system ready to perform any driving action efficiently, we need all the functions that give support to be in optimal conditions. The practice of physical activity is a very important factor to maintain health and quality of life. Physical activity is a natural ability. The company has generated a current sedentary lifestyle which leads to the locomotor system atrophying and deteriorating.

Does making physical activity mean practicing?

When the set of physical practices are regulated in time and get more performance-oriented capabilities of the organism, we talk about training.

Objectives of the training:

Training aims to provide very specific objectives. Necessary motivation to continue working. Training requires mental effort. To meet the training, it must be considered positive. Two most common types of training pursuing different goals:

  • Sports training: Now as improving performance in practicing a sport and is based on two aspects: physical fitness training in technical and tactical aspects.

    Sports training is divided into different stages depending on age and level of practice.

  • Maintenance training is performed to maintain physical activity at a recreational or competitive level, without reaching the maximum yield. It also refers to the principles and periods of training and training is based on the physical condition. The training of technical and tactical aspects are often developed through the same practice or competition.

The training of physical condition

It is based on the training of qualities that are driving.

Driving qualities

These are a set of capabilities that enable the individual to move with full efficiency. The state of development of the motor shows the level of quality of physical condition that individuals can reach; this level is different for each person and is improved with training. We can get a physical form that allows us to enjoy the sport to where we want.

Several classifications are made:

  • Conditional capacity: metabolic processes linked to the energetics of the body
  • Coordinative capabilities: processes related to central nervous system direction.

Driving Capabilities

Conditional coordinative

  • Force
  • Resistance
  • Speed
  • Flexibility
  • Agility, fluidity, precision

Upload work

Training is based on a series of exercises that comprise the physical work defined by two indicators:

  • Volume: amount of work. It can be expressed in feet, pounds, minutes, or number of repetitions of an exercise.
  • Intensity: quality of work. It is expressed with a maximum rate of work that could be done with speed or slow heart rate, the difficulty of the work.

Recovery or rest

It is a phase in which the body is remade from the effort. It occurs on rest periods: the guidelines and in between repetitions and sets of exercises, including training sessions.

In the different training systems to determine the type of recovery, there are two aspects, the degree of recovery:

  • Complete: it returns to almost initial
  • Incompetent: they start again when the work has not yet recovered completely.

Recovery rate:

  • Use: if you do some exercises
  • Passive: if the rest is total.

Recovery according to the workload:

  • 6-12 hours for small loads
  • Average 24 hours to load
  • 48 hours for large loads
  • 72 hours for limit loads

Fatigue – a transient state that appears in the body as a consequence of effort. It involves the reduction of functional capacity of the whole organism or only one organ, system, or apparatus concerned. Fatigue can cause pain and discomfort sometimes and fails with the rest. This is the stage prior to supercompensation.

  • Acute improvement in resting


  • Chronicle: no improvement in rest

Psychological – Tired person without doing a physical exercise. Prescription: exercise

Performance – depends on generic and environmental factors, especially training.

Performance is presented graphically with a line that should be rising as a result of the adaptation of the organism to physical work order in training. The upward yield reflects the improvement of the physical condition of the various motor qualities.

Selye Act or the general adaptation syndrome

The effect produces a work in the body in a specific stress situation that generates a series of reactions that are increasing the level of initial performance. (Supercompensation)

Schutz Act or the threshold

Everyone has an initial level of performance, which should adapt training. In each person the intensity of the stimulus will be different, to get a reaction appropriate.

