Prosthetic Devices: Advancements and Impact

Medical Advancement: Prosthesis

It is probably true to say that the last 50 years have seen the most remarkable medical advances ever known to humankind. However, it is difficult to single out just one of these as the greatest medical breakthrough. One possible criterion for greatness is the range of potential benefits obtained by its discovery and development. Thus, it is evident that the prosthesis is one of the most important developments of the last few decades.

There are a wide range of benefits from using prosthetic devices, including a more natural appearance and more control over the area of the body with the missing limb or part. However, a major downside is the price associated with these devices. Furthermore, physical therapy is usually required so that patients can learn to properly control and care for their prosthetic devices. During a patient’s recovery, physical therapy is a crucial aspect towards regaining a fully functioning limb.

A prosthetic device usually refers to an artificial body part that is used to replace one that was damaged or diseased. Most people think of a prosthetic arm or leg, but there are other areas of the body which can be replaced with prosthetic devices. The teeth, for instance, can be replaced with dentures.

Many patients choose to use prosthetic devices because they want to appear normal on the outside and fit into society. Although many artificial body parts don’t look exactly like the real limb, many people consider them more attractive than a missing arm or leg. Having a prosthetic to fill out clothes and allow for more natural movements can make a big difference for those who are feeling self-conscious about their appearance. Many people that invest in prosthetic limbs generally have greater self-esteem and confidence while doing everyday activities.

Although there have been many advancements in the development of prosthetic limbs, scientists continue to discover new applications that can further benefit patients in ways that are still being researched. Thus, I believe prosthetic limbs merit consideration as the greatest medical advancement of recent times.

Smartphones: A Competing Technological Advancement

Despite the long history of technological advances that our world has experienced over the past fifty years, the invention of the smartphone is famed as one of the most valuable technological developments. With its advanced computing capabilities and other various high-tech features, smartphones have changed the way people interact in society. Smartphones have not only taken over the shelves of phone stores but also the streets of our cities. This invention has transformed the world of communication and is considered an essential accessory in today’s society.

  • In the later part of the 1990s, many mobile phone users began carrying PDAs (personal digital assistants).
  • Early PDAs ran on various systems such as Blackberry OS and Palm OS.
  • Nokia released a phone combined with a PDA in 1996.
  • Smartphone technology continued to advance throughout the early 2000s.
  • The advances in technology of early smartphones paved the way for the introduction of the iPhone, the Android operating system, and even more.

However, like all inventions, smartphones have advantages and disadvantages. The most significant advantage of smartphones is the ability to easily communicate with family, friends, and coworkers all over the world. Since the first cell phone, we’ve been able to make calls while on the go. But given the fact that almost everyone today owns at least a basic mobile phone and the majority have their phone on hand at all times, you’re able to get in touch with people nearly 24/7. Furthermore, the increased speed of the internet and other apps has made it easier to virtually book reservations or buy concert tickets without having to go in person.

A major disadvantage to the smartphone is that it hinders real human interaction. Smartphones can do so much these days, some people have trouble tearing themselves away long enough to reconnect with the real world. Often times you see people around town, on public transportation, and in stores with their eyes and fingers glued to their mobile device. Instead of interacting with the people around them, they ignore face-to-face conversation for virtual ones. Unfortunately, many serious car accidents have been attributed to drivers paying more attention to their phones than the road.


Do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages? I strongly believe that smartphones have the potential to enhance our technological world in a good way as long as people use them for the right reasons. People cannot forget to live in the moment and have to be able to put down their phone when it is time appropriate. In order for smartphones to continue to be a positive asset in society, people have to be aware of the negative consequences that the misuse of smartphones can lead to.