Protecting LGBTQI+ Youth: Ending Harmful Practices & Discrimination

In some countries, young LGBT persons are subjected to harmful so-called ‘therapies’ intended to ‘modify’ their orientation or identity. Such therapies are unethical, unscientific, and ineffective and may be tantamount to torture. Young transgender people also lack access to recognition of their gender identity and are subjected to abusive procedures, such as sterilization or forced treatment.

In addition, intersex children and young people may be subjected to medically unnecessary, irreversible surgery and treatment without their free and informed consent. These interventions can result in severe, long-term physical and psychological suffering, affecting children’s rights to physical integrity, to health, privacy, and autonomy and may constitute torture or ill-treatment. States should prohibit such interventions.

Laws that, directly or indirectly, criminalize people based on their sexual orientation or gender identity further exacerbate violence and discrimination. This includes ‘anti-gay propaganda’ laws that arbitrarily restrict rights to freedom of expression and assembly and threaten the work of LGBT organizations and human rights defenders. Although it is claimed that these laws protect children, the result is typically the exact opposite: they result in violence against children and young activists who speak up against abuses. These and other discriminatory laws go against international human rights standards and should be repealed.

States must act to protect all children and young adults from violence and ensure that effective child protection and support systems are in place, including shelters and other safety mechanisms for those in need of protection.

Societal attitudes against LGBT and intersex persons should not be used as justification to promote discriminatory laws and policies, to perpetuate discriminatory treatment, or to fail to investigate and prosecute those responsible for violence against LGBT and intersex children and young people. States must act to overcome prejudice and stereotypes through anti-discrimination initiatives in schools and public education campaigns. They should also address intersectional discrimination and violence against LGBT and intersex youth based on race and ethnicity.

The health and well-being of all children and young adults must be protected, including through ensuring access to non-discriminatory health services and comprehensive sexuality education, and by protecting the rights of all children and young adults to their identity, autonomy, and physical and psychological integrity.

We call on States to comply with their obligation to respect, protect, and fulfill the rights of all children and young adults without discrimination, to ensure that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex children and young people are consulted and participate in discussions on policies and laws that impact their rights. We also call on human rights and child rights institutions to fulfill their mandate and play their part in protecting them from violence and discrimination.”