Primary Immunodeficiencies: Types, Symptoms, and Treatments

Why Have You Reached the Conclusion That This Is Primary?

  • 2+ Pneumonia / year
  • 4+ Otitis / year
  • Severe Infection (meningitis & septicemia)
  • Family History
  • Interstitial Infection

Group the Primary Immunodeficiencies

B Cell Deficiency T Cell Deficiency Combined Deficiency Phagocytic Cell Deficiency
1. X-Linked Agammaglobulinemia
(No Antibody, B cell 0 / T Cell [Normal])
(Pneumonia / Bronchiectasis)
2. Hyper IgM
IgM ↑, IgA + IgG ↓
(Fungi Pneumocystis jirovecii, protozoa, Virus CMV)
3. IgA Deficiency
IgA ↓, all Immunoglobulins [Normal]
(Sinus/Pulmonary Infection, allergy, Celiac)
– G2 + G4
4. Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID)
(B cell Normal, IgM and IgA [Normal], IgG’s ↓)
(Pyogenic Giardia lamblia)
(Pharyngitis, sinusitis, Otitis Media)
1. DiGeorge
(Tetany at birth)
(Opportunistic infection)
(Facial Feature)
2. Nezelof 3. X-linked Proliferative 4. Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis
1. Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID)
2. Ataxia-Telangiectasia (A-T) 3. Wiskott-Aldrich (W-A)
(Thrombocytopenia, Eczema, Pyogenic)
1. Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD) 2. Chediak-Higashi (CH) 3. Hyper IgE

X-Linked Agammaglobulinemia

Main Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment
  • >6 Months, Recurrent Sinopulmonary infection
  • Giardia lamblia
  • Recurrent: Pneumonia, Bronchiectasis
Immunoglobulins: 0
B Cell Low
T cell Normal
IVIG (400mg/Kg)
Annual Pulmonary Function Test (PFT)

Hyper IgM Syndrome

Main Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment
  • Recurring Fungi (Pneumocystis jirovecii) / protozoa and virus (Cytomegalovirus) infection
  • IgM ↑, IgA, IgD, IgE ↓
IgM is High
All Immunoglobulins are Low
Flow cytometry CD40 mutation
Bone marrow transplant
Antibiotics (Pneumocystis jirovecii)

Selective IgA Deficiency

Main Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment
Sinopulmonary Infection, Allergies, Celiac Disease
Infection history
IgA < 10, Other Immunoglobulins Are Normal
Broad spectrum Antibiotics

DiGeorge Syndrome

Main Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment
22q11.2 Deletion
Thymus & Parathyroid Gland Hypoplasia
(T cell & Ca2+ ↓)
Recurrent Infections
Facial Abnormalities
Cardiac Abnormalities
Tetany at birth
CBC: Neutropenia
Genetic Test
B cell (maybe But Not IgG)
Transplant Of Thymus
Ca & Vitamin D Supplement

Nezelof Syndrome

Main Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment
Thymus hypoplasia
Parathyroid Gland Normal
IVIG + Thymus Transplant

X-Linked Lymphoproliferative Syndrome

Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment
Asymptomatic until Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)
(Mononucleosis + Liver Failure)
EBV History
Immunoglobulins ↓
Natural Killer (NK) cells ↓
CD4/CD8 reversed
Bone Marrow Transplant

Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis

Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment
T cell Dysfunction, Recurrent Candida Infection of Skin & Mucous membrane
Recurrent Candida
Scalp Skin
Systemic > topical antifungal

Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID)

Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment
>6 Months
Infection immediately post birth
Viral Infection
Exfoliative Dermatitis
History of Infection
CBC: Lymphopenia
Mitogen response Test (-)
Flow cytometry: T cell Decreased
Defect in IL-2, IL-3, IL-4
Bone Marrow transplant
Gene therapy

Ataxia-Telangiectasia (A-T)

Main Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment
Wobbly Gait at 18 months
Ataxia when able to walk
Telangiectasias: 4-6 Years old
Sinopulmonary infection
IgA very low
Alpha-1 fetoprotein elevated
Cytometry ATM gene Defect Chromosome 11
Ataxia Management
Thymus Graft

Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome

Main Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment
Combined Immunodeficiency
Low IgM
[Normal] IgG
High IgA + IgE
CBC: Thrombocytopenia
Ig: IgM low, IgA + IgE High
ESR up
Mitogen Test Low
Flow cytometry (T cell low, B Normal)
Bone Marrow Transplant
Supportive but not NSAIDs

Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD)

Main Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment
(Staphylococcus epidermis)
Skin Infection, Mucous infection
Granulomatous Lesion, In Lung and Liver
Lymph Node inflammation
Auspicious ulcer
Nitroblue tetrazolium test is (-)
CBC (leukocytosis + Microcytic anemia)
Flow cytometry
Prophylactic Antibiotics (TMP-SMX-itraconazole)
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant

Chediak-Higashi Syndrome

Main Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment
Peripheral Neuropathy
CBC: neutropenia
Smear: Giant Cell
Bone Marrow biopsy: Giant inclusion
Bone Marrow Transplant
Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) for neutropenia

Hyper IgE Syndrome

Main Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment
Recurrent Staphylococcus
Cutaneous Sinopulmonary infection
Cyst Forming Pneumonia
Staphylococcus INFECTION
History of Staphylococcus infection
IgE High >1000
Genetic Test
Lifelong anti-Staphylococcus


General Examination

  • Hypersensitivity type I (HSI)
  • IgE
  • Atopy
  • History is a must


  • History (must)
  • Family
  • Clinical Findings: runny nose, Itchy eyes
  • Skin Tests (drop / Patch)
  • Laboratory: IgE, Autoantibodies, Inflammatory Cells (eosinophils)
  • Provocation test (Coombs Test)

Skin Prick Test


-ELISA allergen
3-CBC esonphilia I+ IgE Up in Nasal smear and blood
5-Hypertrophy of lower turbinates


-Avoid Trigger
-X :H1 anticholinergic/CSD/Decongestio
-Mucosal irrigation

***Anaphylacitc shock:

Severe Form of Alelrgy 
-15-30 min to Death
-x System Affected
-Cuteanous Features ( utricaria & Angioedema flushing)
-URT ( Wheezing , dyapnea, Upper Airway edem, Rhinities)
-GI (Vommiting Crmping ,diahrea) 

Acute Cutenous sx( Uticari& Angioedema)
Respiratory sx
-Cardio sx(↓)
Acute onset of 2 System 
( cutenous /resp/ CVS/ GI )d
Acute Hypotension following Exposure to Known Allergen

-Upper airway edema
-nausea Vommiting ,
-Hypotension (v low) —-> anaphylactic Shock
-SKIN : utricaria(Wheels Raised Circular)/ angioedema/ FLUSHING
-HIVES, Itching , Swollen Tongue . Wheezing , Tacycardia

I-CF :-Itching
(We dont have time )
II- Lab:
    CBC (tryptasE)

Breathing Circuliton
2-Epinephrine(IM) to cause —>V
every 10 -15 min till we get a response!
3-Fluid ResuscitationII-Post emergency:-Antihitamines( Diphenhydramine )-CSD ( Prednisone)

MHC I: All Cell (except RBC)————-> Bind To CD8+MHC II: APC ( MAcriphage, dendrite ,B lymphcote)———–> Bind To CD4+ helper

(allograft sae psecies)
Direct RejectionInfirect Rejection 
-APC is in  graft 
-CD8+  attack MHC I
-Kill cell
-thrombosis & Ischemia
(+) Macrophage& B lymh to procude Abb
^^Types of Rejection:
1-hyperacute::2- Acute:3- Chronic:
-Ab Attack Donor Organ
(preformed Ab)
-Attack on Vessel, thombosis
-Humoral Ab+ Acute( ab) macrophage, NK)
-6-90 days
-Tx :immuno(-)
Month to years
-Ab /Cm/ HS IV
-Fibrosis in endothelium 
leadign to necrosis!

4- Host Vs Graft:Organs attack the host -Due toT-cell proliferation inside the organ** Angioedema:(utricaria GOES Wild)^^Gx: 

-swelling of diff part of Body  ,Sweeling of lower dermis and subcutanous
-Resolve in 72 hours!
– Places include: Face, Tongue ,Eyes,  airways
– If its in the aace or airway it may block breathing and this is the main  concern!!
-X that can casuse it : ACE(-) , NSID , Ca blockers!
-Can be : HEreditary or Acuqired
Allergic (as byproduct of Allergic /anaphylactic reaction )= HS1Hereditary
-Cause C1 esterase Def
-GCD do not Work
-Facial Swlling & Stridor
-No Itching
-No Raised lesion


