Plato’s Theory of Ideas, Soul, and the Philosopher-Ruler
Plato’s Theory of Ideas
I start my presentation discussing the theory of Ideas, as the application of this triggers a major role in justice and policy. Plato’s theory of Ideas is given because Plato, trying to parse reality, realizes that all objects are constantly changing. Then how is it possible to extract knowledge of a reality subject to motion and change? Plato’s predecessors were wondering the same, worse came to radical positions.
Plato, influenced by these philosophers, accepts some things and others. From Heraclitus, he accepts that the objects of the physical and material world are constantly becoming, not being able to obtain true knowledge.
From Parmenides, he accepts that the knowledge that we bring from the senses is misleading and only shows the appearance of things, not the real truth or reality which is only accessible to logical reasoning. In Plato’s view, one can only have true knowledge of what does not change, what remains stable; it is the only possibility of reaching a scientific, objective, and true understanding. If truth has to exist, there must be some things that do not change and remain eternally stable and identical, and they do not exist in the material world of sense and therefore have to be found outside the world of sense. These realities will be given the name of Ideas.
Theory of the Soul
Next, I will tell you about the theory of the soul, which tells us that the body is a prison for the soul, and purification is only possible through successive reincarnations and the cultivation of mathematics and philosophy. The role is the knowledge of order and harmony of the universe. And this theory is related to education and involves passing from the visible world to the intelligible world. Education ends when we achieve the idea of Good.
Plato’s Political Philosophy
But do not forget the importance of this in policy, since the only way to establish a just state is to have obtained the idea of Good and apply it to politics. For Plato, politics is the art of directing and organizing the State wisely in order to achieve justice and the good of the community. This art is actually identified with philosophy, as only one who has grasped the eternal essences of good and justice will be able to know what is right and just for the state and rule in accordance with those principles.
The Philosopher-Ruler
This leads us to discuss the policy proposal of the philosopher-ruler. The philosopher Plato proposed ruling is the result of applying the moral intellectualism of Socrates to the field of politics. Only just and good people who know what justice and the good are can rule. Plato shows that only philosophers can be the perfect rulers. Thanks to their knowledge, philosophers have the necessary criteria to distinguish right from wrong, good from evil, both in their private lives and in politics.
The Three Parts of the Soul
And finally, I will talk about the three parts of the soul through which we reach the real truth:
- Part Rationale: Exclusive to human beings, it is the seat of intelligence and has a divine nature.
- Part Irascible: It is the source of emotions and human desires.
- Part Appetite: It is the source of material desires of humans.