Principles on which to base any training

  • Principle of unity – the body acts on a set. (Biomachine)
  • Top of generality and specialty – training for a harmonious development (biomachine)
  • Top of relation – physical exercises are all unrelated. Base training in general all benefit, but the relationship of training can be arranged in a favorable, unfavorable, or indifferent way. (Biomachine)
  • Principle of Opportunity – work must be administered in a timely manner, (Selye)
  • Principle of Intensity – Exercises do not work (Schultz)
  • Principle of Progression and continuity – the result should be presented continuously and the intensity is progressively increased (continuity: continuous Selye / progression: increase Schultz)
  • Principle of Proportion – work should be commensurate with the rest (Selye)
  • Principle of Identification – processes of adaptation vary from person to person. Training should be as individualized as possible. (general)
  • Principle of Motivation – training must work aspects such as will and motivation, overcoming efforts. (General)

The training of basic motor qualities

The methods used in the training of the Terms and Conditions is called physical training systems and express the type of work and recovery rates. Every now driving for their own training systems.

Assessment of physical condition

To adapt training to each individual, one must learn the initial level. There are tests for rating each specific aspect of driving. They must be always the same, should apply at the beginning and end of the period you want to measure, under the same conditions and circumstances.

Characteristics of test evaluation

  • Validity: the result of measuring what was really proposed or body part is to assess specifically, it must be sufficiently isolated so that no other aspects are involved in the assessment.
  • Objectivity: should avoid subjective assessment instruments to measure differently two individuals. The devices must be as precise as a stopwatch, tape measure, etc.
  • Reliability: Error must be the minimum. Avoid factors that can adulterate the result.
  • Standardization: the results of a test can be useful if you have bought with other results, should be applied in the same condition so that the results are comparable.

To measure the basic driving qualities

  • Resistance: Cooper test (aerobic resistance) shuttle race (AER power) 1,000 m race (AER resistance)
  • Flexibility: Bending forward (hip and lumbar flexion) deep flexion (general flexion)
  • Force: lower arms (Tricep) ball launch (Explosive strength of arm and trunk) flexion bar (dorsal and fire biceps) abdominal flexions (quite different muscles abd) Vertical jump (fire Explosive)
  • Speed: Run veil (veil rate of displacement) 5m race (veil reaction)

Item 4: Physical-Sporting Activities

The human being, to survive, has practiced physical activity as a means of recreation and expression. Physical activity is present in much of the life of the person. It allows us to take an active living and healthy lifestyle.

Aspects of physical activity, according to the objective

  • Physical activity education: practiced in schools through physical education, which aims to:
    • motor learning: games, dances.
    • fitness: physical condition and training of the motor condition
    • values education: hygiene, nutrition, cooperation.
  • Recreational physical activity: recreation pursues as its main objective, includes several objectives:
    • social relations: sporting encounters, folk dances.
    • fun: games, dances.
  • Utilitarian physical activity: the practice to meet certain obligations or prescription.
    • Health: Rehabilitation
    • Work: professional sports, dance

Aspects of physical activity according to the features

Classified according to their main features:

  • Rhythmic-expressive activities: rate based on characteristics such as movement and expression
    • bodily expression: mime
    • dance: dance
    • rhythm system: jazz.
  • Physical-sporting activities: two very distinctly different purposes: recreation and competition:
    • Recreational: in nature
    • Competitive: Collective sports, individual

Recreational activities

Voluntarily made during free time.


  • Objective: recreation, fun generated according to proper needs
  • Participation: everyone who wants to. No age limits, sex, or condition
  • Flexibility in the application of the rules: the rule fits the group.
  • Spontaneity: the act must be voluntary and freely practiced
  • Technique: We need a technical level to ensure sufficient safety and ease of participation
  • Lot of practice: practice in all means according to the features.


These are recreational activities that anyone can practice.


  • The game is a free action.
  • Allows the person to leave ordinary life and enjoy leisure
  • Always has uncertainty. Each player has an opportunity may be success or failure
  • It is played with an order and following rules
  • It develops within certain limits of time and space
  • The game encourages sociability among group members.

Game Types

  • Skills: those involved in global actions, based on motor skills
    • basic: Racing games, jump, balance, strength
  • Skill: are based on the use of motor skills with implements: Launch games driving
  • Sensory: perceptual, based on aspects of movement, involve acuity of several senses: visual games, tactical, auditory
  • Song or danced: rely on rhythmic movements and expressive.