1-Check the Complement Levels: C2+C4 wil lbe deceased(heredatory)
2- C1 Esteras (-) Decrease ( Heredatory )


I- If allergic remove the cause
II-Airways Protection
III- Oral Antihsamine,  H2 antagonist
(If Airway is obstructed Give Epinephrine( its case of anaphylaxis now)


-1mm-10 cm large
-stimulated by skin contact( the moe you scratch them more they itch 
-May be associated with angioedem( allergic)


-Mostly due to contact with things , sometiem Food but very Rare
-Viral , bacteira, parasitic
-IgE mediated
-phsysical factor( excercise)
-many others

^^ CF:

-Red Raised Lesions!


-based of appearance, Raised Red Lesion


-Oral Antihistamine ,
-Leukotrine Receptor Agonist
-H2 Antoganost ,
-Sterod not helpful!!!

^^ Relationship of angioedem & urticaria?

-Utricaria is mild form whiole ngoedema is the wild Form
-Allergic angioedema  comes WITH utricaria ussualyl both are  part of Bigger disease anaphylaxis 🙂 

*** Pulmonary Abscess!

^^ Cause:
-Necrotizing Lung Infection with Pus
Infection : Pneumonia-ASpiration :  Vommt , Gignivitis, Poor Oral Hygeine( Lung Are Sterile)-OBstruction & Abnormalities!
Fever, High-Productive Cough-Dyspnea
-XRAY-Bronchoscopy!-Sputum Culture

^^Tx:-Ax Treatment -PERCUTEANOUS  PUNCUTRE& CATHERIZATION of Peripheral Lung abscess ( MONALDI method)***Empyema:^^Gx:-Fluid Build Up btwn Lung Surface & Fluid Membrane!-Px : is Pilled up of pus , Unlike Pleural effusion is not Normal Fluid!(Pus :Dead WBC)  Lung cannto expand properly -Cause :Infection (Pn) ./ Asbestos/ Chest WoundPRIMARY: Direct Infection of pleural space due to TraumaSECONDARY : Infection of adjacent organs to pleural surface^^Sx:-Short Breath -Chest pain-Fever(High)-Chills-Cough , -Green Brown Sputum^^Dx: -XRay-Thoracentesis!^^Tx:-Thoracentis —> Aspiration to remove Pus -Ax are Given -Surgery : pariteal Pleuroctomy & Decortication !(Cutting and pealign some of Lung Lining)

(Chronic Pleural Empyema———> Replacement of Omentum Majis  Into Residual Cavity) 

More on Surgery :1-Irrigation & Drainage—->Acute & Chronic non complicated Empyema2- Decortication & Pleurectomy:——>Chronic Pleural emyemaDecortication —-> remocal of constriction pell of LungPleurectomy—-> excision of thickened Parietal Pleura!3- Pleurostoma:

-Tube thoractomy 

***Plueral Effusion:

^^GX : fluid btwn Visceral  & Parietal pleura!! >300nl
^^Coudl be Interesital FLuid
1-Transudate :HF ,cirhosis, Ascite,s nephrotix 
2- Exudate : Trauma , Malignancy, Inflammatory ,condition,Infection —-> Pn
(FluidPRT – Serum PRT >0.5)
(fluid LDH /Serum LDH>0,6)
3-chylothoax: Lymphatic effusion (Tumours, Latrogenic)


-Depend on Size
-Pain in pleutisi


-D- Breath sound
-D- Tactile Fremitus
Xray:Trcheal deviation (away)/ costosteornal anle filled


-thoracentesis (Dx and Tc) From the Back
-Small effusion —->duiretics!

***Pulmonary asphyxia:

-pressure on chest wall prevent sexpantion
-compressive injury
-Ribcage fracture
-Raptured BV in face nd neck
( the Venous Return will go Backward to the head)

**Pulmonary contusion :

-intrapulmonary hsunting & hypoxemia
-Wheezing  coughing and dyspnea
-Tx: Oxygen /ventlation / drainage/ thoracoscopy+ surgery
***Pulmonary hematoma , 

