Plastic Arts Education: A Comprehensive Guide to Image, Drawing, and Sculpture


observation (q perception should be developed); any concentration (mental effort with continuous feedback) decision making (what equipment, space); release and / or self-control of emotions ( graphics first have to educate uncontrolled q); socialization habits (to work in groups and form infividual tb); cleaning habits; acceptance (and other productions).


Mental images (of thought); natural images (environment, real qson) and images created (it ncessiten tools and materials.)
Process perception of image reception information (visual sense) ; store inf (visual memory); process inf (visual thought.)

Items / plastic language and its Composition:

morphological elements (point, line, plane, texture, color and shape), dynamic elements (proportion, structure, movement, tension, rhythm); scalar elements (format, scale to support two-dimensional).


characteristics (size, texture
> regular / irregular, perforated, relief, color, position -> centered / off-, corformant one line.)


purpose (art: sketches, dibiux definitive scientific: Drawing of vegetables, bones; Explanatory maps, blueprints, architecture).


communicate (text), refine contours and shape composed, structured space, marking dimensions suggest volumes, marking axis of symmetry.

Materialization of the line:

bidimensió (bars dried coal, waxes, paint brushes or paint brushes; incisions: drills, cuts, relief: ropes, material) and tridimensió (structures and grid wires, ropes, iron bars, concrete).


0-3 years (objective: to pursue a career; activities: 0-7 months moving object children follow him with eyes in the dark to 1 year earlier but with a stack = ; to catch the train with a marked line on the ground 2 years perception online. 3-6 years: Objective: To control the trace lines —> Enable: reseguir the outline of a figure. Objective: To pursue a career — > activity paint the soles iq they walk on paper. Objective: to experience different results depending on the stroke of ware, paintings and intensity.



tactile texture (sand, soil, paper and other materials to sensitize touch x) and visual texture (pencil, computer, mechanical method x raise awareness of sight.


0-3 years (Goal: recognize textures on her body and in the peer —> Activity: 1st touch with eyes open and then with eyes closed, said body parts that are touching), 3-6 years (objective: to recognize and discriminate objects of different textures textures —> activity: role classify different textures; goal: developing and using textures created — > Activity: materic elaborate paint pigments, gouache paint on supports of different textures).


barretjen waves that are transmitted to the light.

Light colors (white are all mixed):

Primary (red, green, blue, broken); mix additive (red + green: yellow, green + blue violated: cyan soft; violated blue + red: magenta).

Matter colors (black are mixed):

Primary (red, blue and yellow) subtractive mixture (red + blue violated; red + yellow: orange yellow + blue: green).Teaching: 0-3 years (Goal: to discriminate basic colors, visual acuity exercise —-> activity: X-rated color, play Veo Veo, classify pieces according to color paints (except black, gray and white) 3. -6 years (Purpose: To discern the 2nd and 3rd color, link color and light —> activity: xaconseguir certain color mixtures to observe shadows.


external appearance of an image, the outline (apart from the rest of the way space). According intentionality: abstract and figurative. Based Appearance: calligraphy (writing on plastic work)


1. Drawing: graphite pencil, charcoal, blood ink, computer 2.. Painting:
A lAigua
–> gouache (tempera), Chiness ink, watercolor, tempera, fresco.


plastic, latex.

Fatty Materials:

inks , Loli paint.
Barras dried plaster, wax, pastel, colored pencil ….

