Plato: Life, Philosophy, and Influential Works

Plato was born into an aristocratic family with significant influence in Athenian politics. His early life was shaped by the Peloponnesian Wars between Athens and Sparta, a conflict that highlighted the tensions between democracy and oligarchy.

At the age of twenty, Plato began his association with Socrates, a philosopher he deeply admired and became a disciple of. The Socratic influence is evident in Plato’s philosophy, particularly in his early works. During this period, Athens suffered defeat in the war, leading to an authoritarian rule imposed by Sparta. However, this government failed to maintain order and justice, and democracy was soon restored. These events led Plato to distance himself from politics and focus on more theoretical questions.

After the unjust death of Socrates, Plato embarked on a series of journeys to various countries. In Egypt, he encountered disciples of Heraclitus and Parmenides, the philosophers who initiated the problem of change. He also connected with mathematicians, particularly the Pythagoreans of Sicily, who greatly influenced his thinking.

Following his trip to Sicily, Plato returned to Athens and founded the Academy, a school that became the cultural center of Athens for centuries. The Academy fostered intellectual freedom and studied a wide range of subjects. During this time, Plato developed his academic theories and wrote his most important works.

At 60, Plato made another trip to Sicily to attempt to implement the political ideals outlined in his work, The Republic. However, the trip was unsuccessful, and he returned to the Academy two years later. During his time in Sicily, Plato engaged in extensive philosophical reflection, which led him to question some of his earlier ideas. Upon his return to Athens, he met Aristotle, who became a significant influence on him. Plato spent the remainder of his life revising his works and writing new ones.

Platonic philosophy has had a profound impact on Western thought. The soul-body dualism forms the basis of Christian anthropology, while his theory of Ideas and the world of things marked the beginning of the question of universals, a central theme in medieval philosophy. Plato’s ideas also served as the foundation for Cartesian rationalism and Hegelian idealism. Furthermore, his theories on mathematics and politics have greatly influenced later thinkers.

Key Works

Socratic or Youthful Dialogues (393-389 BC)

  • Euthyphro
  • Apology
  • Crito
  • Ion
  • Charmides
  • Laches
  • Lysis
  • Protagoras

These works explore the ideas of Socrates, focusing on ethical concepts such as virtue.

Transitional Dialogues (388-385 BC)

  • Hippias Minor
  • Hippias Major
  • Gorgias
  • Menexenus
  • Euthydemus
  • Meno
  • Cratylus

These dialogues blend Socratic themes with early explorations of the theory of Ideas, influenced by Orphic and Pythagorean thought.

Dialogues of Maturity or Dogmatic (385-371 BC)

  • Symposium
  • Phaedo
  • Republic
  • Phaedrus

These works solidify the theory of Ideas as the foundation of Platonic epistemology, ethics, and politics, featuring Platonic myths.

Critical Dialogues or Old Age (370-347 BC)

  • Parmenides
  • Theaetetus
  • Sophist
  • Political
  • Timaeus
  • Critias
  • Philebus
  • Laws
  • Epinomis

These dialogues adopt a self-critical tone, with less emphasis on the ontological aspect of the theory of Ideas and Socrates no longer the main character.