** PnThorax :^^Gx:-” Air in Pleural Cavity ”-Cause: Trauma , Spontenous . Many reasons….-[N] :Pleural Cavity :-5 cm H2O pressure Pressure this Keep the Lung is this Equilibriumoutward Pull-Lung will Compress -Normal PnThorax : Shunt /Chest Compresses air goes in , Chest Expands air Goes Out!                                 Blood will be there without any gas exchange-Tension Pn Thorax : Valves Like Opening  due to a Breathing Machine                                  Sudden Severe Hypotension & Dyspnea                                    Decrease BReath Sound , Hyperresonance!-Primary Spontaneous Pn : No underlying Lung Disease                                              Smoking/ flying-Secondary Spontanous Pnthorax: With Lung Disease( Azma COPD , cystic Fibrosis)-Traumatic Pn thorax: Chest Injury -Iatrogenic :Due ot medical Intervention , MEchinical ventilation

-Tension Pneumnothoax : Air in Pleural Space Cannot Exit ( Most Serious) — due to Respiratory   distress

                                             Low BP , Dyspnea, Falling O2 Saturation,Distended ,Bradycardia Jugulanr Vein                                            Pleureal in Plerua Goes Up puting PRessure on your hear—> Decreased Output!!!^^Sx:dyspneapleuritic chest Pain-Decrease Breath sound-Hypersonancy on perucssion^^Dx:-CF: Pain , Pleuritic Chest Pain ,-Decrease Breath Sound , Hyperresoanance -Xray : (Except Tension)
1-Overexpanded Ribcage ,2-vascular Marking abscent /Visceral Pleura  Will be pushed in (medially)3- Trachea is Shifted to opposite Side4-Mediastinal Shift^^Tx:-Immediate Needle Decomrpession——>Tension Pn Thorax(Emergency do not even do Xray)-Catheter Aspiration ———->Asx Primary Pn Thorax-Tube thoracsotomy———–>2nd and Traumatic Pnthorax!**Hemothorax:-Cause Blunt /Penetrating Trauma to Chest-Dx: Respiratory Distess/ Shock (low BP)/ Reduced Breath Sound/HR up        XRAY -Tx: Drainage+ Remove the source of Bleeding**Flail Chest:-Cause:  blunt Trauma , multiple broken Ribs-Dx: Paradoxical motion of Chest  -Tx : +ve Pressure Ventilation** Hemopericardium (Bleeding in heart)Cause:Penetrating Trauma to ChestDx: Loss of Blood ,Rising Heart Beat , Tx:Release Blood & Repair Whole!***Chest Trauma:^^Sx: -Hypoxia-Shock!(Many Reasons)-Patient Pain level Very HighTypes Of Trauma:I-Penetrating Injury :-PArtietal Pleura Intrathroacic Viscera-Superficial Wound(Gunshot /Stab) ———–>Can Result in   LUNG: Ptnthorax/ HemoThorax  (DO XRAY)                                          HEART :    bleeding injury  (Exhocardogram)                                         AORTA: Holes( CT)                                             Trachea:    ( Broncoscopy) II- Blunt Trauma:-Fractures of Bones-Non complicated: Chest bone fracture/ Hematoma

-Intrathoracic viscra: CVS/ Esophagus Rupture

—> Can Result in   RIBS  :FLIAL CHEST /FRACTURE /PnThoax                               LUNG : Pnthorax/ Pulmonary contusion

                                HEART : Cardiac Contusion(Do EKG) 