Alternative activities

Try to collect the spontaneous manifestations of individual or collective origin that have emerged popular among the people. They were born out of the necessity of finding new sensations. Lot of practice:

  • Urban spaces: any urban space can be susceptible to host an activity. Many can be practiced on the streets or parks or when specific facilities
  • Semi-urban: parks or beaches. Activities range from games and alternative
  • Natural recreational activities should be developed in the land environment, air, and water and gives rise to new activities.


  • Collective bargaining games: Frisbee in the team
  • Singles: Cycling
  • Adversary games: game wheel


Definition of resistance

Resistance can be defined as the capacity to sustain the effort as long as possible.

Hulrich Jonathen – the ability to withstand fatigue sets a balance between assimilation and oxygen consumption or use.

Resistance Classes:

  • Aerobic Resistance – the ability of the organism as long as possible to prolong a mild effort, about the balance between oxygen consumption and supply with a negligible oxygen debt
  • Anaerobic Resistance – (ability to develop an intense effort the maximum time possible) allows an intense effort and causing an imbalance between oxygen consumption and supply. The body shrinks an oxygen debt to be paid at the end of effort

Benefits of resistance training

The work of resistance involves a series of transformations in the body, that is, reflected in the systems: circulatory, muscular, respiratory, and heart.


  • Increased cardiac volume, heart receives more blood. Then increase the amount of blood expelled from their systole
  • Strengthens and makes the walls of the heart bigger
  • Improvement and increased capillary action, a better and complete exchange of oxygen
  • Positive impact on the respiratory system, improve lung capacity
  • Active functioning of the organs of detoxification in order to eliminate waste substances.
  • Strengthens the muscular system
  • Active metabolism of all general

Development of resistance

Is related to the circulatory system and respiratory adaptations, which means we need considerable time for its development.

Resistance training

Continuous running consisted of running at a uniform rate and a moderate intensity. It is important to run relaxed (to economize effort) 140-160 pulses per minute for younger people. The way of working will depend on the age of the subject. Alternate between running and walking, gradually diminishing the walks and increasing the intensity of the run. (Aerobic Resistance)

Interval system (degree intervals): Run short distances at a high speed inserting, recovery breaks between them. Improving Anaerobic work with oxygen debt. The intensities must be fairly strong influence in the muscular systems, respiratory and recovery.

Use Factor 5 work:

  • distance (volume)
  • interval (long pause)
  • time (rate of execution: intensity)
  • repetitions and actions (activity during pause)

Fartlek system: inserting continuous running but changing the rate as frequently as possible. Aerobic and anaerobic resistance. The way of working depends on the physical condition to submit the subject. Pulses of 130-140 (140-160) to 160-180 (170-190)

Circuit Training: perform a number of preset stations with pauses between them (anaerobic resistance) or continuous and low intensity (aerobic resistance). The objective will be to improve anaerobic resistance and other qualities: strength, speed, power, and muscle coordination.



Force is always present in all physical activities and sports. It is the quality of basic physical condition and is improved by physical training. It starts to improve after 12 years, reaching 85% between 14 and 16, and reaching 100% at the end of muscle growth, which occurs from 17 to 19 and is maintained until 25, when it starts to decrease.


  • Musk Moston: ability to overcome resistance abroad or face them with a muscular effort.
  • Antonio Prat: external expression of physical work done in a single muscle contraction. Muscular endurance is the ability to perform successive muscle contractions as long as possible, or the ability to withstand a contraction.

Cleaning power

Physics: force is equal to the product of mass multiplied by the acceleration printed on a new body, if displacement occurs, or otherwise shall be equal to the degree of tension that could be reached (static and dynamic)

  • STATIC: force applied against an external resistance, there is no muscle movement.
  • Dynamic: force applied against a resistance that can move so as to overcome, but both cases the muscle undergoes a shift.
    • Maximum Force: no matter the time but the charges to overcome.
    • Fast Force: no resistance and maximum speed.
    • Explosive Force: not defeat a resistance to the maximum acceleration.

