Police Intervention in Construction & Business Licensing
Police Intervention in Licensing
Permit Recording and Authorization
The recording of authorizations and licenses is one of the administrative police missions often performed by local police. These data verify the work being performed. Formalized in a form, report, or statement, the following will be noted:
- Location
- Performer
- Municipal license
- Liability insurance
- Plan of assembly
- Use and dismantling of scaffolding
- Municipal authorization for crane installation
- Occupation of public space with containers, materials, fences
- Protective measures for workers
- Collective protection measures
Any relevant information or anomalies will be sent to the appropriate city department responsible for processing.
Notice of Documents
Local police officers deliver certain notices to those performing the work, including requirements, communications, and work stoppage or demolition orders.
Execution of Decrees
Often done solely by the police or in conjunction with municipal technical services, this is a common police practice. A decree to stop work is an order from the competent authority to cease work until a license is obtained or conformity to the request is achieved. This action follows an administrative procedure. If this decree is issued, the intervention would be documented in a report, indicating:
- Date of the act
- Number of acting agents and/or municipal technicians
- Affiliation of the person responsible, who was present
- Address and data of the work
- Decree data (date and file number)
- Legal liabilities arising from failure to comply
- Comments from the audience
- Signatures of the performers
This involves the execution of decrees to seal material or demolish construction.
Intervention Control
This is a monitoring task to verify that the decrees mentioned in the previous section take effect. If any failure is detected, it is stated in a report and forwarded to the competent body for the instruction of the corresponding penalty procedure, independently of other possible criminal proceedings for disobedience to authority or its agents.
On the Paralysis of Works by Local Police
The competent authority in this area has the power to order the stoppage of work. When circumstances such as lack of technical expertise, licensing issues, and a lack of objective risk to the safety of people are present, an interim stay will be made and recorded in minutes, arguing the reasons for that determination.
Licensing of Activities
In cases of works, and basically regarding security, when there is knowledge of the opening of an establishment, a check must be performed on the documentation. Using a tab or a report, data will be collected on:
- Activity performed
- Performer
- Location
- Documents produced, etc.
Agents will record whether the request complies with the requirements. These data will be forwarded to the appropriate bodies for handling such licenses at City Hall.
Notice of Documents
Local police officers transmit resolutions from relevant agencies, including communications, sites, paperwork, closure orders, sealing orders, and so on.
Execution of Decrees
A closure decree will be an order from the competent authority. Technical services or the agents themselves will document the intervention in a report. Decrees of the local precinct or the use of certain elements will proceed similarly. In some municipalities, the closure decree empowers local police to use tape to ensure compliance.
Police will monitor compliance with the provisions of the decrees on successive days. If non-compliance is detected, a default act will be created and forwarded to the competent body for disciplinary measures. In the event of a seal failure, municipal technicians can order its replacement or resealing. Repeated and strong will of disobedience and non-compliance with the order of the responsible municipal authority will be recorded.