Primo de Rivera’s Dictatorship (1923-1930): Rise and Fall

Primo de Rivera:

The world is conditioned by consecuncias of the First World War. The German Republic was powerless to the conditions he has imposed the Treaty of Versailles. Clemenceau’s France is facing protests. The UK knows first-moderate Labor government in history in 1924 when opening a stage characterized by distention good economy, the Plan and the Treaty of Dames Lacarno. (Happy 20’s) On September 12, 1923 takes place a coup carried out by Primo de Rivera who tries to end politca lack of initiative to solve the problems of the country and the instability created by: 1) difficulties published mainly in Cataluña.2) Increased prices, low demand and the paralysis of industria.3) Showdown in Parliament and in public opinion by the disaster Annual.4) Climate induced military conspirator Africon 5) The statements of the king calling for a solution with or without a constitution. Given this situation Primo de Rivera is pronounced with his troops and the king orders government forms supporting the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera. On September 14 the Government of Garcia Prieto resigned over the refusal of the king to punish the military qolpistas. The PSOE and the UGT merely attempt to defend the rights won by workers. Only some intellectuals like Azaría, Unamuno and Valle-Indon much opposed to the dictatorship. Primo de Ribera published the manifesto of 13 September which further explains the causes leading to golpe_ lack of public order, currency depreciation and loss of respect for the king. Government announces its program based on: “In the formation of a Military Board,” Solving the problem of Morocco, “Punish the corrupt, – Development of a Spanish tocsin. It tries to improve relations with the tax office opening people and their relationship with the church is not satisfactory in spite of his Catholicism. His relationship with the people is paternalistic. Primo de Rivera creates a directory which aims to advise military in politics needed to rebuild the country. The dictatorship is a restriction of press freedoms and political and cancellation of the system of representation created by the Constitution of 1876. The Directory “suspend constitutional guarantees; – Replaces civilians by military governors, dissolves and suspends the Provincial Board Members;-create the tocsin on 18 September 1923;-limits press freedom by establishing censorship,-Closing the Ateneo and the exile of Miguel de Unamuno, “Prohibits the May Day demonstrations. At first the dictatorship is supported by the Catalan conservative rationalism but the centralized policy and patriot comes into collision with the nationalists. Dismiss the President of the Commonwealth Alfonso closed room, catalan prohibited in churches and closed the newspaper of the Liga. Primo de Rivera intervened in relations with Morocco as they are approved, proclaimed commissioner intervenes in Morocco. The military in Africa are not of aquiero with the withdrawal of troops. Abdel-Krim tries to take Tangier and occurs against the creation of the Franco-
Spain that have resulted in the arrival of Al Hoceima (925) defeating the Moroccan leader. End the war in Morocco and Primo achieved political success in 1926.
Jose Calvo Sotelo creates municiapl and provincial statute which expand the powers of the municipalities and provincial councils. It enables increased infrastructure spending and the Canary Islands as a result of rivalry between the bourgeoisie Promina is created which includes Las Palmas Gran Canarias, Lanzarote and Fuenteventura. They produce a draft electoral law in accepting the vote of women who are heads of households. The Patriotic Union has its origins in agricultural circles that move at 24 to support the new regime under the slogan: monarchy, religion and homeland. Serves meeting with the chiefs that became political support from the government. It dissolves once the dictator disappeared. In 1925 Primo provides a directory with the intention of civil institution, the new regime. The new government team is made up of former members Mauristas and the Patriotic Union. Primo de Rivera requires the evolution of voting for the people to support the new regime of the mission of developing new legislation for the new times. It creates the National Assembly in 1926 with the mission of drafting a new constitution completed in 1929. The project is rejected by not having the support of the Crown and the opposition. There is a growing global economy especially increasing trade. “The state intervenes in the economy as AMPSA creating monopolies. -Granting of subsidies to compaNias shipping and mining. “To end the war in Morocco is in a better state for public works portion. “There is a concentration causing the disappearance of the Catalan banks and banking elite favors more. The Crisis of the Dictatorship was mounted by the political opposition, the discontent of the military, relations with the labor movement and the internal crisis. The university held an opposition to the regime, establishing the federation against the Spanish university reform effort that prevented university academic freedom. The armed forces sided with Primo in 1923 but not everyone agreed the military because of a merit based system of war. Jose Sanchez is the leader of a ruling that involves tn all groups had formed the republican alliance. The aim is to carry out aa a general strike and raise the army. The Crown accepted the resignation of Primo in January 1930. Then the commissioner of Morocco Damascus Berenguer is chosen by King Alfonso XIII to lead the transition from dictatorship to constitutional normalcy in 1876. Berenguer establishes measures to dilute the power system of the dictatorship as the dissolution of the National Consultative Assembly. Faced with popular pressure to enact an amnesty solves the problem of the bookies and facilitates the return of the features in college and Unamuno’s return from exile. On the other hand, His government faces the hegemony of the social left that star in the strikes led by the PSOE, UGT and CNT. At this stage there is a collapse in popularity of the monarch, is made the conversion of the Patriotic Union led by Calvo Sotelo and call National Monarchist Union in 1931.