Physiology: the strength classified in three different ways depending visible muscle movement.

  • Isometric: When you apply the force does not change the length of the muscle (not doing any kind of movement. Eg try to move a wall)
  • Isotonic: seeks to overcome resistance by modifying the length of the muscle, if shortened = muscle contraction concentric if prolonged = eccentric contraction
  • Auxotonic: when applying strength we use both the isometric and isotonic (eg flex arms and hold the iron a few seconds)

Observations for applying different systems to develop strength

  1. Alternating one day of rest between sessions of work force
  2. Progression: Select smaller to larger charges.
  3. Appropriate combination of different elements that make user of the work force
  • the kind of charges that store
  • the series that apply
  • replays for series
  • the number of exercises for each series
  • apply that rest between sets and between repetitions (if necessary)

Major systems of work force

  • Static Force (isometric system) hold a contraction for 4 or 6 seconds, with multiple repetitions during each session. (Restoration)
  • Dynamic Force: Three types of training
    • Maximum force or slow: 100% intensity system and low volumes
    • Submaximal forces: interval system 70-80% of the maximum intensity. Volume much higher
    • Strong resistance: Continuous Systems. To achieve resistant muscles. Aerobic training intensity of 60% very large volumes.


  • Pliometrics: explosive force.
  • Isotonic Training: Improving dynamic force and power.
  • Electro Stimulation: Therapy, injured a muscle to improve quickly.

Starter Recommendations in force

  • Excesses are bad.
  • Ignorance or bad management at work can cause risk of injury.
  • Recommended that a medical examination like before the onset of physical activities.
  • Exercises of strength: not to lean back, progressively increasing charges. Strengthening the muscles before physical activity. With dumbbells, start with a fourth part of the weight of the person, and then we grow.

General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)

Theories about stress

Hans Selye: he studied some of their patients in certain reactions of the organism were common to different stimuli, and developing a theory of stress based on the following observation: an aggression, an imbalance occurs, using restoration mechanisms that possesses the body goes into a total and then rebalance occurs, the adaptation. If rebalancing is not total, and no restoration can occur, even death.

Stress: is he was found in an organism subjected to aggressor stimuli, which tend to alter the homeostatic balance and to which the organism is responding with a series of physiological reactions, of which two types are obtained.

  • Typical: related to the nature (class) stimulus aggressor
  • Atypical: respect aggressor agent, but will always face such situations (typical-atypical) these reactions are the characteristics of stressful stimuli

Classes atypical-typical reactions:

  1. Increased activity of the adrenal glands
  2. Metabolic system atrophy of fat
  3. Alterations in the digestive tract
  4. Appearance of sores (ulcers) in the digestive tract and / or stomach
  5. Loss of desire to eat, weight loss, decreased blood antacid bodies, etc.

Herbert de Vries: tried to reason the actions of the organism to exercise from the theory of Hans Selye. De Vries showed that an organism subjected to stress agents, instead of causing a state of shock and exhaustion, causes anti-shock resistance and develops a general behaving preventive diseases and nerve-related stress. Vries defines it as: deviation from the normal process. For Vries the exercises develop the functional, which are the cause this deviation are the and represent a sort of remedy against the overload of a certain joints, muscles, senses.

Conclusion, this showed that the physical effort to improve relations and sports training against stress.

He experimented with animals, although Zinkit was the one who worked with rats (they get the virus and died before they did not exercise if those who did)

Prokop. Analysis among the 3 phases of Hans Selye and GAS phases of sports training

Prokop: in their experiment proved the best motivation for the adrenal gland, which represents 2 / 3 of the maximum load of the training. He established an analogy between the 3 phases of the general adaptation syndrome of Selye periodization and training of the athlete, although no scientific evidence confirming this theory, can be important to consider it:

Phases of the general adaptation syndrome:

Phases of training

Stage initiation

It starts at very young age, it is recommended practice for more than one activity in one specific specialization, aims to create a social base of future users and practitioners of the sport.