                               AORTA Injury DiseaseASthma:Acute BronchitisPnGx-Airway inflammation harder to breath through-Trigger from person to personTiggers:-Pollution /cigarette, Dust, Mold ,ASpirin , Beta Blockers-Inflammatory or Upper airway  which can progress to lower-Viral > BacterialTigger:I- Infectious :Viral > BacterialII-SmokingNO HISTORY / NO Effective of Bronchidialors!-Infection in Lung Tissue—->inflmmation —-> Fluid in Lung tissue making it Hard to Breath-BActeria are in Alveoli-Causes: Viruses, Bacteria, FungiAdult :Influenza, Strep Pn,S aureusPx-Immune cell Form inflammationIL4 (Produce IGE)—>+ MAST Cell to release histamine&IL5——>+ Esonophil—->more cytokines release=increase spams + Mucous Secretion!-Asthma is Similar but ussually Has History of thoseEpisodes!-In ASthma there is response to B agonistCAP HAP VAP :48-72 hours of  intubation !BronchoPn : Throughout the Lung , broncjioles& AlveoliAtypical : infection just outside alveoliLobar Pn : Consolidation , Whole Lobe!!Dx-History of Asthma attacks-Sx: Dyspnea / Wheezing / Prolonged expiration-Test SPutum: Curshmenas spirals^^CF-Cold like Sx( CoughMOST IMP)Min 5 day!!-Non productive—> productive(With time), Colored-Mild Fever-Ausculation : Normal ,Crackle , Wheezing-Emesis-Sx : Dyspnea , tachypnea-Xray : Pleural Effusion-Dullness to PErcussion-Tactile Vocal FremitusTx-Avoid Triggers-X : Bronchodialators (b agonsit+ Anti cholinergics)      CSD      Histamine(-)-Self Limiting -Sx (Paracetamol & hydration) -Anti ocugh drug if cough is at night!Tx:-Depend on Type & Severity1- Ax most common2-Pain medicationI-OutPatient:CAP :MaC/Fluoro .MACazithromycin/clarithromuysinFluor: Mexo/ievo flaxacin !II-Inpatient:Ceftiaxon+(Mac or Fluoro)III-ICU:B lactam+ Macrolide+(Blac+Fluoqo)HAP :antipesudeomal and anti-MRSA
PECor PulmonaleCOPD-Blockage of PA  this could depend on what PA is affected-decrease in Blood Downstread-Right Ventricular Hypertrophy(Failure) Partially reverisble Airway OBsturction  2 Types:1- Chronic Bronchitis : 3 M ,2 Y of Cough2-Emphysema: Destruction of Lung parencyma Loss of elastic Recoil and Alveolar septa-Eolbi ussually Comes from Thrombi in the Lower Limbs -then dislodges and blocks in the PA -Size determines the Sx1- Destuction of Capilllary Bed2- Alevolar Pressure Up3- Hypertrophy of arterioles4-Vasoconstirciton due ot Hypoxia & HypercapniaMean Arterial PRessure>25 mm/hgCauses:Left Heart problemChronic Lung disease1- Inflammation : due to inhlated toxin (Soke)2- Infection : Due to bacteria3- Airway limitation :Obstruction /Loss of Recoild or both —>Hyperinflattion1-Sx:-Small nothing-Large: Chest Pain , Shortness of Breath ,Fatigue2-CT angioram3-V/Q Scan : Shows areas that are ventilated by Not Perfused4- elevated D -Dimer-ECG : increase Pressure in Pulmonary arteries-Spirometery To find  lung disease1- History of smoking2-Spirometry: FEV , FVC , Ratio All Down3- Xray : emphysmea: hyperinflation increase in peristernal space4-VC down5- alpha 1 antitrypsin level1-Thrombolytic Drugs2-Pulmonary Thrombectory3- anticoagulantes ((Start Heparin then Wardarin)4- IVC Filter -O2-X to improve heart function ( if Cardiogenic Problem)-X :Anti hypertensive -Stop Smoking-O2 therapy-X: Bronchidilator , CSD-Surgery :Reduce Volume and transplant  
Bronchiactasis (Purulent)Lung Abscess(Purulent)Cytic Fibrosis(obsturctive)^^Gx:– (+)-Enlarged Airway-50% with Cystic fibrosis-Irreversible Dialaiton of LARGE airways!^^Gx:Necrotizing Lung infectionPus filled cavity( Aureus)^^Px:-Aspiration(vommit)-Gignitivis-Poor Oral Hygiene1:O2(-)2::Saureus^^Gx:-Autosomal Receesive(Both Parents)-Genetic Disorder(CFTR gene mutation)-Organs Affected : LUNG & Pancrease^^Px: =CFTR Prt Pumps Cl Ion-CFTR Mutation -This Mutation blocks CL channel-not Alllowing Water To Pass Through Make Mucous Thicker-making Mucous thicker,!Pancrease:-Cysts and Pancreatic Insuff-Due to Obstruction of the duct can lead to pancreatitisSx:-abnormal secretion Clearance-yellow ,Green sputum-Bad Breath-Hemptysis!!criteria: Chronic cough+SPutum production /CT(+)
Px:Chronic infl (-) mucous clearance^^Dx:-CF(Fever/Cough+Sputum/Chest Pain)-Dullness-Crackles-Xray consolidation^^Sx:Start in childhood from pacrease—->Lung-Cough & Fever-leads to bronchiactasisPancrease:-Fat in Stools-Pancreatic insuff—>peancreatitis-Clubbing-Nasal Polyp growth-Allerigc bronchopulmonary aspageiolosis^^Dx:-Newborn Screening-Swear Test–> High Cl-Check pncreastic Enzyme-Check 72 hour Fat in Stools^^Dx:-CF-XRAY(Tree bud/Dialated BronchiThickineng BonchiWall)GOAL Control infection         control inflamamtion           Bronchial hygeine Tx:-Control Infection (Ax)(amoxillin TMP,2n G cepalospon)-Surgery of affected part-Drainge^^Tx:1: Clindamcin/ Blactam+Lactamase(IV—>OP when fever falls)2: Ax Targery therapy-Surgeryif >6cm/Epiraical Tx Fail/ Emphysema^^Tx:-Nutriotion + Kg Gain+Ancrase enzyme replacement2-Chest physiotherpay(Push Mucous Out) 3-Inhaler4- X:N a^^ Atelactassis:incompelete expansion of Lung(lobar or segmental)——–>Hypoventilated areas—–>decrease Gas Exchange due to loss of lung volumeOBsturctuve Type: —–>Complete obstruction of Airway, Obs at any anatomical level                                          (Forigen body mucous plugging Tumour latrogenic)                                           Distal part of Lugn collapses and mediastinum shift towards that AreaCompressive Type——–> Pleural cavity is Filled with component : Air , blood Tumour                                                In this case mediastinum shift awayCircational——->destction ofl ung parenchyma by fibosis                                No shfit in mediastinumAdhesive———–>Surfactant dfiency!

