Prevention and Protection in the Workplace: A Comprehensive Guide

Item 10: Prevention and Protection

Prevention Plan

Definition: The means by which an entrepreneur integrates preventive activity into the company’s management system.


  • Required implementation by the employer.
  • Must be approved by company management.
  • Must be known to all workers.
  • Must be documented.

Minimum Content:

  • Company identification and characteristics.
  • Organizational structure with roles and responsibilities.
  • Prevention organization (methods and worker representation).
  • Resources for preventive action.


  • Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment Definition

A process that estimates the magnitude of unavoidable risks, providing information for the employer to take necessary preventive measures.


  • Initial and periodic assessments.
  • Performed on unavoidable risks.


A general assessment method exists from the INSHT (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health at Work).

Planning Preventive Action Definition

Implemented if, after assessment, the entrepreneur finds any risk to reduce or eliminate.


  • Annual planning.
  • Prioritized by risk magnitude and worker exposure.

Prevention Organization


Entrepreneur Assumption


  • Companies with fewer than 6 workers.
  • Non-dangerous activity.
  • No health surveillance assumed.
  • Basic prevention training.
  • Regular work in the company.
Designated Employee(s)


  • Trained employees.
Internal Prevention Service


  • Mandatory in companies with 500+ workers.
  • Mandatory in companies with 250+ workers during dangerous activities.
  • Full-time service.
External Prevention Service


  • Specialized firms.
  • Required equipment and instruments.
  • Accreditation by labor authorities.
Representative Bodies
  • Safety Representatives: Worker representatives with specific roles in industrial risk prevention. Present in companies with 10-49 employees. Number varies by company size. No credit hours.
  • Health and Safety Committee: Present in companies with 50+ workers. Composed of safety representatives and employer representatives in prevention. Joint body. Competencies: Participate in prevention program development, implementation, and evaluation; promote deficiency correction and improve working conditions.

Prevention and Protection Measures


Definition: Measures taken or planned in all business activity phases to avoid risks.


Technical: Industrial hygiene, ergonomics, workplace safety.

Organizational: Psychology, occupational medicine.


Definition: Activities that eliminate or reduce worker harm from risks.


Collective Protection

Definition: Means incorporated into equipment/facilities for permanent use or activation to protect the work environment.


  • Machine guards and protection devices.
  • Workplace openings and fall hazards.
  • Fire risk protection.
  • Safety signs.

Individual Protection

Definition: Equipment or devices worn/attached by workers for individual risk protection.

  • Supplied by the employer; risk-appropriate and safe.
  • Workers must maintain and use appropriate equipment.
  • CE marked.
  • Clear instructions.

Classification by Protected Body Part:

  • Head
  • Foot/Leg
  • Whole Body
  • Eye/Face/Skin
  • Ears
  • Trunk/Abdomen
  • Hands
  • Respiratory Tract

Self-Protection Plan

Definition: Company document for preventing and controlling risks to persons and property, responding to emergencies.

Content: Regulated by RD 93/2007 (Basic Standard of Self-Protection). Includes the Emergency Plan.

Emergency Plan

Definition: Document within the Self-Protection Plan outlining available resources and actions for emergencies, including protection and intervention means.


  • Emergency identification and classification.
  • Procedures.
  • Identification of responsible individuals and teams.
  • Implementation responsibility.

Emergency Types

  • Attempted: Accidents easily controlled by company staff with available resources.
  • Partial: Accidents causing damage or casualties, requiring company resources but not affecting others.
  • General: Accidents requiring all building resources and external assistance (Civil Protection and Fire Department).
  • Evacuation: Orderly and controlled evacuation of all or part of the workplace.

Evacuation Requirements:

  • Order given by authorized personnel.
  • Floor managers verify complete evacuation.
  • At least annual drills.

Evacuation Guidelines:

  • Calm and orderly evacuation.
  • No elevators or lifts.
  • No re-entry.
  • Proceed to designated meeting point.
  • Follow instructions and signage.

Fire Evacuation Guidelines:

  • Do not open hot doors abruptly.
  • Close doors (do not lock).
  • Crawl with head down and damp cloth over airways in smoke.
  • Stop, drop, and roll if clothing catches fire.
  • Use appropriate fire extinguisher.