3. Collage:

paper or cling on dun support materials. 4. Dimpressió techniques.

organic (plant, animal (pig), synthetic organic) and inorganic (minerals natural lands (ocher, natural shade), calcined natural lands (shaded Tostado, land of mountains toast), mineral preparation artificial colors (yellow cadmium zinc oxide).
agglutinated: Olive (poppy, nuts), eggs (red, white or anything), wax (dabella virgin), glues [Plant —> gum arabic, paste (starch or flour + water) starch (potato and cassava + water); Animals —> fish glue, rabbit glue, casein from milk], synthetic resins (polyvinyl acetato).


the essence of turpentine (turpentine), water, oil, alcohol and mineral spirits (petroleum distillates).

pigment / gum arabic / distilled water


Pigment / chalk + glue / water


Piment / egg or casein / water

Loli In:

Pigment / vegetable oil / essence of turpentine (turpentine)


Pigment / oil or gelatin / chalk, resin


pigment / synthetic resin / water


pigment / resin damn / melted wax / oil occasionally

GRAFOMOTRICITAT CHILDREN: basics of the process:

Items Grafomotrius (by neurological maturation)


Laws neurologic cefalocaudal (body control from the fetal position to walk unaided) and proximodistal (control limbs).

Support and position:

prone on the ground, vertically – right , horizontal – seated. Development of independence segments (regardless of the hand on the arm rest.)


natural (hands, feet, body); artificial (Seizure palmar radio – palmar digital, tridigital, clamp – Digital.


burots uncontrolled Innominata nominees and burots controlled, open forms, circular forms / mandalas / alone, irregular shapes human figure (5 years start to neck, ears, eyebrows, fingers details) Danimals and figures.

– Skills grafomotrius:

train your fingers, pressure linstrument, dominance of hand, dissociates the hands, fingers and streamline coordination hands – fingers.

– Neurophysiological maturation with implications grafomotrius:

space and lateralization (lateralization process of fixing the lateralization (delements grafomotrius: hand), discovery and discovery of body centering centering symmetry.

– Maturing with perceptual implications grafomotrius:

work on eye-hand coordination, form perception, depth-discrimination form, perception of relations between forms and shapes of the situation in the plane.



in a museum if there is. There on the card include: author, title and chronology, technique (watercolor, oil, drypoint tells us how it is done), size (size) and current location (where it belongs, sometimes puts private collection).


Description of technique:

the material, which is made (paper) material properties. Support: canvas or fabric, wall paper, cardboard, wood, etc.. Procedure: oil, acrylic, gouache, collage, watercolor, fresco, tempera, pastel, mixed media, printmaking (type). Tools: pencils, others. Texture: plain, relief, painting etc. Materic.

Lanàlisi plastic Language:

Up (gestuals. ..), which has color (saturated, diluted, dominant). Line: types and purposes of the stroke. Colors: spectrum veladures mixtures, flat colors, etc.. Composition: Symmetry dispersion, grouping in a triangle. Texture: flat relief materic painting, etc..

Lestil Analysis:

what belongs ism or movement, chronology and stylistic definition lèpoca, social and artistic influences, the process of creating jobs to other lartista.

Appreciation staff:

what we feel LOBR Liaison creates the sensations. Based on our evaluation suggests that we can discuss this work and the emotions you create.

Didactics Application:

or as I explained to my students. Comments and raise some exercises to do before, during and after the vision that dart LOBR Liaison Group Printing analyzing depending dalumnes.



in a museum if there is. There on the card include: author, title and chronology, technique (watercolor, oil, drypoint tells us how it is done), size (size) and current location.


Description of technique:

materials (iron, clay, bronze, stone, wood, etc.), technical procedures (modeling, carving, cleared, gluing, welding), tools [gouges (size), model clubs, too] and texture.

Lanàlisi plastic Language:

sculptural type (free, relief, sculpture group, installation), form (abstract, figurative, geometric), color (painted, natural color of the field), the empty / full and the line (not always shown).

Lestil Analysis:

what belongs ism or movement, chronology and stylistic definition lèpoca, social and artistic influences, the process of creating jobs to other lartista.

Appreciation staff:

What LOBR Liaison feeling we create, the feelings . Based on our evaluation suggests that we can discuss this work and the emotions you create.Apply teaching: how to explain myself or my students. Comments and raise some exercises to do before, during and after the vision that dart LOBR Liaison Group Printing analyzing depending dalumnes.