RF^^Gx :Failure of Resp System TO Oxyngation or Remove CO2[N] PO2: 5-102mmhg[N[Pa Co2:40-45,mmHgPaCo2^^Types:I : O2(60-) ,CO2  ↓ (ARD,LHF,AZMA Cyanosis)-)  II: O2 (60-),CO2  ↑(C bronchtiis,X overdose ,Neurmuscular ,Cyanosis (+))^^Dx:-Arterial BP-Sx:Cyanosis/HR ↑/Dyspnea-Xray—>Heart size/effusion-Lab Creative Kinase^^Tx:I—>O2 High DoseII—>lower SDoseTx the underlying conditionLung Cancer(When Sx are aparent Poor Prognosis)^^Gx:-Smoking (all forms)-Other: Random gascarcniogenPassvie smokingEGFR mutation^^Px:-Resp Epithelium-Time(-) Tumour Suppressor Gene ↑ Growht & prolifer of Abnormal Cell
^^ class:SCLC (smoker/agressive/Rapid growth)NSCLC ( Large , quamous adenocarcinoma)^^Sx:dyspnea/hemopssys/↓ KG^^Dx:XRay #1 (>1cm Malignant/ Bening)CF CBC : cytopeniaBiopsyFEV1>2L (operation)FEV 1.5(-) ( Non)^^Tx:Cetral vs Peipheral Center( SCLC+Squamous)Peipheral( Adeno+LArge)
TB^^Gx:-chronic progressiveLatency period-Lungs-95% Latent-Can kickstart later-Cause: M TB /Bovis/ African^^Px:-Tb gets into theAlveolar MAcrophage-Secretes enzyme Prevent fusion lysozome-It then Prliferates inside the Cell-! Tb :Sx appear-3 W ,CM immunitry—->Granuloma(Tissue inside dies, Caseous necrosis)-Ghon gocus-Tb Moves to HIlar LN  cause caseation-ghon complex formed (lower lobes)-Resulting in Fibrosis & calfcificaiton(Ranke Complex on Xray)-Ghon focus can be dormal or reactivatedin case of Immuno(-)^^Sx:-Can Migrate to other organs(Miliary Tb)(Kidney/vertebra/brain Adrenal/Liver)^^Dx:PPD Test—->does not disintguish LAen from ActiveXray : x Nodes-Bronchioscopysputum Stain : Neil Z StainSputum Culture : Culture ,Stain + PCR^^Tx:LAtent : 1 X for Long Time, Isonaized 9 M-Active :Combination of Ax                 in Few Week He wont be infectiosu(Isonaizied/Rifampin/Ethambutol/Pyrazinide)RIPE1-Rifampin :Red urine& saliva2-ISonazid :D6 supplement3-Pryizinamide4-ethambuol 2 Months all 4 XLast 4 Month ISo + RifampinDo Xay AgainMDR TB: