Power Ministry: The Holy Spirit in Action

What Mandate Did Christ Give the Church?

To evangelize all nations.

Advancing Christ’s Kingdom

The only way to advance Christ’s kingdom is by applying force against force. God’s primary force is the power of the Holy Spirit in operation through the Church.

Reasons Why Power Ministry Is Essential Today

  • We are involved in a war.
  • The enemy has power.
  • The task is great.
  • Power ministry works.

Elijah’s Contest with the Prophets of Baal

God sent fire from heaven to consume the water-soaked sacrifice to show that He was more powerful than Baal. At the same time, Elijah challenged the people to follow the true and living God.

What Two Main Things Did Jesus Show?

  • That He truly was the Anointed One, sent from God.
  • That the kingdom of God had come to overthrow the kingdom of Satan.

Jesus’ Six-Part Plan for Ministry (Luke 4:18-19)

(List the six key actions in his ministry – This section needs to be completed based on Luke 4:18-19)

The Ministry of the Early Church

The apostles ministered in the same way Jesus did, and they followed the twofold pattern He established.

Defining the “Kingdom of God”

The Gospel of the Kingdom is the Gospel of salvation with the addition of the powers of the age to come.

The Kingdom of God: Present and Future Tense

It came in the person and through the work of Jesus Christ (Luke 17:20-21). Later, it came again when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Day of Pentecost. The kingdom of God will come in its fullness at the second coming of Christ.

What are the three essential elements of an effective gospel presentation? (This section needs to be completed)

Jesus’ Ministry: Combining Two Elements

Jesus often combined:

  • Preaching/Teaching (Declaring)
  • Healing/Delivering (Demonstration)

The Holy Spirit’s Demonstration at Pentecost

People literally spoke in other languages as the Spirit gave them the ability.

Five Elements of Power Ministry

  • Anointing
  • Faith
  • Boldness
  • Divine Guidance
  • Humility

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

The baptism in the Holy Spirit was a central goal of Christ’s mission on earth. This was important to Jesus because the baptism in the Holy Spirit was a source of power to all who were to be involved in power ministry.

Conditions for Being Filled with the Holy Spirit

  • Ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit today.
  • Approach the throne of grace with boldness.
  • Praise God with expectant faith.

Defining Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual gifts are supernatural anointings given to Spirit-filled believers by the Holy Spirit to accomplish the will of the Father.

Three Groups of Spiritual Gifts (1 Corinthians 12:8-10)

  • Revelation Gifts
  • Prophetic Gifts
  • Power Gifts

General Guidelines for Spiritual Gifts

  • To know the mind of God.
  • Given to say the words of God.
  • Given to do the works of God.

Key to a Successful Power Ministry

The apostles ministered in the same way Jesus did, and they also followed the twofold pattern established by Him: demonstrating and declaring.

God’s Primary Way of Speaking Today

God’s primary means of speaking to man today is through His Word.

Spiritual Weapons (Ephesians 6:14-18)

  • Prayer
  • Helmet of Salvation
  • Breastplate of Righteousness
  • Shield of Faith
  • Sword of the Spirit
  • Belt of Truth
  • Shoes of the Gospel of Peace

Purposes of Using Spiritual Armor

  • That we might stand our ground against the enemy’s attacks.
  • That we might not fall prey to Satan’s “schemes.”

Attitude in Ministry

Though the pastor’s goal is both physical and spiritual, the pastor should not threaten anyone, nor accuse them of not having faith during prayer.

Jesus’ Most Common Way of Healing the Sick

(This section needs to be completed)

Commission Concerning Demons

He commissioned us to follow Him into battle and cast out demons.

Altar Workers

(This section needs to be completed based on the original text instruction)

Who Can Pray With Others?

Any Spirit-filled believer can lead another believer into receiving the Spirit’s baptism.

Instructing the Seeker

  • To stir up faith in the seeker’s heart.
  • To help him understand what he must do.
  • To help him understand what will happen.

The Character of God

Through the miracles of signs and wonders, the listeners see God’s great compassion.

EXPECT TRUE AND FALSE ANSWERS ALSO. (This is an instruction, not part of the content. It needs further context to be addressed.)