  • Improve physical condition thanks to all the qualities and step motor for that ahead prevail in the sport chosen.
  • Sign-practice techniques from complex to have a great driving experience
  • Understand the concepts and the most common tactical situations
  • Educate the capacity of effort, struggle and work in a team


  • Promote the development of different motor qualities
  • Aerobic resistance of the work should provide a good basis cardiorespiratory and organic whole.
  • Maintaining the level of flexibility or the athlete to train in the knowledge of the possibilities articular
  • You must develop the strength-resistance. In Cao will not work on maximum force.
  • The training aimed at improving the speed of reaction speed and movement
  • It is important coordination
  • It begins to compete (tactics)


  • Sports great technical difficulty: moan, skating (5-7)
  • Aquatics: swimming, water polo (6-8)
  • Explosive: racing athletic veil (10-12)
  • Endurance racing athletic background (15-16)

Development Stage

Be detected values for the other future performance is opted for a particular sport. Training Development does not have a fixed term, will remain until they reach youth and juniors.


  • Improve and develop the qualities of physical condition generally directly involved in motor sport.
  • Buy taking advantage of morphological specialization, intellectual
  • Expand and strengthen the technical and tactical foundations
  • Offers an experience in racing situations


  • Job-specific month
  • A combination of technical training sessions with the training of physical condition
  • Increased workload
  • Continue work Aerobic resistance generally
  • It must counteract the elasticity and the flexibility
  • It focuses on the explosive force
  • Develops the speed of reaction and maximum speed of displacement gestural
  • It strengthens the technical
  • The strategy is fundamental

Phase high performance

We consolidate the technical and tactical aspects of physical activity and evolution of selected basic physical qualities. It defines the level that plague the sport: the performance and have a high enough motivation for the high dedication to competition = elite athletes. Those who are so prepared should maintain its performance.


  • Reaching a maximum level of physical qualities
  • Get a great mastery of technique
  • Achieve a high level of tactics and collective individual
  • Progressively get better marks
  • Requiring a passing-up
  • Maintain medical and technical control
  • Maximum performance


  • (specified) in the training of physical condition to achieve maximum performance qualities motor directly involved in the competition
  • (improvement) in the gestures execution competition by training in the technique for achieving maximum efficiency. The work is based on the increase in the speed of execution of sports techniques of explosives and a repetition of the Phaistos very highly specialized technical difficulty. The training is specific and complex tactics. We must dedicate 5-8 hours daily and the rest of the time be adopted healthy habits.


  • Height of the net: 1.55 m (average 1.52 and 1.55 at the ends)
  • Lines of the track is considered ground.
  • Poles off the court.
  • You start the game with a draw. The winner can choose ground, serve or receive service.


Win the game best of three sets.

Only the player can get a point server.

  • In men’s singles and doubles: 15 points of the set are unless prolong it to 17 (equal to 14 if you can do 3 points)
  • Women’s Singles: Who wins the set reaches 11 Hare prolong it to 12 points (equal to 1o can be Putna 2 month)

The extension of the first calls that came to scoring extendible.


Players must be in service areas diagonally opposite, without stepping into line. The server to hit the base of below your waist and the base of the racket below the handle. The flying of the rectangle down the receiver.

  • Individual Service Matches: Server will do the right when you have 0 (even) and to the left (odd). The server will score a point if the receiver is missing a comet loses at home against the service.
  • Service with equal doubles: at the beginning of seven and a team ever gets the right to use the service is from the service area right, only the recipient can return the wheel, then if the game continues, can beat any player. To the right and left when the pair when odd.

