Picaresque Novel: “Guzmán de Alfarache” and “El Buscón” Analysis

The Picaresque Novel

The picaresque novel culminated in the Baroque period with the success of Guzmán de Alfarache.

The Life of Guzmán de Alfarache

Mateo Alemán’s work was published in two parts. It has two levels of discourse: the narrative of the life of a rogue and constant moral reflections of the narrator, which reflects a didactic purpose: to contribute to the common good with the doctrine and the criminal life story of the protagonist, which shows the deceit and wickedness of man. This novel, deeply pessimistic, exemplifies the author’s religious beliefs. Man has free will and, despite the existence of evil, can achieve salvation through divine grace. The teaching purpose covers various aspects of life: ethical, social, cultural, and economic, and therefore insists on issues such as honor and money. The work combines straightforward slang and colloquial expressions with syntactic complexity and various means of expression. On the doctrinal level are values and universal discourses: the narrator, Guzmán as an adult, repented of his past, recounts his adventures and lectures, but Guzmanillo’s valuations (the young rogue) are included.

Guzmán’s Argument

The protagonist debates between his desire to thrive, his low resistance to adversity, deceit, and attempts to improve awareness of his sins.

History of a Hustler’s Life

El Buscón by Francisco de Quevedo, has been called a picaresque novel because it is a fictional autobiography of a miserable figure, but introduced many changes in the gender classification at issue.

The protagonist expresses a constant desire for social advancement and shows no remorse for his misdeeds, picaresque account of her life in chronological order, without justifying his narrative. In his journey he meets different characters, all caricatures. With them is a marginal world.

Themes are repeated such as the shame of his family, the order to thrive, and violence. The work raises stances: for some it is a book of wit and insight, a burlesque purpose, for others it is a moralizing text. It has a lot of expressive resources.

Buscón Argument

Learning continues its picaresque alternating with failed attempts at regeneration and social advancement. Finally, in criminal and persecuted by the justice system, he decides to go to America.

The work presents a pessimistic view and critique of the world: selfish and cruel man, but able to think and decide, you can only save the pursuit of virtue and goodness. The style combines the clarity of sentences and the use of an artificial language.

Didactic Prose of Quevedo

Works include political, philosophical, satirical, and moral themes.


Dreams is a collection of stories that satirize social groups and individuals who exemplify reproductive behaviors.

It develops stoic philosophical ideas integrated with Christianity. The militant under censure the vices and urges them to fight against them.

It develops political work characteristics of an ideal Christian prince from the figure of Christ.

Didactic Prose of Gracián

Gracián’s works are directed to a minority and its purpose is the teaching of standards based on reason and wisdom to achieve personal growth.

The Picky

Represents an allegory of human life. It matches the ages of man with the seasons. Contains many allegorical and satirical episodes, and moral reflections. There are two main characters, Critilo, an elder, and Andrenio. The old man represents the opinion and virtuous experience, Andrenio, ignorance of the world and the instinctual drives. Reflected on a pilgrimage along the road of life.