Political Power, Liberalism, and Democracy: Key Concepts

What is the Origin of Political Power for Nietzsche?

F. Nietzsche argued in his works that the violent origin of any kingdom is key to understanding the political. In his view, the desire for domination of some over others is the root of political power.

What is Political Power? (Legitimacy)

Most philosophers have argued that political power is necessary for any society to function. But not all political power is legitimate. According to Locke, the criterion of legitimacy of political power is to fulfill its function well, which is to do justice between citizens if one has harmed another. This assumes that all have given up the right to take the law into their own hands.

Liberal State as the Rule of Law

The first form assumed by the modern state was the absolute monarchy of the Ancien RĂ©gime: the monarch is the sovereign will and his word is law.

However, the liberal revolutions gave rise to a new mentality in which all members of society must be subject to popular sovereignty. In this way, the concept of the rule of law opens up.

The 3 Principles of Kant

Kant, in his work “Perpetual Peace,” established the following three principles as the basis of the legal system and the modern state:

  • Principle of freedom of each member of society (as a man).
  • Principle of the dependence of all on a single common legislation (as subjects).
  • Principle of equality of all subjects (as citizens).

What are the Basic Functions of the Liberal State?

The core functions of the liberal state are as follows:

  • Protect the lives of its members while maintaining security.
  • Reduce fear and uncertainty, promoting civil peace.
  • Secure property rights and facilitate trade.

Republican Inheritance: The Liberal State as a Democratic State

Liberalism states that to achieve these goals, the state must be constitutional, a state where there is a fundamental rule, the Constitution or equivalent standards that limit state power and avoid, where possible, the abuses of the rulers. Liberalism is the heir of the republican tradition, born in ancient Greece and Rome. According to this tradition, citizens must be equal before the law and should have the opportunity to defend against any abuse of power.

Civil Society

A set of institutions and social coordination mechanisms not dependent on the state administrative system.

Political Liberalism and Economic Liberalism

Political liberalism is centered on the idea that human beings should be free to pursue their own preferences in religious, economic, and political affairs. In this respect, liberalism takes as its own the insistence of the republican tradition. Economic liberalism understands the market as the basic mechanism of social coordination. The state’s role is to facilitate the market to fulfill its duties to determine prices and distribution of benefits, and therefore the state should intervene as little as possible in the operation of the market.

The Social State of Law

The social state of law includes in the system of fundamental rights not only individual liberties but also the concern for social equality.

What is the State?

The state is a set of social institutions, parliament and central government, autonomous regions, municipalities, courts, etc., which has to ensure the common good understood as the realization of justice.

Advocacy of Liberal and Democratic Values

A modern democratic society is characterized by the existence of moral, political, religious, and philosophical pluralism among citizens. That is, people with different political ideologies and different ideals of a good life coexist. To have true coexistence, there must be values of justice. These values, which tend to be formally expressed in constitutions, are:

  • Respect for human rights of the three generations under the rule of law.
  • The defense and promotion of freedom, equality, and solidarity.
  • The adoption of attitudes of dialogue and active respect.

It is the duty of the state to ensure the transmission of these values to the young in the educational system and seek to have them implemented in all areas of life of citizens and all institutions, from the family.

Defining Democracy

The term “democracy” comes from the Greek word “kratos” (power or government) and “demos” (the people). But saying that the people govern does not say much today. In our democratic societies, we are governed only by the representatives we elect, and not all of us. In the sixth century BC, Athens had a political system where the government was in the hands of all citizens.

Republican Root

Democracy, as we understand it today, is only two centuries old. The direct participation of the people disappeared with the Greek polis. The idea of “republic” – from the Latin “res publica,” public affairs – means that governments derive their “right” to govern from the people’s consent.

  • Joint-Government, including the representation of different social groups.
  • Public Virtue, moral integrity of citizens.

Democratic Virtue

Dignity, Autonomy, Responsibility, and Solidarity.

Democracy in the Media Society

The mass media (press, radio, television, advertising) have accumulated enormous power, since they decide what interests the public and what does not. They can silence important aspects of reality as if they did not exist, especially on television. But anyway, we are introduced to the public a distorted picture of reality, which becomes more evident when the various media compete to attract viewers, enhancing an image of politics as entertainment, rather than a serious public debate on collective problems. For example, the image projected by the media about a leader, or party, or on a matter of public interest, can determine the opinion of the people.

Towards a Cosmopolitan Citizenship

The ideal of cosmopolitan citizenship, a world where all people are citizens and feel as such, is not only ethically desirable but technically feasible and politically viable. However, since they appeared, inherited traditions of universalism, ethical, philosophical, and religious, and political ones, and others living with Kant, humanity has a destiny, that of building a cosmopolitan citizenship, possible if we create a “universal ethical republic.”