Errors in areas of service considered necessary and the move is repeated if there have been lacking.


Network play, flying off track, not used properly.

Technical elements

  • LOB (Globe)
  • Clear (clearance)
  • Drop (high left)
  • Drive (Plano SHOT)
  • Smash (remade)
  • Block return (lock)

Items tactics

Basic positions

a) during the game, b) the service.

Displacement in two or three track temps.colocacions a) during the game, b) for service
The speed is a component of the driving condition characterized by a mastery of the neuromuscular system on vegetative system.
It is an essential quality because not depend on other qualities.
Xro combining Force + Speed = Power, and together with the Coordinating + Flexibility = Agility.
The speed positivamnt linked with explosive force and maximum and negatively correlated with resistance, especially aerobic.

In physics: speed is the ability to traverse space with the least possible time. V = E / T

Based on biomechanics: the speed of the human body is the ability to perform successive movimnts types of shrubs as soon as possible, with the whole body or specific part of it.

According to professor japreria: There are two types of speed:
a) speed of reaction time: (predominance of nervous Syst)
b) speed of movement of time: (Sist predominance of muscle)
The two speeds are given of a completely linked when talking generally of the speed of an individual but the two have dentrenar speeds of only a specific and well will improve the speed of the subject.
#. Japreria, distinguishes two forms of the speeds reaction time:
a) speed of Simple reaction time: Kada stimulus corresponds to a single response.
b) speed of reaction time discriminating: it is up to a stimulus and response dua month to choose the subject, before moving dexecutar, one of them.
Also, the speed of movement time distinguishes three variants:
velocity of an isolated gesture
speed of a cyclical movement

Reaction speed with areas of the human body.

a) Area morpho-functional depending on the type of plaqes q form the corresponding bones of your joint and muscles qs’hi Insert.
The best plaqes are the 3rd kind:
The human body t preodimini dakests kind of plaqes. It also depends on the type of muscle fiber predominance QE, F2b are the best.
b) Area of skills and be skilled acting factors x ka time directamnt much influence the speed such as:
– Some properties own muscle.
– Type of speed to fit q desemvolupar.
– Age, sex, body … also involved in a differentiator.

Perceptual-motor area, the relationship between the muscular system and nervous system.
Energy systems, methods and systems used in the entrenamnt more desemvolupamnt this quality.
Tenino into account the concept of japreria, speed to be a k for working 100% and a complete domination of the neuromuscular system, the amount denergia k susara always remove the system and within the group called anaerobic power anaeróbca alàctica .. Servier makes the method work are 100% intensity and volume of not more than 5 sec with pauses of full recovery in order to perform each repetition at 100%.
The QE entrenamnt Sist of the meeting is aqestes caracteristiqes installments of repetitions. Pauses of repeats varies between 1 and 3 minutes between sets of 4 to 5 minutes.
The most widely used in the work of the reaction:

Repeated reaction method. ESTÚMUL -> RESPONSE
method of reaction varied. decomposes the reaction with simple answers and then raising difficulties.
method of discrimination reactions. We must choose a response among several possible answers.
The most commonly used in the speed of movement time are:

method of repetition, whether as isolated gesture dun dun repetitive movement.
Polak systemWhen a deadlock and improve the speed, then sentrena conditions easier.
Italian system, is to make freeing the weight training athlete.

Flexibility is a quality or physical capacity within the group classified the condition k complemented the name of driving motor qualities as intermediate QE presents prevalence over vegetative neuromuscular Syst. Improved training is not a variable but q loss as opposed to the QE is a quality of regression which means that we begin to take from the moment of birth.
– In general:
the quality is q flexibility allows to make moves with the maximum amplitude particular.

More specifically: the flexibility that is QE, based on il’extensibilitat joint mobility and muscle flexibility, allows for joint movement with the greatest distance, allowing the subject shares QE reqereixen great agility and dexterity.

Conclusions: gifts, tied with elegance, mobility and ease of movement.
According to Rasch Burke, flexibility is related to the body type of sex, Osea and articulate the structure and other factors not known.
Jean Le Boulch QE considered normal mobility of joints is a prerequisite to acquire an attitude QE allow for good functional performance.
The elemnts k involved in the definition has the muscles and joint.
Regarding the muscle to make a healthy functional study lelement simplest of sibra muscle miofirbil facilities and sarcomas, including tissue surrounding the muscles and QE fibers, tendons and ligaments help to restrain or QE felxibilitat.
Regarding larticulacio:
a) q have much mobility or diartrosis
b) to have little mobility or anfiartrosis
c) have no QE or sinartrosis mobility.
So I know qin level of flexibility to study.
Methodology. Recommendations:
1. Working aesthetic form (external-internal) or dynamically.
2. exercises performed with Dan frquencia month, and less regularly
3. The first exercises with minimum requirement
4. performed 3 to 4 sets of 10 to 20 receive.
5. if you notice pain, discontinue the work of flexibility.
6. always do before a pre-heater.
7. flexibility exercises combined with strength exercises.
ACTIVITIES Rhythmic expression.

His activities in fisiqes rhythm (rhythmic movement) expression
Demonstration of expresivitat. -> Expresivitat: ability to draw out what we have in QE.
expressive act? Time of expression
a) bodily expression.
(gestures, body, rhythm, choreography, relaxation)
b) Origin and evolution of dance:
Prehistory primitive peoples danced to request rain protegirse spirits, hunting or guarantee sour or pray to the gods. Simple movements.
– World classic: the dance was a way to worship the gods
– Ages: The Western world beginning in the period of denial of the body. We danced and court dances sescenificaven canços, small historie.
– Renaissance: rebirth of the dance form of social relationship coma and refinement. Appears ballet.
– Mon conterporani: XIX – XX inluencia dance has received new and currents of thought evolved.
c) classic ballet: source: XV-XVII
– Romanesque. XIX
– Russian. 2nd half XVIII-XIX
– Universal.
d) modern dance: source: fine-nineteenth century.
Emile Jaques-Dalcroze laid the foundation of the dance
Expresionisme Father: Rudolf van Laban

Jazz dance:
source: XVI
Rhythmic 2.SISTEMES.
a) gym. Modern
b) gym. rítimico-expresives
c) gym.jazz
d) aerobics.
Sorgeiz with lintroduccio of jazz-pop disco music, techno and funky .. There are two streams: Sorensen and Anderson Cooper and LAmerica Keneth. (c. 1984)
# Aqestes importance of activities within the movement.
reflex movements.
fundamental basic movements (walking, running, pick …)
movimnts / faculty perception and stimulus (auditory, visual ..)
básiqes powers. F / R / V
moviemtns specialized (sports skills artistically)
discrusiva no communication.
Mastery of all skills and expresarse.

Interpretive Movement.
-Aesthetic movement (creates beauty)
-Creative Movement (q invention)
Dance lexpressió and leducació have in common the physical movement of the body.

* is very important because it is always present.
* Knowledge / features.
– It is much improved. (nseqé the biomàqina of fidilus).
– Comment improve from 12 / / between 14 and 16 increases to 85% / / reaches 100% when sacaba muscle growth / decrease from 25.

Definitions force (segons..)
Musk-MOSTON: work / ability to overcome external resistance, or the fen-aprontar a muscular effort.
ANTONIO-MEADOW: external expression of physical work done in a single muscle contraction.
– [Estetío, TBE defines MUSCULAR ENDURANCE: The ability to perform in successive muscle contractions as long as possible. Or the ability daguantar a contraction.

Classes strength. The biomechanical strength classified according to two sciences: – according to physics: the force is equal to the product of mass by acceleration, imparting a body. If produirse displacement is equal to the tension that could be reached. produirse if an offset can be: Static: external force applied against a resistance, no muscle movement. [eg empuxa wall] Dynamics: applied against a resistance, and can overcome MOVE. Or slow-Force Maximum no matter the time, but you move the load. [Max too] fast-Force: resistance is not maximum speed and TP. Force-explosive not defeat a resistance maximum at the maximum acceleration. [acc. Maximum] – According to the physiology (the year): physiology classifies the strength of three different ways depending visible muscle movement. F. Isomètica: al’aplicar force does not change the length of the muscle, that df, no movement. F. Isotonic: a resistance overcome by modifying the length Mon muscle. If the muscle-sescursa: “If the muscle contraction lengthens concèntrica.: exèntrica contraction. F. Auxotònica: when we apply the previous two.
observations must be considered when applying the different systems to develop strength.- The alternation: dun necessity descns day between sessions .- The progression loads to smaller .- Combination largest appropriate DLS diss items: * Type * charges apply * QE Series * Number of replicates per series’ * Relaxation exercises for each series (if you need it.) main systems for the work force – static Force: isometric system. Withstand a contraction for 4 to 6 seconds, with several repetitions. 1/2sesions 7manals. Objective Force reabilitació .- Dynamic Forces * maximum or slow: system of repetitions. 100% intensity, low volume .* Forces Submaximo: intervaling system. 70/80% intensity, higher volume .* MIK a pitchfork resistance: a goal daconseguir muscle strength. Aerobic system. 60% or less intensity, volume moooolgran .- Other systems: * Pliomeetria: .* explosive isokinetic strength: strength and dynamic power .* Stimulation: to improve a muscle injury.some recommendations in strength training – Lack Mon .- excesos bad topic. (san know the intensity, progressions, sistematitzacions, …)- Commendable a prior examination by the learned and physical .- [+ specific] espantlla never tilted forward / not sharply increase the burdens / / if we have arms, must start building a 4th part of your weight as much. Resistance: ability to sustain a maximum effort as possible. Hulrich Jonathen as: ability to withstand fatigue xq x sets a equillibri between assimilation and oxygen consumption or use. Classes resistance: – r.aerobica-> capacity to prolong the body x as long as possible effort mild, near equilibrium between oxygen consumption il’aport with a negligible oxygen debt– R. Anaerobic -> (ability to develop an intense effort the maximum time possible) allows an intense effort and causing an imbalance between oxygen consumption il’aportde l. The body shrink an oxygen debt q be paid at the end of effort
Benefits: increased cardiac volume, heart receive blood + Then increase the amount of blood expelled its systole is larger and strengthens the walls of the heart improves and increases capillary laritzacio a better and complete interncanvi + oxygen positive impact in the respiratory system, improving lung capacity active functioning of the organs of detoxification, to remove substancincies of desfet.Enforteix all active muscle system in general metabolism
Resistance training:
– continues career: Consists of a run at a pace consistent with moderate intensity. It is important to run relaxed (x economize effort) 140-160 x minute pulse younger. The way of working will depend on the age of the subject. Alternate career walks XD gradually diminished the passetjos career and increase the intensity of it. R. Aerobics – intervaling system (degree intervals): Run short distances at a high speed inserting, recovery breaks between them. A. Improving Anaerobic work with oxygen debt. The intensistats must be fairly strong influence of Xq in the muscular systems, respiratory and recovery. – [Use of Factor 5 work: distance (volume) interval (pause time), time (pace of execusió: intensity), and repeats actions (ACTV during the break). ] – Fartlek system: inserting race continues xro cancer rate as frequently as possible. R. Aerobic and anaerobic. Way of working depends on the physical condition to submit the subject. Pulses of 130-140 (140-160) to 160-180 (170-190)– Circuit Training: perform a number of preset stations with pauses between them (r.anaerobica) or continuous and low intensity (r.aerobica). objetctiu will improve r.anaerobica TMB and other quallitats: the strength, speed, power and coordination muscilar.